Breaking down exactly how Alaska funds K-12 education
By Sarah Montalbano – Alaska Policy Forum Understanding K-12 education financing is important for taxpayers to know where their money is going and how it is being used to provide a quality education for Alaska’s children. The “Citizen’s Guide to K-12
Attorney general clarifies Alaska law regarding chemical abortion pill
In an effort to clarify exactly where the State of Alaska stands with regard to the chemical abortion pill, mifepristone, the Alaska Department of Law issued a detailed statement on March 17 regarding the legal status of the deadly abortion drug, while
OPINION: Equipping Alaska’s Christians to engage, redeem and build culture
Editor’s note: The following article was written as a joint effort between Greg Schmidt, Frank Johnson and Gretchen Moreland. A few mornings ago, I woke up to a text from a friend who shared the following joke. “A priest, at rabbit and a minister walk
WARNING: Prop. 14 is a ‘Trojan Horse’ to raise Anchorage property taxes
By BOB MAIER – OPINION Proposition 14 on the April 4 Anchorage Municipal Ballot proposes to amend the Municipal Charter by removing the taxation on marijuana from the tax cap calculation. In Anchorage the terms for the sale and marketing for marijuana
EDITORIAL: Conservative voters need a chain reaction to swing Anchorage election
Ballots were mailed out to registered Anchorage voters last week for yet another mail-in-only election. While there’s nothing to be done about the fact that in-person voting was tossed out seven years ago, conservatives can, and should, flood the election
Honoring St. Patrick of Ireland: Fearless defender of Truth
Today, many Alaskans are joining the 31 million Americans who claim some degree of Irish ancestry in celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day, which remains one of the most popular holidays in America. While this day is certainly known for its shamrocks, periodic
Board of Education urges Alaska to protect integrity of girls sports from biological males
In an effort to ensure fairness is girls’ sports, the seven-member Alaska State Board of Education has unanimously passed a resolution urging the Alaska School Activities Association (ASAA) to create regulations that explicitly provide for a female-only
Tucker Tapes put leftist ‘madhouse’ on its heels
Tucker Carlson’s release of the heretofore suppressed footage of the January 6 security video prompts valid speculation. A “Deep State” operation was already suspected on that very day with abundant evidence and, of course, analyzed only in the
Statewide protests oppose Alaska Supreme Court’s restrictions of grand jury rights
Scores of Alaskan protesters braved freezing temperatures and howling winds to gather outside courthouses across the state in protest against recent actions by the Alaska Supreme Court to limit citizen grand juries’ investigative powers. The March 15
No drag queens here: Virtue-based story hour counters Anchorage drag queens targeting kids
In response to a slew of LGBTQ activest-driven drag queen events that target Anchorage children, a new virtue and family centered company is launching “Brave Books Story Hour” at the Loussac Library. Produced by GoodTube Kids founder Chris Gonzales, the