After a hearing heated objections to proposed updates to a compulsory high school heath course, which include adding Planned Parenthood produced gay foreplay videos and gender identity training, the Fairbanks School District has decided to reopen the public comment period on the potential changes.
During a Sept. 3 meeting of the Fairbanks School Board, deeply concerned citizens raised objections to the fact that the proposed health curriculum updates includes websites that contain gay and heterosexual videos instructing teens on how to solicit sex from various gay and heterosexual partners.
The proposed curriculum is still in the draft stage. Once finalized it will go before the school board for final approval, and possible changes.
“Is it any wonder that families are pulling kids from public schools and homeschooling their children?” he said. “If anybody is creating division here, it is the school district.”
“In my opinion this is debauchery,” one area resident testified on Sept. 3. “You are contributing to the delinquency of a minor and you should search your own souls.”
Fellow resident Patricia Silva agreed.
“The problem lies within the system, within the policies,” she said, adding that the school district is advancing a “satanic agenda that is filtering throughout schools.”
One of the School Board’s most radically leftist members – Erin Morotti – responded to Silva by asking her if she was familiar with the Bible passage in Romans that admonishes Christians to “live at peace” with one another.
Opponents of the proposed health updates made it abundantly clear, however, that they were voicing their displeasure because the district is attempting to inject divisive and deeply offensive materials into the classrooms.
Fairbanks resident Dennis Gardella observed that homeschooling and private education are siphoning children out of the Fairbanks School District for its failure to teach basic academics, while aggressively pushing LGBTQ dogma and social emotional philosophy.
“Is it any wonder that families are pulling kids from public schools and homeschooling their children?” he said. “If anybody is creating division here, it is the school district.”
On another note, the superintendent also tried to minimize the fact that Fairbanks students have, once again, scored extremely low in the most recent math and reading assessments.
One woman exhorted school board members to stop pushing explicit sex education and, instead, focus on warning kids about the dangers of sex outside of marriage – disease, emotional scars and deep, long-lasting regret.
Several board members attempted to deflect criticism by noting that the proposed changes have not yet been adopted, and are still in the “draft” phase. This did not alleviate concerns.
Moms for Liberty member Gail McBride called the videos “unbelievable.”
“Shame on all involved,” she said. “I dare you to play them on a screen here.”
McBride said many parents are not even aware of the proposed materials, which are accessible on an obscure page of the school district’s website.
John Ewig suggested that perhaps the school district simply “hates children,” as evidenced by its failure to teach academics while polluting the mind of children with gender confusion and racially charged curriculum.
Once their constituents had spoken, several school board members chose to chastise the audience for their impassioned remarks, while suggesting that they were confused and ill-informed about the curriculum update process.
Superintendent Luke Meinert praised the teachers and staff who have been writing the controversial curriculum, but he also acknowledged that many in the community did not get a chance to weigh in.
He said the district was reopening the public comment period regarding the objectionable curriculum proposals. Comments can be submitted online until Sept. 15.
“We knew opening up health curriculum would provide engagement from the community, and we’re happy for that,” he claimed. “We want people to be engaged in not only the health curriculum writing process but all of our writing processes.”
On another note, the superintendent also tried to minimize the fact that Fairbanks students have, once again, scored extremely low in the most recent math and reading assessments. He claimed that the standards set by the state are “high” and suggested that just because students score below “proficient,” that doesn’t mean they aren’t making some progress.
He also explained that the district is planning to implement new protocols, to control media access to teachers and staff. In particular, his administration doesn’t want employees talking to reporters without the district’s approval and oversight.
— Click here to review the proposed health curriculum.
— Click here to view the controversial sex-ed videos that are part of the curriculum materials.
— Click here to comment on the proposed health curriculum updates. Comments must be submitted by Sunday, Sept. 15.
— Click here to contact members of the Fairbanks School Board.
