
How does one define a coward? Or if we don’t want to judge their character, perhaps their “cowardly” actions?

And what is a “Chicken Hawk” anyway? This was a term used by the media to define politicians who were eager to use military force, so long as others did the work. The term was thrown most often at neo-con and globalist, former VP Dick Cheney. Perhaps now the Democrats will have their own.

You have heard that bullies are really cowards, but they use their aggressiveness to cover their inner fears. Bullies always pick soft targets, never ones that might match their own physique or militant character. In school, bullies picked on the class nerds, never the class jocks. If you have ever seen the movie The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, the villain Lee Marvin picks mercilessly on the nerdly Jimmy Stewart, who is serving steaks in a crowded saloon … until Marvin scornfully trips him, and John Wayne’s steak finds the floor.

Wayne ordered Marvin to pick up the steak, off the floor, which would be demeaning to the bully. He would not allow Marvin’s sidekick to do it. The room hushed, expecting a shoot-out. After a lengthy stare-down, Stewart, eager to avoid bloodshed, shows true courage by scolding them both, and picks up the steak himself. Marvin and his crew dash out the door and shoot wildly into the air to create confusion, keep people scared of him, and make good their escape.

Tim Walz is a Chicken Hawk: first he parades his military service. And why would a politician do that? Why, to show his courage, a virtue people admire even in an enemy. But now the truth about Walz is emerging, for resigning from his unit when it was going to be deployed to Iraq.

To borrow a phrase from submarine movies: “Damage control – Report!”

The Deep State always has some damage control handy. “Simply say that you did so in order to run for Congress.”

Yet his own compatriots know better, and are telling about his shameful resignation to the alternative media, and how the entire structure of the unit was compromised by needing to bring in unfamiliar replacements. Click here for details.

The next move would be to have the media lackeys either discredit the sources, or suppress them.

Figure: suppress.

Next: at a campaign stop for governor some years ago, he said that we need more gun control, and that he proudly disowned the NRA. “I have handled weapons in war” he told his audience, and they should not be in the hands of citizens.

“Damage control: Report!”

“Simply say that you merely misspoke. You meant to say, ‘I have handled weapons of war.’”

It never occurred to Walz that his own citizens of Minnesota might need them to protect their life and property during the 2020 riots, when he delayed calling out the National Guard.

Oh, and then he spoke of how the riots were “exciting” and were “restoring a sense of optimism coming back.”

And what of Kamala Harris, who set up a bail-bond fund to get rioters back on the streets as soon as possible?

“Damage control: Suppress!”

But it gets worse: Mother Teresa of Calcutta knew who “the poorest of the poor” were, the A-1 most helpless members of the human family: the preborn children, who are now firmly fixed into the crosshairs of Planned Parenthood, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. The unborn are easier targets than the class nerd or Jimmy Stewart, so Walz knows a soft target when he sees one.

Here is how a coward struts his “courage”: by bragging that he defied Nancy Pelosi’s advice to tone down his baby-killing rhetoric, signing a bill that allows elective abortion up until birth. If you view the video, it looks like Walz is about the burst a blood vessel, as he literally shouts his aggression to his radical audience.

“And my record is so pro-choice, Nancy Pelosi asked me if I could tone it down. I stand with Planned Parenthood, and we won!”

Wow, that took courage, Mr. Walz. You out-Lefted Nancy Pelosi!

Watch it here.

We are dealing with the demonic in this election. Whatever flaws exist in the alternatives, pale before the reality of this evil, lying, wicked, cowardly, bullying, doubling-down national ticket of death. They enjoy the continued support of big business, the media, academia, big pharma, the anti-human globalists and the endlessly deep pockets of the federal government.

A note to the remaining sensible Democrats out there: you still have a chance to step out of your self-induced stupor. This is not a matter of Left v. Right, Liberals v. Conservatives, Democrats v. Republicans. We are dealing with people who hate humanity. It is “Us” v. “Them.”

You will not be safe with these people.

None of us will be.

The views expressed here are those of the author.

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OPINION: Tim Walz – the ‘Chicken Hawk’

Bob Bird
Bob Bird ran for U.S. Senate in 1990 and 2008. He is a past president of Alaska Right to Life, a 47-year Alaska resident and a retired public school teacher. He has a passion for studying and teaching Alaska and U.S. constitutional history. He lives on the Kenai Peninsula and is currently a daily radio talk-show host for The Talk of the Kenai, on KSRM 920 AM from 3-5 pm and heard online


  • David Jones says:

    Bob Bird is the one who is dishonest about birth control and forced child bearing or backyard abortions. I stand with Harris and Walz all the way. To me, it’s obvious that the demonics are all in the Republican-Trump party.

    • Tamra Nygaard says:

      Please explain to us how abortion doesn’t kill a baby. Please explain to us how “backyard abortions” are the only possible way to avoid having to raise a child you chose to produce in the first place. Please explain to us how anyone is dishonest about the fact that every abortion ends the life of a child. Stand with whomever you like, but if you stand for abortion, then you stand for murder. You might try being honest yourself before casting aspersions.

      • Mark and Jeff says:

        Tamra. Not that easy. The core question is when are the two cells a human. A zygote is not a baby to me, nor is it a child. I confess no answer to the question. Best guess is the fetus becomes a human when it can live outside the womb

      • Anon says:

        Well mark and Jeff
        I don’t know any children say under 12 that can live completely on their own outside of the womb .

    • Caveman Smith says:

      It’s not trite to say that all of the people for “choice”, every one of them, has been born. For if God was to say, to any of them, it’s your time to be born, only your mother will abort you.” Would they be for “choice”?

      Beware. God’s Holy justice is always poetic.

    • John H Slone says:

      Typical “ Trump Derangement Syndrome” aptly demonstrated here David… get help fast!!

  • Davesmaxwell says:

    Mrs Jones should have excersized her demon given right!

  • Friend of Humanity says:

    Walz cannot be human. He has got to be a non-human in a human sack that does not know how to act.

  • RobertMcMorrow ,Sr. says:

    If you believe in God you can NOT be Pro-choice. God is maker of all human life and has chosen to sent a person to a woman. If you terminate the child you are saying that you are smarter than God. If you are not choosing God who are you choosing

    God is Pro-life. What else could He be?