Amid the day-one flurry of executive orders to kick off his second term in the White House, President Trump restored the historic name of Mount McKinley to the tallest mountain in North America. The order reverses a 2015 Obama-era order that stripped the name and replaced it with Denali.
Trump’s order provides context into why he made this decision, which he says will help “ensure future generations of American citizens celebrate the legacy of our American heroes.
“The naming of our national treasures, including breathtaking natural wonders and historic works of art, should honor the contributions of visionary and patriotic Americans in our Nation’s rich past,” Trump’s order observes.
President William McKinley, the 25th President of the United States, heroically led our Nation to victory in the Spanish-American War. Under his leadership, the United States enjoyed rapid economic growth and prosperity, including an expansion of territorial gains for the Nation. President McKinley championed tariffs to protect U.S. manufacturing, boost domestic production, and drive U.S. industrialization and global reach to new heights. He was tragically assassinated in an attack on our Nation’s values and our success, and he should be honored for his steadfast commitment to American greatness.

In 1917, the country officially honored President McKinley through the naming of North America’s highest peak. Yet after nearly a century, President Obama’s administration, in 2015, stripped the McKinley name from federal nomenclature, an affront to President McKinley’s life, his achievements, and his sacrifice.
This order honors President McKinley for giving his life for our great Nation and dutifully recognizes his historic legacy of protecting America’s interests and generating enormous wealth for all Americans.
Within 30 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of the Interior shall, consistent with 43 U.S.C. 364 through 364f, reinstate the name “Mount McKinley.” The Secretary shall subsequently update the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) to reflect the renaming and reinstatement of Mount McKinley. The national park area surrounding Mount McKinley shall retain the name Denali National Park and Preserve.
The Secretary of the Interior shall work with Alaska Native entities and state and local organizations to adopt names for landmarks to honor the history and culture of the Alaskan people.
In the same executive order, Trump also renamed the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America. Below is his rationale.
The area formerly known as the Gulf of Mexico has long been an integral asset to our once burgeoning Nation and has remained an indelible part of America. The Gulf was a crucial artery for America’s early trade and global commerce.

It is the largest gulf in the world, and the United States coastline along this remarkable body of water spans over 1,700 miles and contains nearly 160 million acres. Its natural resources and wildlife remain central to America’s economy today. The bountiful geology of this basin has made it one of the most prodigious oil and gas regions in the world, providing roughly 14% of our Nation’s crude-oil production and an abundance of natural gas, and consistently driving new and innovative technologies that have allowed us to tap into some of the deepest and richest oil reservoirs in the world.
The Gulf is also home to vibrant American fisheries teeming with snapper, shrimp, grouper, stone crab, and other species, and it is recognized as one of the most productive fisheries in the world, with the second largest volume of commercial fishing landings by region in the Nation, contributing millions of dollars to local American economies.
The Gulf is also a favorite destination for American tourism and recreation activities. Further, the Gulf is a vital region for the multi-billion-dollar U.S. maritime industry, providing some of the largest and most impressive ports in the world.
The Gulf will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping America’s future and the global economy, and in recognition of this flourishing economic resource and its critical importance to our Nation’s economy and its people, I am directing that it officially be renamed the Gulf of America.
As such, within 30 days of the date of this order, the Secretary of the Interior shall, consistent with 43 U.S.C. 364 through 364f, take all appropriate actions to rename as the “Gulf of America” the U.S. Continental Shelf area bounded on the northeast, north, and northwest by the States of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida and extending to the seaward boundary with Mexico and Cuba in the area formerly named as the Gulf of Mexico. The Secretary shall subsequently update the GNIS to reflect the renaming of the Gulf and remove all references to the Gulf of Mexico from the GNIS, consistent with applicable law. The Board shall provide guidance to ensure all federal references to the Gulf of America, including on agency maps, contracts, and other documents and communications shall reflect its renaming.
Thank you, President Trump!
Y’all voted for President Criminal. This naming nonsense is nothing compared to the pain he will impose on you, your neighbors, community and anyone not a white male billionaire.
