OPINION: ‘Hot-button’ climate theme shouldn’t deter Academic Decathlon participation
One of Alaska’s most successful Academic Decathlon teams comes out of the IDEA homeschool program. Some people associated with this team expressed concern about this year’s theme, and one Mat-Su mom relayed her criticism in a widely circulated opinion

OPINION: Alaska Supreme Court must overturn Judge Zeman’s erroneous decision to upend homeschool programs
The Alaska Supreme Court would be wise to quickly overturn Zeman’s decision and let the Legislature decide if they want to change their existing educational policy. That’s the way our Founders wanted it

OPINION: The bear vs. squirrel dispute offers insight into today’s cultural wars
But you wasted your time and efforts in trying to convince a stupid squirrel about something that is so obvious to all of us. You cannot rationalize someone who is brainwashed, irrationally stubborn and believe in the squirrel’s narrow-minded

OPINION: Who do you believe in the changing accounts of the Denali National Park flag flap?
Who are you going to believe in the ever-changing story about the construction crewmen in Denali National Park who were told to remove the American flag from their

OPINION: ‘Dangerous gender altering drugs and surgeries do not prevent suicide’
"Gender reassignment interventions — cross-sex hormone injections and/or transgender surgeries, abbreviated as “GR” in the report — have “not been shown to reduce even suicidal ideation, and suicidal ideation is not equal to actual suicide

OPINION: What can Alaskans do when they are unlawfully persecuted by state government?
Facts revealed to the public in an independent grand jury report go hand in hand with our other remedies. Those facts help inform voters and can help generate the necessary support for initiatives and

OPINION: Alaska Long Trail raises concerns over land rights, federal control, state priorities
If the Long Trail becomes a federal scenic trail, we’ll lose our states’ rights on those lands, just like when President Jimmy Carter confiscated 54 million acres from Alaska to create eight National Parks back

OPINION: Urban planners erode original intent of our nation’s highway funds
Bicycles and mass transit were not then, and should not be now, incorporated into what is arguably defense-oriented legislation and

OPINION: 23 years ago, patterns of the Israel-Palestine conflict looked eerily similar
Today, “Hamas lovers” and violent pro-Palestinian protesters are either naïve or misinformed, or both. The pro-Palestinian and anti-Semitic protests resemble those of the leftist Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA. These violent protests and anti-Semitic

Alaska GOP leaders help kill effort to strip public funding of abortion
Pro-abortion Alaska lawmakers, as well as those who pay lip service to pro-life constituents, are fine with “intent” language, so long as it has no teeth, but Hughes amendment posed a real difficulty for lawmakers who publicly profess to be