Peggy’s Restaurant, one of Anchorage’s most enduring and beloved hangouts, closed its doors on Christmas Eve and the owners don’t know when or if they will be able to reopen.

The owners posted a Facebook notice on Christmas Eve saying, “It is with a heavy heart that we make the following announcement: Effective December 25th we are closed until further notice. For the first time since 1988 we will be closed for Holidays.”
Like most restaurants across Anchorage, Peggy’s has been hit hard by the COVID-19 mandates that have closed Anchorage eateries off and on for much of the past year. On Dec. 22, the Anchorage Assembly refused to lift Acting Mayor Austin Quinn-Davidson’s emergency order that bans all indoor dining.
“Reopening is uncertain for us at this point due to the current COVID-19 MOA mandates and restrictions,” the restaurant Facebook page stated.
Founded in 1944, amid World War II, the original owner was retired schoolteacher Peggy Lott (1903-2006). Over the past seven decades old friends, military veterans, mayors, governors and countless others have slid into Peggy’s classic diner booths for a slice of homemade pie and hot coffee. The eatery still uses the late Peggy Lotts original pie recipes.
“Pie seems to help with hard decisions,” the owners noted on Dec. 24. “Remember us in your prayers this holiday season as you all will be in ours … Stay Strong Alaska.”
Located on 5th Avenue across from Merrill Field Airport, Peggy’s has served breakfast all day for 66 plus years. In 1988, Peggy’s waitress Nancy Burley fulfilled her dream and took over the restaurant. Knowing not to mess with success, she kept the it largely unchanged. The menu still offers diner classics, the decor is old school, breakfast is served all day, and of course, the coffee is bottomless.
The restaurant has supported three generations of employees, some of which have worked there for more than 15 years.
Peggy’s was originally located in the Merrill Field Airport where it catered to Alaska bush pilots. Fiercely loyal customers would travel miles out of their way just to get a slice of Peggy’s famous pie. Since 1954, the restaurant has been located in its current spot on 5th Avenue.
And the space will be sold to China good job anchorage!.
1944 to 2020 is 76 years, not 66… learn math and honor them correctly.
Sad ,if she and her husband Frank were alive they would be beating down the doors of city hall. As a kid back in the 60’s my mom and dad were good friends with Frank and Peggy Lott. What most everyone doesn’t know about Peggy she was a Territorial judge of Alaska and a Fighter. Frank in his late 60″s could out hike and out do most 20 year olds. I remember those pies when Peggy was making them. It’s very sad to hear that Peggy’s is closed possibly for good.
Thank you Mike , We Alaskans remember the goodness of the past & pray for the future of freedom we all can share! God Bless
When will Anchorage Patriots storm the assembly and arrest those Commie Traitors?
I agree Mongo but it will take 100’s of us along with huge letter writing campaign. It seems these days there are not enough of us to take action, or not enough of us that want too. I truly believe we need to go back to email lists and vacate facebook. I think we organized far more effectively before social media.
How much of Anchorage is on the ropes because of these foolish and harmful mandates. Many businesses will be closing their doors for good soon. This assembly is doing irreversible damage to those businesses that have supported Anchorage for generations. Why isn’t the relief money being given to them now??????
It’s the citizens in anchorage. They won’t band together an do what needs to be done. It’s funny in killeen texas we don’t have this problem. Hmm I wonder why. IT’S THE RESIDENTS. They don’t care anymore. Anchorage is done.
Too many cops there anyways ..they needed to hurry up and shut that pig lounge down
Thank you. I totally agree.
Merry Christmas to you, too!
Wow. So police officers are not allowed to eat?
Thanks Berky and our new he/she mayor! Anchorage is suffering because of your stupid decisions!!!
The Anchorage assembly is no longer serving the people but destroying the city one business at a time. Stop listening to these asinine mandates and start believing in your constitution a city or state may not enact laws that restrict a persons constitutional rights. You have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The assembly has violated your constitutional rights. Legally you do not have to honor those laws or mandates as legal or legitimate. Stop being sheep and start being Americans take your government back. Dissolve the fear mongering and take back our great state
Preach love
Does the Anchorage Assembly have some legal protection against recourse just because they’re elected? To the point of complete incompetence, criminal negligence even public contempt? The ‘data’ and ‘science’ these world class idiots that have done incalculable damage to Anchorage doesn’t come even close justifying the brazen power gobbling egotistical demons have clutched on to in this election targeted fake crisis. When the very criminals circumventing their oath to protect peoples freedoms and doing the damage that is being done even create an environment where legal recourse is impossible or difficult because of the ‘decree’s’ they’re implementing, and the courts themselves are playing the same demigod political thuggery at the cost of the citizen in the name of perversely defined arbitrated ‘safety’ reasons, then ‘peaceful’ becomes impossible. This is the same obscene monarchical detritis the Declaration of Independence itemizes. Part of this vulgarity is pure political constituent appeasement and bolstering. It’s like putting loaded guns in the toy box on Romper Room. Except that children don’t understand right from wrong, these degenerates do. They are playing board game with peoples lives. DO NOT FORGIVE THEM.
Amen, amen
I will add another Amen.
It’s a sad, sad day
Just published data shows that suicides are up, drug overdoses WAAY up, and hospitalizations are WAAAAAY up due to the mental and emotional deterioration of so many because of all of this evil control. I wonder how many of the oh so few available hospital beds would be more available if all these poor souls weren’t having to harm themselves, all due to these insane lockdowns (which obviously don’t work – just ask our fake mayor). Even the WHO had said that lockdowns do more societal damage than the virus does! So much for following the “science”
This is terrible up here in Alaska. You have other cities like Wasilla and such that are open. I talked to a friend in Arizona last night and he said their restaurants are all open. And he’s in the Phoenix area. It has not been proven that the virus spreads more in a restaurant versus outside or at parties or anywhere else. There’s no reason to close our restaurants.
It’s all part of the CABAL master plan to free up the lease properties that these businesses set on so they can be sold to Chinese investors. Every politician is getting kick backs for supporting these special interest groups. FACT! don’t believe me? Go research all the cooperate mergers that took place in the 1980s. WITH CHINA. This isn’t about a FLU never was!
What Chinese investors think an anchorage diner space is valuable ? You’re hilarious
Or let’s go one step further and say its all part of their plan to take over the entire world!
Couldn’t help myself.
It is, learn the facts.
Absolutely! Our restaurants in the valley are packed! Grape Tap actually put a recording on their phone answering that simply said no more reservations until after Christmas. Likely one now that says New Years. We went out last night and the restaurant was completely full. Yet no one is getting sick from eating out. Some restaurants keep a list of names and contact numbers just in case. My husband and I eat out a lot and are still Covid free. It is all soooo ridiculous. Power and control that is the real reason. And obviously you have an assembly were few of them understanding basic economics or where tax dollars come from. They will simply raise your property taxes to pay for all the losses.
We shouldn’t be pointing fingers its not their fault the world is struggling to keep people alive and out of hospitals. This whole situation is seriously devastating to our whole economy. Threatening the ones we love. It’s like everything is falling apart all over and there’s no right solution to these problems. The only hope we have is this vaccine that may or may not even work? & Yes also we do need to stand together to help save these family businesses that we all know and love.
Our only hope is that our community will all come together after all is said and done, to help each other rebuild our lives and come back together stronger than before.
I agree that Covid is serious business but people are not getting sick from eating out. Social distancing, being mindful and washing hands, wearing masks where you can’t social distance or where businesses ask you to do so – all are huge preventative measures. If they weren’t, the Matsu valley would be reeling in Covid and we aren’t. