Search Results for: endo z

Planning session pic

Inside scoop: Planned Parenthood’s 2020 strategy for Alaska

Planned Parenthood, Alaska’s largest provider of abortions, held a strategic planning session on Jan. 7 in Anchorage. The event took place at Writer’s Block Café where a “We Support Planned Parenthood” sign stood in the window. About 30 people came,
School bus stop

Fairbanks School District gets pushback on LGBTQ curriculum

A group working on a curriculum overhaul that would expose students in Fairbanks to controversial sexual ideologies in English and social studies classes held a meeting on Nov. 7. A significant part of the discussion centered on pushback the Fairbanks North
Military chaplain pic

Military chaplains are ‘true lifeline’ for soldiers

Faith is a major factor in the lives of many U.S. soldiers. Military men and women lean on this pillar through deployments and combat, but also in dealing with challenges of missing milestone events and uprooting families due to frequent reassignments around
Women Healing

Alaskans grieve and pray with women who’ve had abortions

Carol Szopa knows firsthand the profound healing possible for women who have experienced abortion. A registered nurse in Anchorage she has spent nearly 20 years grieving and praying with women who have endured tremendous guilt from their decision. Szopa is a