
1.21 > Murkowski and the E.R.A.

Introduced in 1972, the Equal Rights Amendment (or ERA) required 38 states to ratify it before 1979. Only 35 states agreed before the deadline had passed. But that hasn’t stopped liberal activists from pushing the agenda. Last year Virginia became the 38th
MLK image

Gov. Dunleavy recognizes Martin Luther King Jr. Day in Alaska

Gov. Mike Dunleavy issued a proclamation on Jan. 18 in hornor of the national holiday commemorating the legacy of Rev. Martin Luthar King, Jr. and his prominent role as a civil rights leader. In addition to his powerful work as a tireless and nonviolent

1.15 > A Struggle for Liberty

The sum total of current events leads to the inevitable conclusion that newly empowered liberal elites are prepared to dramatically tighten the noose on citizens, businesses, churches, media outlets and other organizations. As this great struggle for liberty

Juneau unveils LGBTQ Native art funded by federal CARES Act

Thanks to the Juneau Borough Assembly’s actions, the City Museum in Juneau has acquired new “artwork” by local artists who received federal funds through Juneau’s $330,000 CARES ArtWorks grant. Thirty-five projects were funded by the grant and the

ANALYSIS: Is the Pfizer COVID vaccine morally licit?

Is it ever morally permissible to use a vaccine tested or originated with fetal cells obtained from an abortion? The Pfizer vaccine, now available in Alaska, used such cells for testing. Natural Law recognizes three components of any moral action: The