Trump supporters to hold ‘Stop the Steal’ rally in Anchorage
With President Trump poised to begin a series of court challenges over questionable election irregularities in several key states, Alaskans are joining Trump supporters across the nation in holding a “Stop the Steal” rally on Sunday, Nov. 8. Similar
Radical socialists aim to usher in a new regime on Nov. 3
I was reading a prominent American sociologist Charles Murray’s book, “Losing ground: American social policy, 1950–1980,” which is about the terrible failures of the huge federal programs of the mid-1960s through 1980 (last year of Murray’s
Video shows conservative base energized across Alaska
A number of conservative rallies, motorcades and political events have occurred across Alaska over the past few months (and many more are planned this weekend). This video by Scott Stansbury, of SSP Studio & Gallery captures some of the passion and
Debunking ‘white privilege theory’ with facts
Progressive activists claim that “white privilege theory” it is a social construct and social movement for justice, equal rights and opportunities for people of color who historically were deprived those rights through systemically discriminated
Alaska has lowest COVID death rate in the nation, even as cases grow
Most of local headlines this past week have focused on the surge in COVID cases across Alaska. But a quick search the CDC data hub reveals that Alaska has the very lowest death rate in the nation at 9 deaths per 100,000 people. While Alaska’s total case
Marxism’s connection to ‘white privilege’ doctrine
The privilege many hard-working people have enjoyed in our country is because they applied themselves diligently regardless of their color, gender, ethnicity or race. Today, in America, opportunity is available to nearly everyone. Maybe that was not so true
Alaska’s largest annual gun show set for Oct. 24 in Palmer
Alaskans who support the constitutional right to keep and bear arms, shooting sports, hunting, gun collecting, and historical firearms are gathering in Palmer for the state’s largest annual gun show next month. The event is held by the Alaska Gun Collectors
Yes, Alaska churches can speak out on politics – here’s how
What can a pastor legally say from the pulpit regarding politics, candidates and ballot initiatives? Can clergy educate their congregation on key political and social issues? When do religious leaders cross the line and put their churches in jeopardy of
Juneau using $300,000 in CARES Act funds to pay for COVID inspired art
The Juneau Assembly has set aside $300,000 in CARES Act funding to commission COVID-19 inspired artwork. The CARES Act is intended to provide relieve to communities suffering from the economic impact of the virus. Juneau is one of several communities across
Anchorage pastors issue call to reject racism because all are ‘created in God’s image’
Editor’s note: A group of 21 Anchorage pastors issued a joint letter introducing a new initiative that aims to combat racism by building relationships across racial divides and affirming that all people have inherent dignity because they are created in