In the name of diversity, equity and inclusion, the Fairbanks School District is planning to roll out a new compulsory high school health curriculum that includes materials such a graphic Planned Parenthood-produced videos depicting various LGBTQ actors making out, undressing and preparing for various forms of gay and hetero “sex.”
The half-credit course is required for graduation.
Buried on an obscure page of the district’s website, limited portions of the proposed curriculum are availabe to view, but the public comment period quietly ended on Aug. 27. In this way, the district can claim that the larger community had a chance to weigh in on the curriculum before the school board considers and votes on its approval in November or December.
Most likely, however, very few people outside entrenched district bureaucrats have ever seen the proposed health curriculum, let alone clicked on the sexual foreplay videos produced by the nation’s largest purveyor of abortion.
Every few years, the Fairbanks district updates its core curriculum, giving left-wing activists an opportunity to remove or demote traditional classic literature, while inserting books and materials that promote climate alarmism, critical race theory, identity politics and LGBTQ sexuality. A few years ago, the district harnessed its language arts curriculum update to narrowly approve injecting LGBTQ ideology into the study of social studies and literature.
With the health curriculum currently being overhauled, the school district is proposing a curriculum that drafters claim will “help young people navigate sexual development and grow into sexually healthy adults.”
The district is taking its lead from a group called Future of Sex Education (FoSE), which works with a host of ideologically-driven non-profits to advance a “national dialogue about the future of sex education and to promote the institutionalization of quality sex education in public schools.”
By “quality,” these organizations mean explicit, graphic, pro-abortion and even kinky.
According to the introduction to the proposed Fairbanks curriculum, the goal of “quality sex education goes beyond delivering information. It provides young people with opportunities to explore their own identities and values, along with the values and beliefs of their families and communities.”
In reality, however, the values embedded within the suggested curriculum present sex as an amoral recreational activity that can be done in myriad ways with multiple partners and in varied relationships, so long as everyone is on board. That’s not how a large portion of Fairbanks parents view sexual values, especially those attempting to raise their children with a clear understanding that sex is designed for the marital union of one man and one woman.

While the draft curriculum does not specifically condemn traditional sexuality, it does systematically undermine it with a firm insistence that “healthy sex” is whatever you and your partner(s) agree on. If teens need condoms, pills and abortion to make their preferred encounters possible, then the curriculum strives to empower them to access these options.
One of the approved websites for the proposed Fairbanks high school health program is iWannaKnow.org, which prominently features a series of Planned Parenthood videos that instruct teens on how to prepare for, request and consent to various lesbian, gay and heterosexual encounters. Videos show women grabbing each other’s breasts, two men undressing in order to try “something new,” and a man pulling the shirt off a woman while she grabs his crotch.
Sprinkled throughout the videos is a voyeuristic narrator who appears in the scene watching the make-out sessions and lauding the sexual encounters with praise and thumbs up signs. The iWannaKnow.org website is part of the approved “resources and materials” for the mandatory high school health class.
In addition to watching the graphic videos, students are also instructed to role play how they would behave in similar situations. This is part of the “performance indicator,” to gauge whether teens have understood and internalized the presented information.
Another section of the health curriculum exposes teens to gender identity ideology, including material for planning a “safe date.”
Most of the draft curriculum details and specific content, however, are not provided in the publicly viewable material, and there is no direct link to the actual textbook (Essential Health Skills for High School, Goodheart-Willcox, 2023). Instead, the proposed curriculum merely references the textbook and provides brief overviews of subject matter – largely omitting the highly controversial details. For example, despite the fact that Planned Parenthood videos are part of the online materials, there is no mention of the abortion company, or even the word “abortion” in material presented to the public. Likewise, references to “LGBTQ” are absent in the curriculum overview, but this ideology is sprinkled throughout the approved class resources.
The draft curriculum claims to be aligned with the “Alaska Content Standards,” but it ventures far beyond anything the state requires for health classes. In fact, the Alaska Content Standards merely state that students should “understand the physical and behavioral characteristics of human sexual development and maturity,” nothing more.
According to the organization that provides content direction for the Fairbanks health curriculum, FutureOfSexed.org, the goal overarching goal is the institutionalization of unfettered sexual content in schools across the United States. It targets Alaska as a particularly problematic due to the fact that the state does not specify how school districts teach sexual development, but leaves those decisions up to each local district.
— Click here to review the Fairbanks School District’s proposed health curriculum. Scroll down to page 82 to find the link to the proposed video materials.
— Click here to see the Planned Parenthood videos that are part of the approved materials for the proposed high school health class.
— Click here to contact Fairbanks School Board members.
— Click here for information about how to testify at the Sept. 3 Fairbanks School Board meeting.
School curriculum ideas have moved south to the “out house”.
These suggestions are sick. Don’t even belong in the same paragraph with the word health or education!. It’s obvious we need to fire, Eliminate, run out of town on a rail these people that are suggesting this stuff. Fire them & defund the school board – that would be a good place to start. Sounds like a plan alright…. “Plan parenthood environment.”!
