Ballots have been mailed out for the Municipality of Anchorage Regular Election on Tuesday, April 1.
In an effort to identify conservative minded candidates, Alaska Family Action has published the results of its survey, which was sent to all candidates. Only three of 20 candidates bothered to respond and take a clear public stand on these foundational and often contentious issues.
While Anchorage voters are roughly divided down the middle between political ideologies, only 1 out of 7 members (14%) on the current Anchorage School Board, and just 3 out of 12 (25%) on the current Anchorage Assembly are considered to be conservative.
During this election cycle, two (2) Anchorage School Board seats are up for grabs along with six (6) Anchorage Assembly seats.
Turnout during the spring election has typically been extremely low. During the next several weeks, Alaska Family Action will be encouraging pastors to get their people to the polls. To contact those candidates who did not respond to the Values Voter Guide Survey, click HERE.

— Protection of privacy in intimate facilities: The Anchorage School District should protect the privacy and dignity of students by requiring that certain intimate facilities—such as locker rooms, showers, changing rooms, and restrooms—be designated for and used exclusively by persons of the same biological sex.
— No abortion providers in schools: Groups that perform or promote abortion, such as Planned Parenthood, should not be permitted to teach sex education in the public schools.
— Safeguard family authority over medical care: No school district resources—including personnel such as school nurses—should be utilized in the provision of abortion or contraception to students, including by way of referral.
— Safeguard family authority over medical care: School healthcare practitioners should be required to obtain written parental consent before providing treatment to a minor child.
— Defend parental rights to direct education of children: A parent has the right to object to and withdraw her child from any activity, class, performance standard, test, assessment, or program that the parent believes is harmful to the child.
— Written parental permission before sex education: The written permission of a parent or guardian should be required before a student participates in any activity, class, or program that includes content involving human sexuality and reproduction – that is, parents should be required to “opt in” their child for such instruction, as opposed to a mere “opt out” provision.
— Teaching on gender identity and sexual orientation: Schools should be prohibited from teaching lessons on gender identity and sexual orientation in K-8th grade and should have to receive parental opt-in before teaching on these issues in high school.
— Parental notification of gender identity changes: Schools and teachers should be required to inform parents if their child has requested a change in name or pronouns and prior to making any alterations to the student’s identity in school records or by school personnel.
— Sexual risk avoidance: When sex education is taught in public schools, it should be based on a “sexual risk avoidance” (SRA) methodology that teaches students the benefits of refraining from non-marital sexual activity, and which teaches that “risk avoidance” is superior to mere “risk reduction.”

— No taxpayer subsidies for abortion: The Municipality of Anchorage should adopt a policy that disallows any municipal funds from being used to pay for abortions, promote abortion, or subsidize groups (such as Planned Parenthood) that perform or promote abortions.
— Protect privacy in intimate facilities: Anchorage Municipal Code should be amended to protect the privacy of citizens by requiring that intimate facilities within municipal buildings—such as locker rooms, showers, changing rooms, and multi-occupancy restrooms—be designated for and used exclusively by persons of the same biological sex; and further provide that all non-governmental facilities may lawfully choose to designate intimate facilities for use exclusively by persons of the same biological sex.
— Defend religious liberty / freedom of conscience: Title 5 of the Anchorage Municipal Code (“Equal Rights”) should be amended to clarify that no person may be compelled to engage in any expression or take any action that would violate his or her sincerely held religious beliefs, including the belief that marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman.
— Protection of women: Faith-based shelters that house women who have experienced domestic violence or abuse should be allowed to limit occupancy to biological women.
— Family-friendly libraries: The municipality should adopt a policy barring the Anchorage Public Library system from sponsoring “Drag Queen Storytime” or other programs that seek to indoctrinate young children in transgender ideology and promote gender confusion.
— Family-friendly libraries: The municipality should adopt a policy barring the Anchorage Public Library system from shelving materials with sexually explicit content in sections designated for children’s books and materials.
— No to sanctuary city status: The municipality should NOT adopt a policy naming Anchorage a so-called “sanctuary city”, nor adopt other policies preventing or impeding federal authorities from enforcing federal immigration policy.
— Municipal election dates: In order to increase voter turnout and decrease election costs, the municipality should move the date of municipal elections from the current spring election date to coincide with state and federal elections in the fall.
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