
This election, if it was honest, should be akin to 1980 and ‘84, when Ronald Reagan blew out the Democrats’ candles. In two elections that had the potential of winning 100 states, he won ninety-four of them.

Or like in 1994, when Republicans took control of the House for the first time in 40 years, due to the leftist policies of Bill Clinton.

We have pretty much exhausted the political discourse of the obviously stolen election of 2020. The lamestream media still harps about the “false claims” and “election deniers,” but they are part of the machinery of tyranny that is swallowing, not just America, but the world. And while some states have moved to try to clean up the insidious and sophisticated technology that contributes to this, the machinery of cheating need only be effective in key counties in swing states to work its satanic magic again.

Pile on with mail-in ballots, Dominion voting machines that talk to cell towers, millions of illegal immigrants and decaying voter rolls, a ludicrously rigged presidential “debate,” and you will understand why this journalist is pessimistic.

I hope I am wrong. I hope I wake up on November 6 with egg on my face.

And Trump still makes mistakes. The Vance appointment was not a home run, he has alienated his prolife base, and he likely has Deep State moles within his staff. How else would the latest would-be assassin, with CIA ties, know to hang out in the bushes for 12 hours?

Most conservatives are sensing this. The empty-headed Harris/Walz puppets are breezing along with smug confidence, and the media will provide them the illusion for “plausible deniability” of a fraudulent election.

And supposedly solid states have election integrity problems. Dave Cuddy, who like me took two cracks at Ted Stevens’ senate seat, recently ran for Congress in a Texas district where he has moved. His two Republican opponents were nothing more than dabblers, like the well-intentioned Gerald Heikes or John Howe, who run armchair campaigns and show up for a few media interviews or chamber-of-commerce forums. Yet Cuddy lost, with a miniscule turnout, giving the far-left Democrat virtually no opposition in the general election.

Cuddy, who ran a sophisticated, conservative campaign, was the only serious Republican candidate, but he just recently discovered that there were 50,000 missing ballots in his Texas primary. The establishment Republican leadership made merely perfunctory investigations into this chicanery. It was obvious that Cuddy was going to be a serious threat to incumbent Greg Casar, and he was taken out with a fence-post candidate, recently moved from California, who has no intention of working on his own campaign.

It smells every step of the way like a fix. Listeners can hear the interview by going to, click on “Podcasts” at the top right, and scroll to The Talk of the Kenai for Sept. 18, hours 1 and 2.

It is going to be a lot harder for the leftist fixers to salvage Mary Peltola. There are only so many mail-in ballots you can produce in Alaska without raising suspicions, Nick Begich has the momentum, a Trump endorsement and national funding. Begich would be wise to keep a stiff arm’s length away from GOP “experts” who think they know more about Alaska than Alaskans. Nancy Dahlstrom found that out. There are bound to be Deep State moles who might give him bad advice or steer him into some sort of trap.

But let’s look at the “Vote No on 2” ads that are currently running. Truly, RCV is a weapon that leftists want to keep. It should be filed into an archive so future generations can hear and see the most shameless piece of political lying you can find anywhere. They are making tearful, sappy commercials using military veterans. They warn of “Outside dark money” and local “political insiders” running and dictating Alaskan politics, while their disclaimers, now required by law, show them to be exactly that, headquartered in Chicago, Houston and Denver.

This works, because the constitutional-convention vote of 2022 was lost, largely because of the $8 million in Soros money that bought similar, fearful commercials, warning of outsiders influencing Alaskan politics.

Miracles still happen. While we must work, contribute and disseminate for truth, we cannot neglect prayer. It is man’s strength, and God’s “weakness.” We are a sinful culture, but the Biblical story of Abraham, found in Genesis 18:16-33, negotiating with Angels of Vengeance, should not be forgotten.

The views expressed here are those of the author.

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OPINION: With 6 weeks to go, election malfeasance lurks

Bob Bird
Bob Bird ran for U.S. Senate in 1990 and 2008. He is a past president of Alaska Right to Life, a 47-year Alaska resident and a retired public school teacher. He has a passion for studying and teaching Alaska and U.S. constitutional history. He lives on the Kenai Peninsula and is currently a daily radio talk-show host for The Talk of the Kenai, on KSRM 920 AM from 3-5 pm and heard online

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