— The next Fairbanks Curriculum Committee meeting is set for Oct. 3, 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Fairbanks District Administrative Center boardroom (520 Fifth Avenue).
— Click here for information on how to participate in the Sept. 17 school board meeting.
Most residents of this borough have virtually zero respect for the school board members who support this curriculum. They should be locked up for pushing this sick- minded garbage on kids. If we could pass paper ballot, hand count only voting, I would bet that most of these perverts wouldn’t get elected.
Agree, Please take your children out of these sick woke schools now. Before your kids are asked to cut their parts off. Plus they’re being told, it’s ok to be disrespectful to your parents.
They are short of the backbone needed to face off in another “Public” hearing, so .. “” He said the district was reopening the public comment period regarding the objectionable curriculum proposals. Comments can be submitted online until Sept. 15. “”
As FNSB school board member Melissa Burnett noted during the meeting, the controversial videos are not part of the proposed Health curriculum. Burnett is staunch conservative and has no reason to lie about this.
I hope that someone retorted back to that Morotti pervert that before the Bible says “live in peace with all men” it says: “IF it be possible, as much as lieth within you”(Rom. 12:18), meaning: WITHIN REASON!!! This is pure unadulterated filth and those of us who are pushed into a corner being forced to put our children into that cesspool known as “public school” against our better judgement will win in the end, because we will win the hearts of our children. This proposal is nothing other than an open attempt to sexualize our children according to the State’s timing, agenda, and orientation.
I spent about an hour going over that curriculum. I can’t believe you guys are slewing such bile and vitriol over something thats not even close to controversial.
First of all, the first time Sex education is even mentioned is in 7th and 8th grades. The 7th ed curriculum is very basic and focusses on puberty information, safety and teaching kids how to seek an adults help if they need to. And teaching them how to say no if they are asked to do something they Dont want to do. The 8th grade curriculum adds in more information and adds in information about dating and consent and how to have healthy relationships. The website you are freaking out about isnt mentioned until the 9-12 age block. Thats 16-18 year olds. In Alaska, over half of 15 year olds are engaging in penetrative sex and over 80% of 18 year olds are having sex. The website you are complaining about says this on page 1. “Our most basic advice is:
Talk to your parents; they were your age once
Talk to your partner (before you have sex)
Make sure you and your partner know how to use a condom correctly
Find a good health care provider and talk to them
Get help if you don’t think you’re in a healthy relationship
Get yourself tested and make sure your partner gets tested (before you have sex)
Take advantage of the vaccines that will help protect you
Learn what you need to know—and keep learning”
If you have a problem with ANY of those suggestions, then YOU are the problem, and your kids are likely going to be riddled with syphilis, chlamydia, herpes, genital warts and HPV, because YOU are failing to educate them properly.
What is PP curriculum doing in our school district?. Planned Parenthood is in the business of killing babies. Why are they involved at all in the schools? The goal is not innocent. Sex Ed has been a way to teach children the sex acts and things which should be left to the Parents in a Christian setting! Sex Ed violates Parent’s Rights to raise up their children, all ages. Ultimately, when looking into the sources, digging deeply, The nonprofits pushing this trash that takes the student’s minds off learning to read, write and do Math. Nonprofits listed were WEF World Economic Forum and Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. These are mentally ill atheists on a quest to kill us all off because they think we are overpopulated. Where is the proof? Statistics prove the contrary. We are not replacing ourselves which means America is dying.. These major actions are to destroy the family, the church and our Western Civ values. The board needs to be dissolved and replaced with Tuition Credits directly from the state that follow the students and parents, not the unions
A few years ago, anyone promoting this BS in school would have been arrested for child sexual abuse and sent to jail. This is nothing more than grooming and I would bet that a lot of these public officials would rather “throw children to the wolves” than protest this garbage and risk losing their high-paying jobs!
Take your children out of Public school. Teach them the basics with YOUR values, then there would be no need for a “school board”.