I’m hardly a white male billionaire, Jeff, but I’m kind of enjoying seeing sissies like you squirm over such largely inconsequential nonsense right about now. Y’know, this might just be a fine time for you to find your inner Canadian.
You will never be a real woman, Sammy.
The naming silliness is a meaningless distraction. What makes me a squirming sissy is that MAGA owns the White House, the House, the Senate, the judiciary and the media. All those formerly trustworthy institutions shudder and hide from the wrath of Voldemort. Convicted Felon Trump intimidates every leader of those institutions, and to avoid death threats, stalking, and gun violence against themselves and families, they happily do his bidding, no matter how veiled. You’re just as screwed as I am Mr Sally. There should come a point (should have happened 9 years ago) when smart but reactionary conservatives like you will say, No More! Not sure what it will take for you to say “oops”, but it’s on its way.
So this is really just a more generalized pearl-clutching tantrum you’re throwing here in the comments section of a conservative news site than laughable sobbing over the “meaningless distraction” the article addresses, Jeff? Don’t you have an antifa meeting to run off to, some hysterical chanting and sign waving to practice, or something to burn?
Thank you well said
And yet you voted for the one that had to pardon his own family for all crimes that would have led back to himself. You freaking hypocrite.
There are zero defensible assertions that Joe Biden and his family are connected to any crimes, except the Hunter Biden convictions. You got proof?
President Convict and his grifting spawn, however, … gawd, where to start.
At least he believes in only two genders like most people do in this world! And he is going to put a stop to all this weirdo woke BS! No more drag queen story hours for little children! No more trannies in woman’s locker rooms and sports! No more Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion! No more Critical Race Theory! Thank you God for Donald J Trump! Hallelujah!!!!!!
Like the Bible says -God created man and woman … nothing in between no other way they want to hide or dress up or pretend
Like the Bible says -God created man and woman … nothing in between no other way they want to hide or dress up or pretend
Sucks to lose, doesn’t it Jeff. I think it’s absolutely wonderful that President Trump is nullifying some, and hopefully all, of Obama’s actions.
Steve. It does suck to lose. President Convict will cause me great harm, but very much you too. Just today he fired the heads of the Transportation Security Administration and Coast Guard. Why, I don’t know, but I’m a big fan of feeling safe on an airplane and gawd knows the USCG is a beloved institution in Alaska.
Says every twenty something orange fingered couch surfer with no goals and a parasitic nature. Get a job, Slack. Republicans have been working hard such that you needn’t and that’s about to change. Buy some work boots.
Jeff, reading your reply below makes a large majority of people on this site wonder what world you live in. Are you that asinine to believe the Joe Biden is NOT the most corrupt President in our country’s history? How did he amass several multi-million dollar homes on the politician’s salary? Why did he pardon his family for crimes they have not been adjudicated over? I shake my head in disbelief that people like you prefer to close their eyes and mind to the truth.
Gawd Steve. In your tirade, replace the name Biden with Trump and you’ll be spot on. This too: “I shake my head in disbelief that people like you prefer to close their eyes and mind to the truth.” As a Trump supporter you ignored all the obvious signs about President Convict’s unfitness for leadership. You looked at your shoes. You were fooled. He knew you’d fall for the Lie. You want to be fooled.
It’s always been McKinley to me. I’ve gotten into some arguments with close friends of living here for 55 years. Sorry it ain’t Denali I know Denali means the great one. It is Mt. McKinley period
Well, I’m hardly a while male billionaire either but I don’t buy Aunt Sally’s assertion that the naming of a nation’s prominent geographical features is “largely inconsequential nonsense.” The spirit, energy, and aspirations of a nation are reflected in the appropriate naming of its significant geological features. This is no different from such naming of man made structures.
And I will still call it Denali ♂️
Can you tell us what your definition of a woman is too?
In my experience, you can tell the difference between a tourist and an Alaskan based on whether they call it Denali or McKinley.
Obama was responding to multiple resolutions from the Alaska Legislature to change the name. The first request came from Jay Hammond, as Governor, in 1975. You left out all of that context in this article. It’s just disappointing. So many issues to work on – but we work on and argue about this.
