On Sept. 26, Alaskans will hold a rally and rolling parade through the streets of Anchorage in support of President Donald Trump.
“We are the silent but yet not so silent majority,” a Facebook notice for the rally states. “We fly our American flag with pride, and we support our great president Donald J Trump.”
Organized by a group called Alaskans for Trump, the event begins at 2 p.m. at the Cabela’s on 155 W 104th Avenue. From there participants will drive a caravan of vehicles through downtown Anchorage, finishing at Big Lake Lions Club in Big Lake for a family-friendly celebration.
The rally will include guest speakers at 3 p.m. with the parade running from 4:15-5:30 p.m.
Local business owners who support Trump are urged to contact the organizers so they can be publicly recognized at the event.
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