Search Results for: Dl with

OPINION: The violent morphing of Feminism 3.0

Feminism 1.0 was in the 19th century, clamoring for the right to vote, own property and hold elective office. In case you didn’t know, it was also strongly anti-abortion. The 2.0 version emerged in the 1960s, and we all know how that went. But the old 2.0

OPINION: Anchorage needs Moore

There is a saying that we get the government we want. If that’s the case, we want a government that is soft on crime, raises our property taxes, raises our rents, keeps pouring more money into our failing schools, and treats homelessness as a virtue rather

Breaking down exactly how Alaska funds K-12 education

By Sarah Montalbano – Alaska Policy Forum Understanding K-12 education financing is important for taxpayers to know where their money is going and how it is being used to provide a quality education for Alaska’s children. The “Citizen’s Guide to K-12