Congress rebuffs Biden admin’s attempt to defund school archery & hunter safety courses
Congress rebuffs Biden admin’s attempt to defund school archery & hunter safety
Fairbanks resumes push to radicalize schools with LGBT, anti-Christian courses
Wouldn’t it make sense that if parents objected to the pornography in the proposed Fairbanks North Star Borough School District curriculum that the objection would still stand if they hadn’t removed it? Well, that isn’t how the FNSB School
![LGBT class pic](https://alaskawatchman.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/LGBT-class-pic.jpg)
![LGBT class pic](https://alaskawatchman.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/LGBT-class-pic.jpg)
Explicit LGBTQ courses planned for Fairbanks students
Students in Fairbanks will soon be exposed to radical sexual ideologies in English and social studies classes if proposed curriculum changes are approved by the Fairbanks North Star Borough School Board this spring. The school district is revising its 7-12
Legal battle resumes on fate of Alaska’s homeschool allotment program
As expected, the battle has resumed over whether Alaska’s growing homeschool population can utilize state-funded correspondence programs to access educational goods and services provided at private and religious entities. Last summer, the Alaska Supreme
OPINION: It’s time to remove Judge Zeman from the bench
If you are an Alaskan who believes in school choice, has experienced the freedom of educational alternatives for your family, or perhaps you are simply tired of activist judges imposing their personal views in the courtroom – now is the time to show Judge
OPINION: The beginnings of Alaska-Soviet relations happened in a Sitka living room
The start of Alaska-Soviet relations happened in a Sitka living
Alaska Education Board to meet July 1 to discuss homeschool regs
Alaska State Board of Education will meet to discuss how the state can continue funding correspondence programs for 24,000 students across
OPINION: Alaska Supreme Court must overturn Judge Zeman’s erroneous decision to upend homeschool programs
The Alaska Supreme Court would be wise to quickly overturn Zeman’s decision and let the Legislature decide if they want to change their existing educational policy. That’s the way our Founders wanted it
Ruling against homeschool expenditures may threaten the Alaska Performance Scholarship
While the state is challenging Superior Court Judge Adolf Zeman’s ruling, the rationale behind his opinion threatens another state-funded program that allows students to spend scholarship money at private and religious colleges throughout
Homeschooler and career tech grad are Alaska’s 2024 U.S. Presidential Scholars
The only two Alaska students to be named 2024 U.S. Presidential Scholars were a homeschooler from Anchorage and a career and technical graduate from the Mat-Su. These students opted to forego the traditional, neighborhood public school model for a more