
Alaska pro-life advocates plan to hold the second annual Anchorage March for Life on Saturday, Feb. 22, to advance pro-life efforts across the city and throughout the state.

However, due to the Fur Rondy dog sled races, marchers have altered their previously posted route. Now, instead of ending in the Anchorage Downtown Cemetery, participants will gather at 2 p.m. at the ballfields on the east end of the Delaney Park Strip (corner of A and C Streets).

The main group will still begin their march at 11:30 a.m. outside the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic on Lake Otis. Those who don’t march are still encouraged to join the rally at Delaney Park Strip.

Once assembled at the park, attendees will remember the nearly 65 million innocent lives lost to abortion since 1973, when the Supreme Court allowed abortion through the Roe v. Wade decision.

“Let’s bring the whole body of Christ together to raise awareness of the sanctity of each human life and the vulnerability of women (and men) being offered abortion,” a notice for the event states. “Let us pray and work together for an end to the killing of the most innocent and vulnerable of all human beings.”

While the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, Alaska remains one of the most pro-abortion states in the union, with state-funded abortion and virtually no limits on when an abortionist can end the life of an unborn child.

The upcoming rally will entail special speakers, including Alaska State Sen. Shelley Hughes, Tara Thomas with Project Rachel, Dominican Father James Moore of Holy Family Old Cathedral, and Alaska Family Council President Jim Minnery.

Last year’s inaugural march included about 75 participants, with another 75 gathered in the cemetery for the rally. Organizers are hoping to double those numbers this year.

For more information, click here.


Organizers are encouraging pro-life Alaskans to consider taking the following actions to ensure a large turnout at the Feb. 22 Anchorage March for Life.

— Consider putting together a team from your family, church, workplace or small group to walk together.

— Send an email to Jim Minnery at or call 907-317-7268 if you’re interested in helping organize the event. Alternatively, you can reach out to organizer Mary Kemper at

— Organize a bus to bring pro lifers from communities outside of Anchorage to join the walk.

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Anchorage Pro-life march alters route to avoid sled dog race

Joel Davidson
Joel is Editor-in-Chief of the Alaska Watchman. Joel is an award winning journalist and has been reporting for over 24 years, He is a proud father of 8 children, and lives in Palmer, Alaska.


  • Neil DeWitt says:

    What do these looser have to protest? Republicans did whine and cry after biden was voted in. What makes things any different now with Trump? GROW UP I’m hoping but your proving me wrong that you graduated second grade. All this whinning and protesting proves me wrong. In second grade whinning, crying, and bullying was exceptable. Oh I forgot name calling! Grow up learn to deal with problems. This is not how. This is why I’m an Indenendent voter. I can think for myself! I vote for the person who I think can do the best job and thinks like I do. In this election it was Trump. Trump is doing the job YOUR person should have been doing after he took the oath of office but refused to do his job. Harris eouldnt even go to the border yet alone do anything about it. Biden stopped what Trump seen coming and tried to stop. Biden reversed Trumps order to build the wall and protect America and our people. Now he’s taking our and sending them all back. They can go through the check points and come back legally. YOU HAVE NOTHING TO PROTEST ABOUT!

    • OK in Anchorage says:

      Perhaps you should attend and find out!

    • FreedomAK says:

      Neil, is that a whine I hear? Specifically; the death/murder of the unborn is what these people are protesting. If that upsets you, perhaps there’s some underlying psychological issues you need to deal with. And soon. Mental illness is real.

    • Toovin says:

      No u reeeeeeeeee reeeee

  • Frozen says:

    Interesting comment, on many levels. But putting that aside, this looks like a great opportunity to support the most important issue facing our nation, and the western world. The issue of abortion is back in the states and we have to fight it in the states.

  • jjon says:

    As long as they don’t block access to clinics they are welcome to march.

    • Steven Chappell says:

      So, what is the difference between Abortion clinics or Pro-Life pregnancy counseling services being blockade? Seems the Pro-abortion crowd have no problem with the denigration of these facilities but then cry when the shoe is on the other foot. I grew out of my thought process that abortion was fine to the thought of killing the innocent life because two people mad a bad decision.