AK conference equips librarians to thwart parental objections to drag queens and sexualized youth books
Drag queens, gender-fluidity, sex-themed youth books and difficulties with conservative parents were prominent topics at the annual Alaska Library Association’s conference late last month in Fairbanks. Community and school librarians gathered from across
OPINION: If Chugach/Eagle River secedes from Anchorage we can strengthen parental rights in education
Editor’s note: EaglExit is a growing grassroots movement of Chugiak/Eagle River residents who are working to formally secede from Anchorage to create a new independent borough. The aim is to create a small government that can better deliver essential
Part II: Shock and awe spending spree aimed to deter future Alaska’s Constitutional Convention efforts
By J.H. Snider – The Fulcrum Editor’s note: The following is part two of four in a series about Alaska’s 2022 Constitutional Convention vote, which included massive amounts of outside spending to convince Alaskans to vote against holding a
Librarians plot to undermine Mat-Su’s school library book review committee
In the wake of mounting controversy over highly sexualized and extremely graphic books available to children in Mat-Su school libraries, the district is now on the cusp of assembling a parent-heavy book review committee to determine which titles are unfit for
DEADLINE NEARS: Alaskans must act fast to protect girls’ sports from biological males
While the closely divided Alaska Legislature does not have the votes to protect girls’ sports from biological males who claim to be female, the Alaska School Activities Association just might. At its May 1-2 meeting in Valdez, the Alaska School Activities
OPINION: Anti-gun lawmakers introduce bills to roll back 2A rights of Alaskans
As we expected, the anti-gun zealots introduced their legislation in Juneau this month. They’re aiming to take away your gun rights through gun-confiscation schemes like so called “Red-Flag” laws and the “Home-Invasion Incentive Act.” Red-flag laws
OPINION: Why aren’t more Alaskans stepping up to defend the parental rights bill?
On March 30, I waited about an hour and a half to testify in support of Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s parental rights in education bill (House Bill 105), which would bar public schools from hiding a child’s sexual identity or health records from parents, while
Another round of public testimony set for Alaska parental rights bill
Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s parental rights bill is set for what should be another round of contentious testimony on Monday, April 24, in the House Education Committee. Major hardline leftist groups like Planned Parenthood, ACLU, Identity and others have marshaled
Murkowski helps pro-abort Dems block GOP effort to end federally funded VA abortions
On April 19, Sen. Lisa Murkowski, once again, broke with her GOP colleagues to join Democrats in defending pro-abortion policy. Senate Republicans had hoped to block a new Biden administration policy of using the VA to federally fund abortions in cases of
Robots in the sky: Alaska to host conference on future of AI drones for a ‘New World Economy’
Gov. Mike Dunleavy and the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, have announced the “Global Autonomous Systems Conference,” scheduled in Anchorage this coming August. Keynote speakers include Alaska’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Anne Zink and University of