OPINION: Abuse survivor urges Alaskans to protect kids from sexualization
OPINION: Abuse survivor urges Alaskans to protect kids from

Youth guide to anal sex/porn sparks heated debate at Anchorage library meeting
Youth guide to anal sex/porn sparks heated debate at Anchorage library

Amid threat of parental backlash, Fairbanks School Board nixes LGBTQ sex books
After years of actively pushing controversial sexualized material into classrooms, the Fairbanks School Board seems to have noticed how costly this cultural war has become. At its June 6 meeting, the board voted to approve two health books for middle school

U.S. social conservatism at highest level in a decade
About four in 10 Americans now identify as “very conservative.” This comes from Gallup’s annual Values and Belief Survey, which showed both social and economic conservatism on the rise throughout the country. The May 1-24 poll showed that 38% of

Catholics march through Alaska cities to bring Christ ‘into the streets’
In an effort to publicly affirm that Jesus Christ is Lord over all of human existence, Catholics from around Alaska have embraced a centuries-old tradition of marching down main streets and along busy highways to mark the feast of Corpus Christi (Latin for

Sen. Sullivan says Trump indictment will inflict ‘lasting damage to our polarized nation’
Sen. Dan Sullivan has broken with GOP Senate leaders in blasting the recently unsealed indictment against former President Donald Trump. Unsealed on Friday, the 37-count federal indictment claims Trump misled federal investigators in order to retain sensitive

Mat-Su School Board empowers parents, restricts activist teachers
In a 6-1 vote on June 7, the Mat-Su School Board approved a host of changes to its policies relating to parental rights, teacher activism, sex education and the use of LGBTQ pronouns in public schools. The changes strengthen parental rights and restrict the

Anchorage Assembly conservatives cave on gay ‘Pride Month’ vote
In a somewhat surprising move, the three conservative-leaning Anchorage Assembly members enthusiastically joined their hard leftist colleagues in unanimously approving a resolution encouraging Anchorage residents to enthusiastically celebrate and affirm

Virtue-based story hour provides alternative to all-ages drag queen event in Wasilla
When a left-leaning Mat-Su bookstore hosts a June 10 “all ages” story hour featuring a cross-dressing drag queen, a new faith-based group will host a story hour on the same day, which looks to inspire children to seek truth, goodness, beauty and virtue.

Wasilla bookstore to host drag queen event for young kids
Black Birch Books, the only private bookstore in Wasilla, is hosting what it calls a “fabulous and inclusive Drag Storytime” for young children. According to an announcement for the June 10 event, “special guest readers will bring children’s books