
While President Trump has issued a flurry of executive orders aimed at cutting all federal aid to organizations that promote far-left, LGBTQ ideology, Anchorage Mayor Suzanne LaFrance has decided to actively solicit funds for nonprofits that push transgender ideology on some of Alaska’s most vulnerable youth.

In October, LaFrance plans to host the 31st annual Anchorage Mayor’s Charity Ball to raise community support for four groups, including Choosing Our Roots and Covenant House Alaska. These two organizations actively promote the notion that youth can change their sexual identity in order to identify as members of the opposite sex.

Choosing Our Roots is an Anchorage non-profit which targets LGBTQ homeless youth. Launched in 2019 with a focus on providing shelter for queer and transgender identifying teens and young adults. The group places youth – ages 13 to 24 – in what it calls volunteer “host home families,” which must affirm teens and young adults in their various chosen gender identities and expressions.

In addition to creating new queer-affirming family structures, the organization also puts young people in contact with local LGBTQ services and other social support agencies. In 2022, the organization helped to facilitate an irreversible double mastectomy on a gender confused young woman.

Likewise, Covenant House Alaska, which began as a Catholic outreach for Anchorage’s homeless and run-away youth – ages 13 to 24 – has rejected core moral tenets of its faith-based roots in favor of facilitating abortions, imposing strict LGBTQ mandates on staff and young clients and supporting sexual “transitions” for gender-confused youth.

Launched in 1994, by then-Mayor Rick Mystrom, the Mayor’s Ball has raised more than $4.1 million in support of local charities, who apply for the assistance.

The ball is led by a seven-member board of directors who oversee volunteers and evening activities, which include dinner, dancing, silent and live auctions, and miscellaneous fund-raising efforts.

According to the Ball website, it has sold out every year, and “is proud that its success through the years has transcended political lines, because it is about helping others and making a difference in Anchorage.”

That doesn’t appear to be the case this year, with the decision to utilize the gala to benefit groups that promote highly controversial notions that youth can “transition” from one sex to another through powerful cross-sex hormones, irreversible breast removals and genital surgeries. The devastating health consequences of these controversial interventions are well documented, and many European countries have now banned them for minors.

Upon discovering that Choosing Our Roots was chosen as a beneficiary of the Mayor’s Ball, the organization’s Co-Directors Laura Reijns and Chami Krueger sent out a note to supporters, blasting Trump’s executive orders, and celebrating the financial boost that the gala will afford their group.

“Whew! The past couple of weeks have been A LOT; Executive order after executive order after government website purge and on and on,” Reijns and Krueger wrote. “We all know that one man’s signature on a document cannot erase trans and gender non-conforming persons from existing now or ever. However, the language of being erased, disbelieved, and defamed still hurts. Many of our souls are exhausted and still wondering how we might affect positive change and speak up for our LGBTQIA2S+ and housing insecure friends and family.”

They defiantly noted that they are expanding LGBTQ friendly youth housing in the Mat-Su, while highlighting the Mayor’s Ball selection.

“…we were selected for the Mayor’s Charity Ball for this fall!” they wrote. “Our queer joy is radiant as we prepare for this time to celebrate all the persons who have helped get this non-profit here!”

The Choosing Our Roots leaders did note, however, that they may lose a $65,000 federal grant, now that Trump has issued a freeze on this type of expenditure of taxpayer dollars.

“It is really hard to know how to plan for the next few years,” Reijns and Krueger lamented. “As a group of queers trying to protect ourselves, friends, and families, we are all on high alert for the next hard news. We are tired, and we are all in need of more love, more community connection, and so much more queer joy, and yet it is not always clear where we can safely access those.”

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Anchorage Mayor’s Charity Ball to help groups that push youth cross-sex changes

Joel Davidson
Joel is Editor-in-Chief of the Alaska Watchman. Joel is an award winning journalist and has been reporting for over 24 years, He is a proud father of 8 children, and lives in Palmer, Alaska.


  • Steve says:

    So, I guess if you attend this ball then you are in support of these degenerate organizations? Why are the greasy leftest always taking something that’s positive and dragging it to the sewers of society. I’m beginning to feel all the winning going on in Washington D.C. is death of the Democrat party, and I couldn’t be happier.

  • James Hadlock says:

    This is what Anchorage voted for. The Christian conservative voice is either shrinking or not involved.

  • Manny Mullen says:

    The tide of Trump sinks all boats.

  • Angela LaPrise says:

    People who look to increase their joy by elevating self will always be left in a heap of disappointment. The creator of this earth and everything in it has a design that fills our joy when we are helping others, including those who truly need food, joy and mental help to receive what they need. God is love. Love doesn’t mean always giving others what they want. A loving parent will say “no” when it means keeping their children safe. So, we need to speak the truth…in love.
    Ephesians 4:15 – 15 Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.

    • Manny Mullen says:

      “People who look to increase their joy by elevating self will always be left in a heap of disappointment.”
      You mean like like players and fans of the Super Bowl?

  • V says:

    We are all complicit as taxpayers living within the Anchorage municipality.
    Tragic but true.

  • KianaKid says:

    You’ve got to admire the tenacious Democratic Party leadership. They utilize co-equality and realignment as an effective strategy. They have the ability to reach across party lines to advance their platform—for better or worse. Perhaps it’s high time as conservatives to share power across the boards and not consolidate it with a select-few.

  • TSun says:

    How much does the mayors ball cost the taxpayers?

  • Davesmaxwell says:

    keep an eye out for the governor. he’ll be dressed in drag with his troll toy smolden!

  • Sally Duncan says:

    This is truly sick Anchorage!

  • Pat says:

    You think that the money raised would benefit all citizens of Anchorage and not just a select few.

  • Jerry Cogdill Sr says:

    You have got to be kidding me! The School District and the Municipality of Anchorage doesn’t listen or care that the DEI/Gay agenda is dead. ASD and the municipality will lose all federal money if this nonsense continues. They already have huge deficits in the budget and want to make it worse! Lack of conservative voters who are willing to go out of their way to actually vote has gotten us to where we are today.