Tom, signing a resolution doesn’t require a lot of work. You’re the one arguing, we’ve accepted it. Listen to yourself, and take a good look in the mirror.
I’m opposed to Federal overreach over this, a losing issue for Republicans in Alaska. It is petty and political and not worth the capital our President will need to accomplish his agenda. Instead he will waste it on ridiculous, divisive issue like this. My hope for him has waned already.
I am Alaskan. It is McKinley. It was McKinley all my life. There was no good reason to ever change it. Those of you that don’t like it go back where you belong.
Ha! Good one! “go back to where you belong”! Say that to the Tlingit, Koyukon, Unangan, Han and Denaina.
They came from Siberia and Mongolia. The only indigenous people are in Africa.
Denali was the name of the Great One for the Native communities for hundreds of years. Even the latest Congressional delegation from Alaska all said NO! Don’t change it! Changing something that took so many resolutions by Alaskans to get passed just because Obama was the one who finally acceded to the requests is just plain wrong. In addition, changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America is likewise just an attempt to re-write history. And if I read the executive order right, this is just the beginning. How many more name changes are we to be subjected to in the name of American triumphalism? This is the ugly part of this administration- that everything must be named after an American. After first rejoicing, I am changing my mind about him already. And I had hoped that he would emphasize changing the undesirable conditions fostering the high prices. More East Coast showing what it really thinks of the West. Now, instead of celebrating the return of sanity, I will be waiting to see if it really shows up. When will we return to the 21st Century from this ill conceived detour to the 19th Century?
C’mon, Shelia, pull yourself together. The various bands of scavenging stone age nomads roaming the region all had different names for it which roughly translated to “that big thing over there” before White people showed up with civilization and dragging the latest Congressional delegations’ statements into it is immaterial in that they’re frankly actors who’re very well paid by native entities to carry natives’ water at the expense of the rest of us. You’ll feel much better about life if you kick that sad victims’ mentality you’re lugging around to the curb, turn off your TV, dry your eyes, and fix your makeup. These are good times to be an American, Shelia.
You’re digging a very deep racist hole Mr Sally.
You realize that none of what you’ve said holds up to scrutiny, right? Alaska natives historically had been a largely migrant population most often located near ocean coastline. A small percentage ever lived in Alaska’s interior where conditions and food supply require greater effort to survive. Very few had seen Mount McKinley and of them, the number that anthropomorphized the mountain or gave it a name is very close to zero. There was no context for it being significantly different from other mountains they’d also never seen. Ever listen to Yupik or similar native languages? Denali rolls smoothly off the tongue in a white man’s manner and nothing natives say seems similarly smooth. You have been duped by a touring company’s marketing schlep and haven’t the foggiest notion of what that mountain had ever been referred to prior to McKinley. Stop believing whatever your TV tells you and think for yourself.
be happy Shelia Trump is temporarily giving your uncle dunleavy cover! Trump will move this state forward and more prosperous! Where as dunleavy was turning into a fossil that looked like a dinosaur turd!
Clam. You’ve provided two new criteria for determining the appropriateness of naming the mountain Denali. Were Natives sedentary or mobile? and Is the name vocally smooth in “the white man’s manner”? This is called racism. It’s muffled, but it’s part of the systemic undertow that you never realize but non-whites know well.
The “natives” were living in the stone age with a life span of 30-35 years. All the tribes were enemies of each other. They had no pack animals except dogs, and no use of the wheel. The coming of the Europeans was the best possible thing that ever happened to them, lifting them instantly out of freezing in the dark and advancing a thousand years of progress.
George. You are apparently not an anthropologist or archaeologist but you ARE a racist.
DEI is dead, calling people racist is not an argument and if you had a point regarding migratory manner or white men it’s lost in your muddle. To you and every other delicate little flower that calls others racist, put a sock in it; it wasn’t interesting to productive people during the sniffer’s reign and it’s even less so now.
