Weeks ago, I penned a pessimistic outlook for conservatives, but hoped that I would wake up November 6 with egg on my face.
Salt, pepper, some cheese, and a little tobacco sauce will make that egg absolutely delicious while I fall to my knees and thank Almighty God for giving our country a second chance, a chance Republicans had better not squander this time around.
This morning, the GOP finds itself in control of 1) the presidency, 2) the US Senate, 3) the House of Representatives and 4) (gasp!) the supreme court! This has never happened since, what, Reconstruction?
The machinery of election fraud was, to my mind, practiced, shameless, well-oiled, and what is likely more important, criminally hidden by the “mainstream” or “legacy” media – the true losers in this historic election.
Already the media has penned the false narrative in their post-mortem analysis of defeat. It was Biden’s fault. It was Walz’s fault. It was Harris’ fault. It was never their policies that were at fault.
What were those policies?
— “This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.”
— “The debate over man-made climate change is over. It is scientific fact.”
— “Abortion-on-demand all nine months of pregnancy must be force-fed to all 50 states.”
— “We need to make gender-affirming health care for minors (translation: sterilization and mutilation) affordable for all families.”
— “Restrooms and women’s sports need to be open to biological males.”
— “Open borders are best for America.”
— “Trump is to blame for January 6.”
— “The George Floyd riots were mostly peaceful.”
In Alaska, we find that ranked-choice voting has – probably – been repealed!
And NOW HEAR THIS, here is a true bi-partisan issue that the legislature ought to immediately move upon: Open up ANWR, and make the federal government follow the 90/10 royalty split promised to Alaska in our statehood act. Our own congressional delegation has sold us out on this for a long time. This would balance the budget and restore the full PFD payment. Anyone against that?
In the past, Republicans have squandered such victories by gliding into acceptance of all that the Democrats have done. They leave in place the policies that they campaigned against. They cannot do this again.
We are not looking for government help. We want our FREEDOM back. Privatize the TSA, repeal the Real ID Act, prosecute the Democrats who were guilty of perjury, beginning with the smug arrogance of Merrick Garland and FBI director Christopher Wray, who have shamelessly weaponized the justice system.
Dismantle those “fusion centers,” which have stockpiled personal data that violate the 4th Amendment.
Open the Keystone Pipeline.
Either constitutionalize federal properties in Alaska and the west, or start obeying Article 1, Section 8, clause 17.
— Repeal the FACE Act. Treat non-violent abortion clinic trespassing like it should be: matters for local law enforcement. Since the Dobbs decision, killing unborn children is no longer a contrived, nationwide, constitutional “right.”
— Repeal socialized medicine.
— Audit the Federal Reserve.
— Enforce immigration laws.
— Deporting all those illegal aliens who were allowed through the border will require skillful and humane handling. Craft a solution with Congress.
— Get us OUT of the United Nations, the WHO, WEF and all other globalist organizations which are dictating our foreign policy.
— Restore peace in Europe, negotiate the dismantling of NATO, help Russia extricate itself from its historic and justifiable fear of western Europe.
— Israel and the Middle East is an intractable problem, but Washington’s Farewell Address still makes good sense: “Avoid entangling alliances.”
— Religion, and not the government, must correct the moral decay of our culture. But we should not subsidize it with unconstitutional spending for contraceptives, abortion, sterilization. Drug addiction can be reduced by proper border control. But for religion to do its job, we must repeal the fear of pulpit preaching that was created in the 60s with 501 (c-3) legislation.
— Audit the way the 14th, 16th and 17th amendments were allegedly “approved”.
All of this is a tall order, obstacles abound and not all will be realized as quickly as we might like. However, identifying these as government-created problems instead of permanent policy will help undo the knots that have been tied tightly for too long.
And what is the ONLY thing government can do for all classes, races, religions and states, which benefits them all equally, and above all, DOES NOT COST A THING?
Restore our liberty.
An almighty and merciful God has given us this one chance. Don’t blow it.
The views expressed here are those of the author.
I am hopeful about the national outcome, but the local election outcomes show a lot of rinos and democrats winning seats. Is Alaska officially a blue state now?
I am super disappointed with our local election. But at least RCV will go away!
Dee, as of 11/6/24 3:05 PM, the Yes on 2 total is 125, 230. The No on 2 is 120,941. We have to wait 15 days while more votes come in and the counting is done. I think that they are going to steal it the way that they did in 2020. RCV may be here to stay unless we come up with a plan to fight it.
A little Tabasco sauce might be tastier… less toxic, too.
Thank you, I saw that and decided not to comment on it!
Thank you Mr. Bird! Great and outstanding words. Yes we have our battles to come. Yes the local level is gone rouge. Maybe we can still attempt to get some good from our locals. Trump should pass a bill that all RINO’s need to change their political destination if they want to vote against their party. I’m hopeful but we don’t want to get the cart infront of the horse yet. Let’s give it some time and see what direction were going to go!
Now we must call on Trump to make the executive decision to move the capitol building out of Juneau!!!!
President Trump ought to appoint dunleavy to a dc position, then come to his senses and realize that dunleavy is a globalist. Then fire him leaving him homeless in DC! WHAT A GREAT ENDING!
I agree with you here. “This a true bi-partisan issue that the legislature ought to immediately move upon: Open up ANWR, and make the federal government follow the 90/10 royalty split promised to Alaska in our statehood act. This would balance the budget and restore the full PFD payment. Is anyone against that?” Thanks for your words. I pray this will happen.
AMEN, Bob!
While most are celebrating, others are cautious. There’s still 2 months from the inauguration. And it’s awfully quiet out there! Let’s not under estimate enemies of America.
The last time that Donald Trump was president, his Secretary of the Interior got embroiled in a corruption scandal and was referred to the US Department of Justice for potential criminal prosecution; his Secretary of Transportation also got embroiled in a corruption scandal and was referred to the Department of Justice for potential criminal prosecution; his Secretary of Labor got embroiled in a disgusting scandal involving convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, he ended up resigning in disgrace; his Secretary of energy resigned in a corruption and ethics scandal, his head of the EPA resigned in a corruption and ethics scandal; his Health and Human Services secretary resigned in a corruption and ethics scandal.
Now a Fox Ted Nugent equivalent is tapped for the Secretary of Defense and Matt Gaetz tapped for Attorney General.
You voted for him.