Once again, we will have nationally recognized speakers coming to share with Alaskans on the aftermath of Covid and government control.
I have heard “public service announcements” on radio and Facebook telling me it’s time for me to get that recurring Covid jab. I think this is jab number 10 as Big Pharma continues to pile up money at your expense.

Many people tell me they are so done with Covid. They want to forget these last four years when the government took away many of our personal freedoms.
I’m not sure those who lost their jobs, or suffered severe injuries from the jab want to forget.
I’m not sure that those whose family members or friends died alone in a hospital or nursing home want to forget – but the government certainly wants you to forget.
The government doesn’t want you to know that it suppressed groups of healthcare providers who told you there were other ways to handle this plandemic.
And surely the government doesn’t want you to know that the mandatory six-foot social distancing wasn’t even based on scientific evidence. It was just a wag.
The government doesn’t want you to blame it for closing schools and causing our children to fall almost two years behind in learning.
Possibly the worst of all, the government wants amnesty for all the injuries it caused.
The further mainstream media and government agencies can push this information into the background, the better they will be able to repeat the same egregious actions in the future. But many don’t want to forget how the government interfered with our personal freedom. Many are becoming increasingly aware of the aftermath of this Covid experiment and what it did to us and our health.
And for that I have great news! Alaska Covid Alliance is very excited to announce our next event on October 26th, 2024, at the Egan Convention Center in Anchorage. Our event is titled, “Alaskans 4 Personal Freedom.” We have awesome speakers scheduled who will give you updates on the aftermath of Covid policies. These speakers include the following:
— Dr Meryl Nass who is still fighting the Maine Medical Board about the suspension of her license for giving Ivermectin by telemedicine. She will be speaking on the World Health Organization and its threat to our national sovereignty. She will also touch on the newest plandemic in the making and discuss how the global elites plan to disrupt your food supply.
— Lt Colonel (Dr.) Theresa Long, a whistleblower who testified before Congress – will address military vaccine.
— Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, cofounder of “DoNoHarm,” will speak on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in medical schools, and how this policy has affected what new doctors are learning or not learning in their educational process.
— Dr. Pam Popper will discuss vaccine lawsuits that have been filed and what success we have had in this area.
— Dr. Joel Wallskog, co-founder of React19, will recount his own vaccine injury, and unpack what avenues are open to others who were injured by this vaccine.
— Dr. Ryan Cole, who had his medical license restricted in the state of Washington for prescribing Ivermectin to Covid patients via telemedicine, will speak about turbo cancers that have occurred since the start of the Covid pandemic.
We will have a full day of speakers with a provided lunch. Thanks to our donor members who have helped us keep the cost to $55 each. Register and buy your tickets by going to our website.
Please join us for this event. We can’t forget because if we do, it will be easier to manipulate us again in the future.
I look forward to seeing you there!
The views expressed here are those of the author.
We’ll be going! Thank you for sharing this information Linda!
I don’t want to forget.
I want a Nuremberg Trial 2.0
I don’t want to forget.
I want a Nuremberg Trial 2.0
I got my flu shot and COVID booster a few days ago. Never any regrets. I knew the COVID shot wasn’t necessarily going to keep me from getting sick, but the one time I DID get COVID, it consisted mainly of a sore throat and laryngitis that really did a number on my voice, but I was back to normal in a couple of weeks. At the age of 65, I could have very easily landed in the hospital if I had not been vaccinated. And what I find exceptionally ironic is how so many of the people who cheered and praised Donald Trump for “Operation Warp Speed” ….. ended up refusing the vaccine that project gave us.
Paul, you know what’s great about America? It’s great because we have many freedoms that others do not. We have the Freedom of Speech and choice for the most part. But when it came to Covid, we lost many of our freedoms, including the Freedom of Religion. Remember, when churches were closed while bars, and marijuana shops were allowed to be open because they were vital? I am glad that you did well with your Covid case. I got Covid twice. Each time I took Ivermectin and 24 hours later I was back to normal. I had the right to choose my treatment which should be a right for all Americans. We are each unique individuals and what works for one may not work for another. I had 2 friends who were immunocompromised who got Covid. Both were admitted to the hospital. Both were given Remdesivir. One was refused Ivermectin. Both died. BTW, one was in his 50s and the other was in his 60s. We need to maintain the freedoms given to us in OUR US Constitution. Thanks.
Paul, everyone was scared at beginning of Covid but to now make those statements is quite unbelievable. You really need to do your research.
This is too many years too late, too little action, and too many talking points during an election season where it’s increasingly evident that talking points for the unimatrix are dwindling. Go online instead—don’t meet in a room full of the vaccinated to hear about how hindsight is 20:20, just like these talking points.
Pete, I hope you went to the 2 previous events, one in 2021 and one in 2022. We understand that election “noise” may be overwhelming but this should be a relief to hear truth versus politicians’ words. The speakers will not be addressing 20/20 hindsight as you say. They will be speaking on vaccine injuries, turbo cancers that have affected the younger generation, litigation supporting military members who have been discharged for refusing the vaccination, the implementation of DEI in our medical schools and the impacts on everyone in future healthcare, and finally the problem of the World Health Organization implementing pandemic procedures in nations without their approval.
We hope you could come and be open-minded to hear from the other side. Thanks for the comment.
My father died from that damned shot, and I had to waste two hours every week getting tested because I refused the damned thing. I will never forget the iron fist of government abusing citizens. Never. And no amnesty for the tin pot dictators that took my father’s life and my precious time.
Never forget! My sister-in-laws mother was killed in a New York hospital when supposedly Covid hit there. Homer workers had to be prepared to fight for the Seniors because the Covid infected were going to be brought into the Senior Citizens home if the hospital overflowed. The love of money is the root of all evil.
We need another Nuremberg trial not for the middleman who was used to commit the crimes unknowingly or by coercion but for those at the top who knew exactly what they were doing. We also need to get China’s influence out of our health policies. The Asians were masking up before we were. How come it all of a sudden became “science?”
Interesting Tamra. How do you KNOW that it was a covid shot that killed your father? Please explain. Your explanation should adhere to all the steps of the scientific method: 1 – state something about the world. 2 – present a hypothesis to explain it. 3 – create a test to either prove or disprove the hypothesis. 4 – create a way to measure the result of the test. 5 – form a conclusion. What will be hard for you is sussing out all the other health conditions afflicting you father. Like did he have covid, the flu a cold? Was he in good health? Was he old? Was he a smoker? Did he have a good diet? Those type of contributors to the death of your father must be eliminated before you can be certain that the covid vaccine was the cause of his death.