Don’t forget, Jeffy. There will be no stimmy money this go round, you’ll have to earn it. If while breaking in the tough leather of your new work boots you find yourself getting teary eyed just remember this uplifting quote from a woman both stronger and smarter than you:
“If you want to leave your footprints in the sands of time, wear work boots”
– Eleanor Roosevelt
“Athabascan Natives of the interior long called the mountain Denali, meaning ‘the high one.’ Charles Sheldon, who was instrumental in the creation of Mt. McKinley National Park, also always referred to the mountain as Denali. Sheldon first arrived near the mountain in 1906…” Alaska, Saga of a Bold Land (Walter R. Borneman) “The US Board of Geographic Names insists that the tallest mountain in the range (Alaska Range)–and the high point of North America–is called Mt. McKinley.” ibid. “Then in January, 1897, the New York Sun published a dispatch from a prospector named William A. Dickey, who had spent the latter half of 1896 prospecting in the Susitina River Valley at the head of Cook Inlet. More than a little presumptuously–this was, after all, only a private prospecting party–Dickey wrote, ‘We named our great peak Mount McKinley, after William McKinley of Ohio, who had been nominated for the Presidency, and that fact was the first news we received on our way out of that wonderful wilderness. By the time Dickey’s dispatch was published, McKinley was president-elect. Later, Dickey’s rationalization for the name was that he had grown tired of guff from the free silver prospectors he had encountered and had chosen to honor McKinley, a solid supporter of the gold standard.” ibid. Page 220.
Aunt Sally is right on!!!…And Adolescent boy Jeff Butler can’t even spell his own name, BUTTLER is the appropriate spelling! Jeff boy, you did not lose, the Trump win is a win for all Americans, and when America returns to what it was meant to be, which it will with President Trump, the whole world wins!
So either you need to watch other news and begin to understand what’s been happening or maybe you’re simply trolling?
Excellent response. Trolls will troll and it has been written there WILL be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Hence people like “Jeff”. If the troll can’t answer a very straight forward question, he is either lacking in comprehension and knowledge or is a Biden cartel sycophant. Gnash away Jeff. It’ll do you no good. Game over!
What question?
“Any” Question, Jeffery.. I do hope that you remain in $hittehole Anchorage.
I agree with Granny Alaskan. It’s just a mountain call it what you please, but now on the map It will say Mt. Mc Kinley. Alaska, is Republican and if you’re not……..well you get it. Food for thought do you think the Indians called the Columbia River, or the Grand Canyon, by those names. Think, and grow up, there are important issues to take care of to make our lives better.
Just yesterday Trump pardoned 1500 criminals, releasing 608 insurrectionists convicted of violent crimes against American law enforcement. They aren’t going to retire. Adding to the pool of domestic terrorists is irresponsible at best, and may be the beginning of President Convict’s demise. Plus egg prices are still high despite his promise. Pete Hesgeth will soon become secretary of defense, making America extraordinary vulnerable to enemies that Convicted Felon thinks are friends.
You are immensely gullible. You were fooled. You want to be fooled.
wow! a lot of floating tempers on here today. but,considering the hot button issues going around the world, it is no surprise. I, will try to be kind.
The Great One will always be Denali to me. Historically, before white mane teres the first, it was The Great One. My thoughts, the British sailed around the world forcing
indigenous peoples o every continent to change their names, clothing, hairstyles, language, etc because they considered. themselves superior.
Was white man McKinley superior to Alaska’s original inhabitants?
Well, just my thoughts.
We making up historical characters now? White mane teres the first, you say?
..:and of course President McKinley was a superior man; he was elected as such. Are you attempting to foment race based responses?
My first visit to the park 68 years ago it was McKinley. We have always known the name Denali but in honor of a great American it was McKinley!
Maybe we should rename it to Mt Trump in ecknowlegement of his freeing Alaskan
re:Jeff Butler
All I needed was reading the line “all those formerly trusted institutions shudder” for the best belly laugh I’ve had since 2019.
And you voted for Trump. Own the misery. You (and all the other Convict cultists) have three things in common: Extreme gullibility, reliance on shallow unprovable or impossible claims, and a home on the left shoulder of the IQ bell curve.
The name of a mountain is more important than the threat of cameras being installed on every street corner and street and your God-given rights being reduced even further. What a sad society we live in.