They may be in the extreme minority, but the newly formed Alaska Senate Republican Caucus is intent on empowering the “private sector to drive growth, streamline government to better serve Alaskans, and deliver a budget that is both balanced and sustainable.”
These are the words of GOP Caucus Leader Sen. Mike Shower (Wasilla), who will serve as Senate Minority Leader when the Legislature gavels in next month.
The six-member minority caucus also includes Sen. Robb Myers (Fairbanks), who will take the role of Senate Minority Whip. Other members are Senator-elect Mike Cronk (Tok), Sen. Shelley Hughes (Palmer), Sen. James Kaufman (Anchorage) and Senator-elect Rob Yundt (Wasilla).
While self-identified “Republicans” technically enjoy a 11-9 majority in the upcoming Legislative session, five of those Republicans opted to abandon their GOP colleagues to form a “bi-partisan” majority that empowers Democrats and leftist priorities while effectively marginalizing conservative voices and concerns.
Those Republicans who rejected a GOP majority caucus include Senators Gary Stevens (Kodiak), Cathy Giessel (Anchorage), Kelly Merrick (Eagle River), Jesse Bjorkman (Nikiski), and Bert Stedman (Sitka). Each of these lawmakers were rewarded with influential positions and key committee assignments for the 34th session of the Alaska Legislature.
The majority caucus leadership structure will have Sen. Stevens as Senate President, Sen. Giessel as Majority Leader, Sen. Wielechowski (D-Anchorage) as Rules Chair and Sen. Merrick as Majority Whip. Sen. Stedman will join Democrat Senators Lyman Hoffman (Bethel) and Donny Olson (D-Golovin) as chairs of the Finance Committee, and Sen. Elvi Gray-Jackson (D-Anchorage) will serve as Legislative Budget & Audit Chair.
Other committee chair assignments for majority caucus include the following.
— Community & Regional Affairs: Sen. Kelly Merrick (R-Eagle River)
— Education: Sen. Löki Tobin (D-Anchorage)
— Health & Social Services: Sen. Forrest Dunbar (D-Anchorage)
— Judiciary: Sen. Matt Claman (D-Anchorage)
— Labor & Commerce: Sen. Jesse Bjorkman (R-Nikiski)
— Resources: Sen. Cathy Giessel (R-Anchorage)
— State Affairs: Sen. Scott Kawasaki (D-Fairbanks)
— Transportation: Sen. Jesse Bjorkman (R-Nikiski)
— Legislative Budget & Audit: Sen. Elvi Gray-Jackson (D-Anchorage)
— Legislative Council: Vice-Chair, Sen. Gary Stevens (R-Kodiak)
— Joint Armed Services: Co-Chair – Sen. Scott Kawasaki (D-Fairbanks)
— Special Committee on World Trade: Sen. Gary Stevens (R-Kodiak), Sen. Cathy Giessel (R-Anchorage)
— Special Committee on Arctic Affairs: Sen. Gary Stevens (R-Kodiak), Sen. Cathy Giessel (R-Anchorage)
The minority Republicans will have committee assignments, they won’t have power to control the flow of legislation or what bills are selected to be discussed and voted on in committee.
While it is highly improbable the minority could convince Republicans in the majority to return to the fold, they have extended an open invitation to “any senator who wishes to join in opposing government expansion and advocating for common sense solutions for Alaska.”
“Our caucus is focused upon small-government, conservative principles that a majority of Alaskans support,” Sen. Myers noted. “We look forward to working with members of all caucuses who share our commitment to sustainable and responsible budgets.”
Great news to hear that so many Alaska Republicans reject partisan, MAGA policies and are working across the aisle with Democrats and Independents. This is how to get acceptable policies outside of the lunatic fringe.
Put the pipe down, … again … David.. The Alaska Republicans do not “reject” what you are labeling “MAGA policies”..
They are working across the Isle for big government and that is not we as a Nation were founded on. I can tell you without a doubt if I see my turncoat Senator Kelly Merrick or her husband out and about they will be confronted and ask to leave Eagle River and move into Anchorage proper. Her husband is as ignorant as they come and so are any voters in the Eagle River/Chugiak that voted for this ID 10 T.
Alaskan Republicans do not reject making Alaska great again in order to make America great again. We know the importance of our state in the big picture. What we have seen of the fruit of the Democrat influencers nationally is exactly what has happened temporarily in our state. Democrats are entitled and basking in their newfound importance while Republicans are working for a reduction of the size of government, to attend to a balanced budget, and to spend where Alaskans can be helped the most. The influence of the fringe Democratic policy will not be a permanent fixture here.
You left out that Cronk tried to be a part of that bipartisan group, but he was rejected, and now that’s the only reason he’s in the minority now.
What just said is a flat out lie! “An anonymous source” like those attacking Pete Hegseth. I actually read your comment and went to Mike Cronk and asked him and what you are saying isn’t even remotely true. He took the stand for conservatives values.
Legislators who abandoned the Republican party that got them elected have zero character, are cheaters who practice being self-centered or run by the unions. This is a clique of selfish individuals.. The unions and Planned Parenthood got them into office and the U.S. Government swamp subsidizes both the NEA and Planned Parenthood. The governor has power to override the courts and get rid of RCV but is surrounded by moderates which means that he and Nancy do nothing to improve our state but still collect a salary. Things get better when someone like Trump comes along and keeps his courage up in spite of all the swords shot at him. Our governor does not do that. Lisa Murkowski was never elected and although we do not support father Frank’s choice, we cannot get her out with the DC swamp pretty much controlling elections. Did anyone get a reply from the governor to cancel RCV? We did not. We agreed with bob Byrd and Maybe if we can swamp him and all the offices in Alaska to cancel the illegal RCV as the Governor’s Prerogative according to Article 3, Section16, and say we expect a response. Bob Bird and the lady who said there is nothing to be done until we know where the missing votes went or camei. There was a significant drop in get rid of RCV on day 12 to 13. How can this be checked? A recount would not reflect an insertion of ballots. How do we get rid of the corruption continues to get the dishonest legislators elected….so much cheating all around us.
The Republican party needs to do something about candidates that are running as Republicans when their ideologies and ideas align with the Democrats. Why can’t we learn how the Democrats are using us to get their RINO’s in and rat them out. If they align with Democrat policies, they are not Republicans and shouldn’t be running as Republicans.
Isn’t that nice? All those “Conservatives” we voted for (or did we?) and together they don’t make a hill of beans. All that money wasted on liberal wants instead of real needs. Fluffy stuff that has a temporary affect and rarely produces long term improvement. Just more bills to pay. Quite literally.
Reality moment now,,, for over forty years I’ve observed many RINOs selling out our residents, and with help from the Republican party officials. The Republican swampsters in Alaska are now naked as a DC Democrat staffer. The majority of districts denounced Dahlstrom because she could not hide her treachery regarding election fraud and coverup. Dunleavy will not release the Kelly Tshibaka report exposing election fraud , with no explanation. They do not represent the will of Republicans. but denigrate the party principals. Steadman, Merrick, etc. are Biden clones, trusting our corrupt judiciary like Hunter trusting daddy. Pretenders on parade should call Kamala for counseling as their time is up .
None of those guys is working for you. They are working for themselves.
Are you including shower and Hughes? If so I’m inclined to agree with your assessment!
Joel, thanks for the info, however aggravating. I’m in Senate District O, so my senator is Mike Shower, one of the “good guys.” We need to let the voters in the RINO senators’ districts know what their votes bought.
Please remind us in 2026 to primary the RINOs and put out the trash.
Lastly, I just found out that our state legislators get $84k/year. That seems excessive.