In order to give biological girls access to the same bathrooms and as Mat-Su boys (and vice versa), the ACLU of Alaska filed a motion for preliminary injunction in an ongoing lawsuit against a Mat-Su School District policy that requires students to use the bathrooms according to their biological sex.
While the nearly nine-month-old case is still playing out in court, the ACLU is asking Superior Court Judge Tom Jamgochian to block enforcement of the current bathroom policy while the case is pending final resolution.
The case, X.A. v. Mat-Su Borough School District (MSBSD) aims to open the doors for gender-confused transgender students to use whatever bathrooms match their preferred gender identity. This could mean boys being able to use girls-only facilities, and girls having access to boys’ rooms.
The ACLU first launched the lawsuit back in January, representing a set of parents bringing the case on behalf of their biological daughter, who now claims she is a “boy.”
According to the ACLU, the girl in question “faces mental and physical challenges” due to the fact that she can’t use the boys’ restrooms.
ACLU of Alaska Legal Director Ruth Botstein claims the biological girl’s “constitutional rights to privacy and equal protection under the law being violated by the Mat-Su Borough School District.”
“We’re seeking a preliminary injunction so that he doesn’t have to continue to be singled out from his classmates, outed as transgender against his will, and miss valuable classroom learning time while the merits of this case are being reviewed by the courts,” Botstein said in a prepared statement.
The Mat-Su district’s bathroom policy was approved in 2022, and it defines a student’s sex as that which was determined “at birth.”
The ACLU’s argument hinges on the belief that children have a “fundamental right” choose their names, gender affiliation, and have access to whatever bathrooms they want.
In addition to citing “privacy protections,” the ACLU claims the Mat-Su bathroom policy also violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Alaska constitution because it “treats transgender students differently than other students and is motivated by the intent to discriminate against transgender youth.”
Opponents of this characterization often point out that making policies based off biological sex is not discriminatory, so long as they are applied equally. In this case, no biological girl is allowed access to the boys’ bathrooms – and vice versa.
This is not the first time the ACLU has targeted policies enacted by the conservative Mat-Su School Board. They also successfully challenged a library book protocol, which removed graphic, sexualized books from school libraries, in order to review them and determine whether they were in violation of Alaska criminal law.
The ACLU of Alaska has requested the court move quickly on its most recent request.
If you are still participating in public education, you are the problem, not the solution. Keep your kids home and watch reruns of Bewitched. You will be better off.
The public should not have to participate in the parents’ and students’ delusion. If some are delusional, , it is a bullying tactic to force it on the rest of us who are not delusional. Many have forgotten God and we need an awakening. and revival in our land. Obama is in his third presidential term, and
Dr. Paul McHugh, a surgeon at John Hopkins medical school said that it is wrong for Obama and Hollywood to push this false teaching that is harmful and destructive to the victims.. Undiagnosed or untreated gender dysphoria needs to be treated. It is important. People with a gender dysphoria have higher rates of mental health conditions. Some estimates say that 71% of people with gender dysphoria will have some other mental health diagnosis in their lifetime. That includes mood disorders, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, depression, substance abuse, eating disorders and suicide attempts. Those who have this mental illness mental illness blame Christians for their problems, That is the oppressed/oppression model. Supposedly, Christians are the oppressors and the delusional people see them selves as the victims. That is the Marxist model that Obama is pushing. It is a lie along with many lies promoted in this current culture.
The medical diagnosis of Gender dysphoria literally only exists BECAUSE of hateful treatment and bigotry by (primarily) Christians. Of christians didn’t treat trans people so horrible they would just be able to live their lives as the gender they identify with. But the torture you inflict on them causes them causes them so much pain and anguish that they are unable to have a normal life. You get that? To BE diagnosed as trans, you have to so miserable being forced to live as the wrong gender that you basically want to kill yourself. People like YOU are the reason they exist and the REASON for their mental traumas.
It was Captain John Parker, the leader of the Minutemen, who originally said “Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless fired upon. But if they mean to have war, let it begin here!”
COURAGE!!!It’s time.
NO. Letting the inappropriate books stay in the libraries opened the door for all of the rest of the evil crap that the demons are going to push on our children. It takes more than a handful of people to fight this war, but so many are walking around hoping that they are not forced to get involved. Well. If you don’t get involved, you will be standing in the government-ran food line waiting for your handout because you did not take a stand when it counted.
reminder: a few of us stood our ground and suffered alone while the rest compliantly took their paychecks and subsequently purchased anything there little hearts desired! As my better half is famous for saying, “the chickens are coming home to roost”. I was even told by a pastor in this valley ” you simply need to learn to suffer”! I had no choice, now the mass because of persistent selfishness will get to learn the lessen that comes from their choices. SUFFER! Not said desiring it , practically it is inevitable!
Dave, it has been suggested to you before and I will suggest it again, you have good energy that would be helpful to the small groups in the valley working against all this crap. Get involved with one of those groups and put that good energy to use within a group!
God created man and women end of story. Not these sick individual’s, all you have to do is ask God for help while you’re going through this sin in your life.
Foh the woman hiding behind the veil. Involvement with one of your little groups has produced what? My actions have at least caused the “enemy ” to get uncomfortable! Who is the enemy? I think it’s highly possible that it’s the ” conservatives who live among us! Yes even the church attending ones! I am the one who called out governor do nothing, caused his knees to shake and demanded a meeting with him! He was so afraid of me just like kamala Harris had to bring his support dog, attorney general Taylor attended as well! Seems to me that the fight were in at this time actually needs fighters! If your comfort is to join a group and chatter away the evening go ahead with my blessings! To me talk with no actions equals basic math, nothing! Check out my response again to someone I in fact do respect and value – Mike Shower! He needs to be more bold and ought to show up at the governors mansion door giving a firm message for the people. Media in tow of course! Same o same o doesn’t work anymore!
You will never know what is going on because your pride does not allow you to admit that there might be some actual good works going on. Soon enough we will all find out if we did enough or not.
Eve was the first Transgender woman. The christian faith requires you to believe that men can become women.
Because the Bible says God took the flesh of a man and made it into the first female.
Convert all bathrooms in all public schools into many small individual cubicles that all open onto the main hallways, have a toilet and sink, a door that can be locked and write bathroom on the door.
you pay for it
foh attack mode isn’t really your strong suite ! lol
I am sorry for you that you think that I am attacking you. I really am not.
Your bigotry and transphobia is on full display every time you talk about trans people. For someone who claims to be smart, you are shockingly ignorant about the medical realities of being a trans person.
Trans kids aren’t gender-confused. These bathroom laws aren’t for ‘gender-confused’ kids. Gender confusion is a separate, SPECIFIC condition that is NOT trans. To het diagnosed as Trans takes months of testing and therapy and psychological observation. The reason ot takes so long to get such a diagnosis os exactly because gender confusion is common and usually temporary. The whole point of the process is to make sure they really are trans and not just going through a phase. If you can’t understand that, you are too ignorant to talk about it.
I hope your a magician! How about a permanent disappearing act!
So who’s up for protesting the ACLU? I’m willing, able, have the testicular fortitude, have a bullhorn and several other tools of the trade.
Any takers?