We need to start from Ground Zero and give the school board authorization to teach reading writing arithmetic Science and history if they can find true in history. Stop this insanity.. no more.
These bunch of Mentally ill people can go play with themselves behind closed doors in their house. keep our kids out of it.
Why are they (or anybody) hiring Planned Parenthood to teach about sex? Do the regular teachers not know how sex works? I know “education college” has been the repository for the lower 10% of colleges, but really, I should think tab A in slot B would be pretty easy for just about any adult to explain.
They hire PP because PP is the only ones making these videos. How sex works is not their agenda. Teaching that gay is OK is the agenda. Normalize it, make it common, and when kids are lonely they will have an option to heteronormal sex. Our way of life and our values will need to give way tho there’s. Or at least that is their plan.
Umm…fyi…being gay IS OK, and IS normal. I think you left your sex education back in the 1970s. Learning that gay people exists does not make people turn gay. Thats not how it works.
Considering a QUARTER of 13 year olds and over HALF of 16 year olds engage in penetrative sex in Alaska, this sort of information is what adolescent students desperately need. Hows about you let your children learn how to protect themselves from STDs and sexual assault? Abstinence only education failed miserably.
The half-credit course is required for graduation. The 10% are asking the rest of us to condone their activities and require viewing “alternative lifestyle foreplay “education” plus role play how they would behave in similar situations to gauge whether teens have understood and internalized the presented information.
Are you kidding? I guess not. People will protest, but the Fairbanks School District will shrug and march lock step in the name of diversity, equity and inclusion. Time for parents to home school their kids or move out of the Fairbanks School District.
I went through all of the Fairbanks scope and sequence for all of the health curriculum k-12. It has been years since I have paid any attention. I only see the ‘I wanna know’ link as a suggested activity but that leaves it up to the teacher, or will it be a resource made available to the students? Can’t tell. I could tell right away the film clips were graphic and very unnecessary. On the other hand I was pleased to see lots of attention focused on nutrition and healthy lifestyle. Also that there was some importance placed on abstinence as the only way to avoid pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease. Those were under ‘required’. Still, it is overall ‘nanny state’ stuff, much that could or should, snd used to be, taught in the home.
Will parents oblige, or remove their children? If they go along with this, they are every bit as guilty as the evil curriculum planners. Just freaking get you kids out! It ain’t that hard!
Planned Parenthood is funded partially by Federal tax dollars – the kind we all pay for. And I thought that the Alaska State Constitution forbid exposing children to pornography. The graphic sex videos furnished by PP are porn, pure and simple. I have to agree with Richard that the school board should be run out of town, banished from Alaska, and forced to move to a more hospitable state for their kinky views like California. The sooner the better. Parents need to pay attention to what is going on in the schools. The school boards cannot be trusted anymore.
sheiia did you purposely ignore the fact that your beloved Dimleavy has his chosen attorney General by his side being compliant while the law breaking is occurring?!!!? Maybe the school board ought to be run out of town as you say, but the same should be said for the this pathetic leadership we have that are more concerned about carbon flatulence than protecting parents rights and their children’s innocence.
Cmon Fairbanks, is this what you want?
Planned Parenthood = Sodom and Gomorrah.
Just plain Sick
According to this curriculum from 2016 (https://resources.finalsite.net/images/v1722883110/k12northstarorg/oxjwxt8lycgqq8fjd47t/Health-K-12-AdoptedMay32016.pdf), “iwannaknow.org” has been a “suggested activity” for almost a decade now. I’m not sure when the language about “exploring their own identities and values” was added, but it’s not present in the 2016 document (and that’s a good thing, given the phrase’s ideological coding).
Another difference between the two is the inclusion of a “gender identity” topic in the 2024 document. Regardless of how anyone feels about the topic, it seems extremely inappropriate to include in a public school curriculum just on the basis of it being a politically charged subject and almost impossible to cover in a neutral way. This content should be ejected from the curriculum yesterday.
I’m not impressed with the health and nutrition advice either. I saw no discussion regarding the importance of proteins and (yes AND) fats. That’s a glaring omission and I can think of several ideologically motivated reasons why these fundamentals are omitted in favor of topics like “vitamins”, “minerals” and “water” (hint, none of the approved topics connect to climate change, whereas a diet rich in healthy proteins and fats implicitly requires an unfashionable support for gauche practices like animal husbandry and butchery).
So, in conclusion, yes, the FNSB public school system is almost certainly indoctrinating your kids on at least two fronts and probably has been for a long time. Fortunately Alaska has some of the most robust homeschooling policies in the nation, making it easy to cast your people’s veto. The district needs to learn that we will not tolerate blatant brainwashing of our kids, and each one of us can teach that lesson by withdrawing our kids from the public school and enrolling with program like Raven or Cyberlynx. I like the idea of public schools facilitating the social development of our youth, but not at the cost of corrupting their souls. Separation of church and state should apply equally to secular “churches”, like the LGBT movement.
Leave sex education to the parents. Currently the cowards leading our universities that teach our future teachers, are bowing to the devil, the DEI-manifested, sexually confused minority desiring that our children join them in their misery.