Planned Parenthood has endorsed pro-abortion candidate Al Gross in his campaign against Alaska U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan.
While running as an Independent, Gross is backed by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and has received support from the Democratic National Committee.
Planned Parenthood, which performs the majority of abortions in Alaska each year, hailed Gross as a “champion” who will resist President Trump and Sullivan – both of whom oppose taxpayer funding of abortion and support pro-life measures.
Gross expressed gratitude at having received the backing of the abortion industry.
In February, Sullivan voted for the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act to increase protections for some born and unborn babies who might otherwise be aborted or killed after they are born. He also co-sponsored the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act to outlaw abortions after 20 weeks, the time by which many scientific studies indicate that unborn babies can feel pain, although it may be much earlier than this.
Planned Parenthood adamantly opposed both of these measures.
“As our nation struggles to address the COVID-19 pandemic, it shines a spotlight on the need for strong leaders who will champion our health and our rights,” said Jennifer Allen, CEO of Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest and Hawaii.
Allen said Planned Parenthood is “thrilled” to endorse Gross in his campaign against Sullivan, who won 48% of the statewide vote in 2014 to unseated pro-abortion Senator Mark Begich by 6,000 votes.
“Nearly 8,000 patients walk through the doors of Planned Parenthood health centers for their health care needs in Alaska every year,” Allen said. “Those patients, and all people in Alaska, need a champion like Al Gross to fight for access to health care and show true leadership in Congress.”
For his part, Gross expressed gratitude at having received the backing of the abortion industry.
“Receiving Planned Parenthood Action Fund’s endorsement means the world to me,” he posted on Facebook.
1 Comment
Sounds like Gross really gets a kick out of aborting babies.