Alaska university teaches students to disrupt status quo, colonialism, white supremacy and patriarchy
Alaska university teaches students to disrupt status quo, colonialism, white supremacy and
Déjà vu: Alaska Health Dept. ramps up pressure to get another Covid jab
At the urging of the CDC, the State of Alaska is unleashing a pre-Christmas pro-jab campaign - imploring healthcare providers to pressure residents to submit to a trio of
OPINION: Alaskans at all levels of authority have a duty to protect pre-born babies
Interior Right to Life held a Life and Freedom Conference in Fairbanks this past October. The featured speaker, Matthew Trewhella (founder of Missionaries to the Pre-Born) explained how to defend unalienable rights at all levels, including some
ACLU seeks queer/trans activist to reshape conservative Mat-Su
If all goes according to plan the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Alaska will soon launch a concerted campaign to advance the most radical political elements of the LGBTQIA2S+ agenda in the deeply conservative Mat-Su
Anchorage Assembly grants Hamas terrorist defender a special ‘appearance’ to denounce Israel
A man who has already publicly justified the heinous attacks by Hamas terrorists against innocent Israeli civilians will be given a special time slot at the upcoming Dec. 19 Anchorage Assembly meeting in order to deride Israel as an “apartheid” state,
Despite sharp decline in student population, Anchorage Assembly seeks $62M in new school bond debt
While Anchorage has lost more than 6,000 students over the past two decades, the Anchorage Assembly wants area taxpayers to approve a $62-million-dollar bond package to construct, renovate, and plan new school building projects. At the Dec. 19 Assembly
Sullivan & Murkowski join Senate colleagues in decrying UN’s inaction on Hamas’ sexual violence against women
Sullivan & Murkowski join Senate colleagues in decrying UN's inaction on Hamas’ sexual violence against
Kenai Catholics protest final Satan ‘prayer’ at borough assembly meeting
A group of faithful Catholics plan to oppose a satanic invocation scheduled for the start of the Dec. 12 Kenai Borough Assembly
Divorce/separation is the most common ‘adverse childhood experience’ in Alaska
Divorce/separation is the most common ‘adverse childhood experience’ in
Santa, pony rides and a petting zoo headed to Mat-Su
Santa is headed to Wasilla on Dec. 16 for an annual pre-Christmas celebration at Creekside Plaza (1830 Parks Hwy.) in Wasilla. The event includes a chance to chat with St. Nick, while benefiting the local Food Pantry and Salvation Army. There will also be