Alaska’s hard-left public teachers’ union – NEA-Alaska – has released its endorsement of state and federal candidates, along with its recommendation on ranked-choice voting and minimum wage hikes.
As expected, the union largely supports entrenched Democrats and radical left-leaning independent candidates who will support NEA’s institutional vision of government-run education. The organization also backs Democrat Congresswoman Mary Peltola, opposes Ballot Measure 2 (which would repeal ranked-choice voting) and supports Ballot Measure 1 (which would force small businesses to pay a $15 minimum wage while granting 56 hours of paid time off to employees).
In what might surprise some, the NEA also recommends that voters support several Republicans who regularly support and empower Democrats to control the Alaska State Legislature, despite the fact that the GOP typically has a majority of elected members. These NEA-backed GOP candidates include State Senate candidates Jesse Bjorkman and Kelly Merrick, along with State House candidates Louise Stutes and Chuck Kopp. Joy Beth Cottle is another NEA-suppored GOP candidate who backs big union interests.

The union sees these Republicans as key allies in its mission to siphon off more funds for government schools.
Despite Alaska’s chronically failing student test scores, NEA-Alaska has a long history of demanding more public funding, without measurable accountability. It also footed the bill for the recent failed lawsuit that sought to completely overturn Alaska’s popular state-funded homeschool allotment program.
While NEA-Alaska claims to be non-partisan, it is consistently aligned with the political and cultural left on a host of issues.
In recent years it has partnered with LGBTQ activist groups, such as the ACLU and others, to push radical sexual agendas and programs throughout Alaska’s state-run school system. NEA members have also been on the front lines, demanding that graphic sexualized library books remain readily available to young children in Alaska’s public schools. Additionally, it opposed legislation aimed at protecting girls’ sports from biological males who identify as women.
I choose NOT to support ANYONE who is backed by the NEA, ACLU or any of their affiliates. They are not now, nor ever been, good for our state or country. I would like to see them disbanded.
I’m sure you would as most bigoted, small-minded ignorant folks usually do.
Hang a message around your neck.. “Ignorant” , and then look in the mirror… Typical mindsets that support the NEA, and ACLU.. Communistic aligned institutions… And folks that misalign others for disagreements of your NEA induced ignorance.
Interesting if you don’t support a leftist agenda then your automatic bigoted, small-minded, and ignorant… you forgot Nazi. Your clan is becoming very obvious and predictable.
A book I would recommend –
NEA: Trojan Horse in American Education
by Samuel Blumenfeld
“Accuse others what you are guilty of”. If you’re throwing down “bigoted”, I’m pretty sure there’s some bigotry in your mind as well along with lack of education or real world experience. Over my life, I’ve found out people who tout their “PhD in education” are you usually the stupidest ones. They look down their noses with disdain at others who do not sport any advanced education. How many times have witnessed a “PhD in education” swapping a flat tire on a car for a old lady? I can tell you- never. You strike me as a guy that who would sit down over beers with Karl Marx and lap up every word that came out of his mouth. We are not the same.
NEA support is the kiss of death as far as I’m concerned.
Senator Bjorkman true feelings are to the left and needs to be voted out.
I couldn’t agree more. A couple of YouTube videos paint a pretty concerning picture of Bjorkman. In one, he actually claimed that the COVID vaccine gave him “extra male energy” while serving as a Kenai Borough Assembly Member (www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOUmGvhT6WE). And just when you thought it couldn’t get more bizarre, another video shows an inappropriate Facebook post from him that’s both humiliating to women and blatantly unprofessional. Of course, he’s refused to address any of it (https://youtu.be/tRwNKQs3aNo?si=Kkxc-4OX5eVZ4h43). At this point, it’s clear—he needs to be voted out.
absolutely!! God Bless your very clear and accurate thinking…..
RINOs are true Republicans. MGA is a third party only to glorify Don-old Trump
The NEA, et.al. is the Communist Party of America. These are unelected thugs at the top and down. These “teachers” who are supposed to love children have shown that they hate children and their parents.. During the most recent legislative sessions These unions flew down to Juneau to block Governor Dunleavy’s parents’ rights bill from passing. His bill was to re-establish the legal rights of parents to raise up their children. The NEA, ACLU, Planned Parenthood, American Library Association (ALA) and others made a big deal about not letting this parents; rights bill pass out of the legislature . This union and the others listed in this article have promoted rebellion against traditional family values and against parents. They are exposing children to porn and teach them how to sin and it’s OK with those teachers and librarians. To lie to the children all the way up to graduation is a disgrace and disservice. This is NOT a n effort to raise up good citizens who help the community and thrive where they live. The unions steal money from the rank and file through the dues requirement and then use that money to destroy Western Civilization by demeaning the church, the family and our freedoms under a Constitutional Republic. These individuals hide true history in order to keep students in the dark concerning our patriotic past and the good America has accomplished These unions ignore the Original Constitution and the Rule of law. They have been bringing chaos Alaska and to our country. Good for all of you who commented and realize what is going on.
I am so grateful to you wonderful people….at almost 85 yrs….I was afraid I was one of the few Alaskan conservatives left alive…..I have never seen such wicked demonic thinking and acting as I have in these last 10 yrs in this state…..none of this existed in the 60’s and 70’s in this state……I have never seen such
disgusting evil immorality and the destruction of family values…..the most important job you have is raising your children and putting God in the center of your lives…..
So-called “conservatives” who take endorsements from the NEA are nothing less than political prostitutes. Bjorkman is among the worst. He and Ruffridge are two peas in a pod when it comes to big pharma as well.
NEA is fully backed and supported by the united nations and a lot of funding comes from them and Soros, universities across the globe are funded by them and churn out indoctrinated educators, estimates are one in 10 and growing, their goal is garbage like DEI, critical race theory, separation of children from their parental units and elimination of anything christian just to name a few things and we see it everywhere now, you cant change the educators, they’ve been brainwashed, the best bet is to pull your children our of these grinders before its too late.
conspiracy theories are alive in your post
I stood in line for 2 hours yesterday to vote. The majority in line were men who wore boots, Carhart pants, shirts, jackets and ball caps. There was a sprinkling of men who wore “Vietnam Vet” or “US Navy Vet” hats. There was a young couple with their 7 month old baby waiting patiently to vote. Everybody was cordial polite. Even the 2-3 blue/purple haired freaks were quiet. I voted NO on 1 and YES on 2. I voted to NOT retain any judges. I did not vote for Mary because her priorities and moral compass do not match mine. I did not vote for the cackling exotic pole dancer who extended prison sentences for cheap labor during California’s wildfire season.
As I walking through the parking lot after voting, several license plates caught my eye. Purple heart plates. Thank you.
I voted just like you exactly……you give me hope……God Bless you….
so you vote for the supreme sexual predator who wants to “protect” your women
Fact: ACLU went to bat in support of the NRA.
You missed a couple. Public Employee Unions made maximum contributions to Four Mat-Su/Eagle River candidates. The following received union donations from PSEA during this election cycle.
David Wilson on 8/1/2024,
Jubilee Underwood on 10/10/2024,
Kelly Merrick on 8/1/2024,
and lets not forget about Jasse Sumner on 8/1/2024.
This is good to know. Thank you for sharing this information! More reason for people not to vote for these reps!
If Jesse Bjrokman posts the trash on social media like this, then he doesn’t need to be teaching or making laws.
Just google: Jesse Bjorkman Youtube Empower Alaskans
I i’ve seen this my whole life. I’ve called Kelly Merrick out on it. I’m just disgusted by dumb America if they elect them again.