The election of 2024 is an accurate reflection of American culture. There are so many cross-currents, so many moments where we yo-yo from hope to despair, and back again, that it is impossible to know what to expect.
Donald Trump appears to be actively trying to alienate his base. One might guess that he is trying to lose the election, or what is more likely, he is once again allowing Deep State infiltrators to advise him. The same type of people sabotaged his presidency, beginning with his Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo. The people who told him Anthony Fauci must be brought to center stage. The people who are telling him constitutional considerations be damned. The people who told him that Red Flag laws were needed in gun control.
He has never repudiated his promotion of the Covid epidemic as an authentic danger, or the poisonous and phony vax, now universally seen as a hoax – a hoax that the underground media on the right understood immediately.
His opponent is a “ditz” – a scatterbrained, stupid, simple-minded airhead. She was an embarrassment to the Democratic Party for three-plus years with nonsensical syntax, mindless comments, and a witchy laugh, whose presence was merely a prop for political correctness. Overnight, once the Biden Bubble popped, she was transformed by the openly biased media from Ugly Duckling to Graceful Swan.
And we see where Democrats accuse their opponents of exactly what they have been guilty of: “If Donald Trump is elected, he will turn the machinery of government against his political opponents!”
A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for a puppet, just as it was for Biden. Her emptiness is her strength, so she can be morphed into whatever “model of the day” the Insiders want to project. Even her acting skills, such as they are, are junior-high shallow. The various accents that are crafted for her geographical or ethnic audience remind one of Dick Van Dyke’s efforts at a cockney dialect, in the otherwise superb movie Mary Poppins. Even Van Dyke admitted it was not convincing. But he could dance with the best!
Trump seldom completes an answer to questions, as he splits directions in mid-sentence. Most of his supporters know what he is saying, but only because they have followed the minefield he has navigated for eight years. This can be understandable for a man who has been THE most media-maligned politician in American History, exceeding by light years the former record holder, Sen. Joseph McCarthy, a man who also got too close to the truth.
And we see where Democrats accuse their opponents of exactly what they have been guilty of: “If Donald Trump is elected, he will turn the machinery of government against his political opponents!”
This is as ludicrous and as desperate an accusation as the Democrats could invent. It would make any Third World dictator envious.
Consider: 1) what Kamala Harris did as California attorney general to David Daleiden, the prolife activist who exposed Planned Parenthood’s baby body parts racket; 2) how Merrick Garland used the FBI to indict Trump at Mar-a-Lago, and the obvious free pass given to Biden on the exact same issue; to prolifers in Pennsylvania and Tennessee; to the Huepers in Homer, or to the January 6 defendants; 3) what the New York attorney general has done to Trump, running for election on the promise to “get him.”
It is a major reason RFK, Jr endorsed Trump.
But Trump has said little or nothing about the Climate Change hoax, which would be Covid on steroids. The waste of dollars on electric vehicle mandates. The corruption that Covid Money caused, although the Republican congress is now investigating Walz, who is just the tip of the iceberg.
And election integrity is not garnering the attention that it ought to, likely because Trump fears the Media Machine that still can cause him to balk.
Even as I write this, the wooden-headed zombie Merrick Garland is offering the shopworn suspicion of Russian interference in the election! How could this re-tread not be expected to become a flat tire? It is a test, and if the Harris Honeymoon phenomenon is any indication, it will succeed.
The test is to prove that any lie, even one discredited, can be repeated. One is reminded of Mary Peltola’s gushing endorsement of Biden being one of “the sharpest, smartest people” in D.C., or the White House press lying about Republican editing of videos that showed his senility. It provides the fig leaf of “plausible deniability” even when it is precisely not plausible.
That things have come to this point is an indication that in the election of 2024, salvation will come more on our knees than on our feet.
The views expressed here are those of the author.
Once again, Mr. Bird shows that he’s completely gone over the edge. From his admiration of Joe McCarthy to the debunked “baby parts racket,” it’s clear he believes nothing but what he creates in his own head. A few years back, some of Mr. Bird’s essays made a bit of sense, but no more. It must be exhausting to live in a world where everything is a conspiracy.
I strongly disagree with your assessment of Trump. Covid was an unprecedented event. He used all the tools he had to help. The states had their own governors calling the shots and as you remember, The Dems had control of the House. Remember those ships he sent too CA and NY? They were not used. Not Trump’s fault. He has a boisterous personality. Not a politician. I don’t like the name calling and other traits we see. However, when he was President, he did all the right things for our country. His policies worked. We were in good shape. That is what matters. He has exposed the rot of the media and US institutions for all to see. I pray he wins back the WH because we are headed off the cliff after 4 years of Biden/ Harris destruction.
Interesting article for the title or interesting title for the article? Salvation comes only through Yeshua our Savior.
I am dumbfounded by this crazy thought process. You need help.
When Trump was president he golfed for a total of a year. When Trump was president he alienated our allies and made love to our enemies. When Trump was president he made SS and others stay at his properties while charging ridiculous prices. When Trump was president he got rid of the pandemic commission so he had no direction go follow when the pandemic occurred. When Trump was president the US was dying.