OPINION: Catholic gratitude for Evangelist Franklin Graham calling out a wayward pope
OPINION: Catholic gratitude for Evangelist Franklin Graham calling out a wayward

Education activists plot strategy to pressure AK lawmakers into spending more money
Education activists plot political battle to push AK lawmakers into spending more

OPINION: Why Israel and the U.S. have such a close friendship, despite our differences
There are several reasons why the United States has been so closely identified with

Israel/Gaza and the historic, religious and ethnic challenges of global terrorism
Far-left media notoriously make various historical and statistical errors that lead the public to a divisive conclusion on Israel-Gaza/Hamas wars. The arguments are: (1) Unjust creation of Israel in 1948 provoked conflicts in the Middle East; (2) Foreign aid

Alaska Health Dept. trains providers to push Covid jabs, and counter ‘health misinformation’
Alaska’s Department of Health is partnering with the University of Alaska to give healthcare workers tips on how to promote “vaccine confidence” while learning how to combat so-called “health

Alaska AG joins 21-states in challenging Biden’s highway climate mandate
Alaska Attorney General Treg Taylor joined a 21-state coalition to push back against the Biden Administration’s latest climate rule, which mandates that states with federal interstates and highways adopt stringent CO2 emissions standards to help achieve

Marxist uses Anchorage Assembly appearance to decry Israel’s response to heinous Hamas attacks
A radical Marxist organizer for the Anchorage chapter for the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PLS) took advantage of his special reserved time slot at the Dec. 19 Anchorage Assembly meeting to castigate Israel’s military response to Hamas’ horrific

OPINION: Alaska Commission on Aging needs new members to help address critical challenges
OPINION: Alaska Commission on Aging needs new members to help address critical

Alaska university teaches students to disrupt status quo, colonialism, white supremacy and patriarchy
Alaska university teaches students to disrupt status quo, colonialism, white supremacy and

Déjà vu: Alaska Health Dept. ramps up pressure to get another Covid jab
At the urging of the CDC, the State of Alaska is unleashing a pre-Christmas pro-jab campaign - imploring healthcare providers to pressure residents to submit to a trio of