Both sides of the political divide are scrambling to register as many voters as possible for the upcoming Nov. 5 election.
In order to vote in the general election, Alaskans need to be registered to vote by Oct. 6 – or 30 days before the election. The one exception is for voting for president or vice president of the United States. In that limited case, Alaska law allows for same-day voter registration.
With a number of critical races and issues on the ballot – including contests for the presidency, U.S. Congress and 50 state legislative races – voter turnout will be key in a slew of close campaigns.
Alaskans will also vote on Proposition 2, which would do away with the complicated and highly controversial ranked-choice voting system, and return Alaska to its traditional party primaries and historic voting practices. Given that ranked-choice was narrowly approved – and widely misunderstood – by voters in 2020, the vote to repeal is expected to be very close.
Checking or updating one’s voter registration status is easy, and only takes a few seconds. Click here to check one’s voter status, or that of friends and family members.
To register to vote or update voter registration, Alaskans can use the Online Voter Registration System. This requires a valid Alaska driver’s license or state ID card. Information provided when registering must match the information contained in the Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) records. Those who do not have a valid Alaska driver’s license or state ID (or information cannot be validated), may select to register using a paper registration form.
Once the voter registration information has been submitted, the Alaska Division of Elections will contact applicants. No one is officially registered to vote until their application is approved.
Remember if you don’t vote you have Nothing to complain about.
So shut up and go back to your cry-room
If you don’t vote Alaskans, there will be other parts of our stare, turning blue like Anchorage/Portland is.
Thank you for the information Mr. Davidson! We’ll share this!
There are some important seats up for election in the Mat-Su Valley. It is important for people to check the Mat-Su Borough’s website for what is going to be on the ballot for their precinct. I see on mine an assembly seat that needs to be voted on and I need to vote on Prop. No. 1 and Prop. No. 4. SO, in total, I will be voting on one ballot for my president, my US Rep seat (Begich), State Sen. District Seat, State Rep District Seat, Ballot Measure 1 (NO!) and Ballot Measure 2 (YES!). My second ballot, I will be voting for my borough mayor, assembly seat, Prop. 1 and Prop. 4.
Please pass the word around for people to go vote on November 5th. This is a most important election and we ALL need to vote. Voting is one day out of 365 days, so please go vote on this one day.