Sponsor of Alaska gender ID bill refuses to say whether it lets men shower or undress with girls
Alaska State Rep. Jennie Armstrong (D-Anchorage) was unable to answer a simple question about whether her House Bill 99 would permit biological males to enter women’s shower rooms and undress in front of little girls. Armstrong’s bill seeks to add

Op-Ed: For better, more affordable healthcare, Alaska should adopt ‘direct primary care’
“So, doctor, why did you decide to go into health care?” “Oh, I don’t care for the health part. I just love all the paperwork.” That’s a conversation that has likely never happened in the history of medicine — because for doctors, providers,

Upcoming horror film gives Alaskans a unique opening to share the Gospel
On this Friday, April 14, a widely released movie called “Nefarious” will launch spiritual discussions in Alaska and across America – and likely within houses of worship and youth groups. Nefarious is scheduled to play at the Regal

EDITORIAL: Concerns over Gov. Dunleavy’s childcare expansion plan
It’s clear that Alaska, like much of the nation, has a workforce shortage, and we desperately need more people to fill key positions in the private and public sectors. It’s also apparent that the childcare industry, like most others, is suffering from

Dunleavy wants to explore how to get more Alaska kids into childcare facilities
Gov. Mike Dunleavy wants it to be easier and more affordable for mothers and fathers to put their kids in childcare facilities while they work. To this end he has established a special task force charged with developing a strategy to improve the availability

5 Alaska House Republicans oppose amendment to stop state-funded abortions
Five GOP lawmakers in the Alaska State House, some of whom claim to be pro-life, joined Democrats to kill an amendment to the state budget that sought to prohibit Alaska from using state funds to underwrite abortions. Proposed on April 3 by Rep. David Eastman

Alaska 40 Days for Life recap: ‘Thank you for praying … for an end to the ‘evil of abortion’
By Mary Kemper – 40 Days for Life coordinator A blessed Holy Week to each of you. Thank you for praying with us during these last 40 Days for an end to the evil of abortion. You who prayed from home provided strong support for those who prayed publicly

Mat-Su revamps protocols to protect students in wake of controversial school book fair
Mat-Su schools that plan to host book fairs in which private vendors sell materials to children and parents, must now first provide parents with a list of the books on display. Additionally, parents must be notified two weeks prior to the fair so they have

Far left candidates dominate Anchorage’s early election results
The April 4 election is shaping up to be yet another victory lap for Anchorage’s hardline cultural leftists. If Tuesday night’s early returns are any indication, liberals will continue their supermajority dominance on the Assembly and school board. Of the

ON RECORD: 21 Alaska educators who don’t want parents to know of LGBTQ/sex-ed agenda
On rare occasion do Alaska public school educators openly air a distain for conservative parents, religious values or traditional views of morality and human sexuality. The nearly 400 pages of public testimony submitted on House Bill 105, however, provides a