Anchorage mayoral candidates reveal stark differences on hot-button social issues
A one-hour mayoral forum, between former Anchorage Assemblywoman Suzanne LaFrance and incumbent Mayor Dave Bronson revealed sharp differences on some of the most divisive and controversial cultural

Alaskan Homestead Expo offered ‘magnetic showmanship’ and old-timey wisdom
Classrooms and tents were packed to capacity, flanked by retail and informational booths. Youth learned leather tooling, orienteering, and dug deeply into hands-on seeds, worms, sourdough baking and more. The meeting space overlooking the wintertime rink held

University of Alaska hosts ‘Lavender’ graduations for assorted sexual identities
In an effort to publicly affirm the ever-expanding litany of human sexual proclivities and identities, the publicly-funded University of Alaska system is hosting so-called “Lavender Graduation” events in the lead up to traditional graduation ceremonies

‘Gun Tote’n Momas’: Anchorage outdoor store to host women’s conceal carry purse class
“If you’re going to carry in a purse, you need to know two things: how to safely draw it without muzzling yourself, and since it will take a little bit of time to make the draw, you need to have situational

OPINION: Economic development and traditional uses can coexist in Alaska
Traditionalists should realize that the process of economic development is a part of social evolution and cultural change through which nations seek to improve their well-being. The process of exploration of natural resources cannot be overlooked or stopped

OPINION: What spawned this mad reality of the 21st centery?
The make believe madness of the 21st century has its roots in rejecting the Natural Moral Law. Without it, we can pretend to be whomever we wish, and do whatever we

Alaska Women: Pro-life sidewalk counselor inspired by her homesteading mom’s profound openness to life
The firm conviction that children are a gift from God to be prized above material goods made a notable impact on Shirley’s daughter, Shirleen Rannals, who has devoted her life to carrying on her mother’s

Climate alarmists back like-minded candidates in key Chugach Electric Board race
One of Alaska’s most radical climate-alarmist organizations is throwing its endorsement behind two like-minded candidates running to serve on the powerful Chugach Electric Association Board of

EDITORIAL: In Alaska’s school choice showdown, Gov. Dunleavy says the quiet part aloud
The reality is that the old guard detests the homeschool and private school movement, which so many more parents have embraced over the past few

Despite court ruling, Alaska correspondence kids to finish out year while case is appealed
In the aftermath of a court ruling that struck down the entirety of Alaska’s popular state-funded correspondence and homeschool programs, Alaska’s education commissioner said students enrolled in these programs will be able to finish out the year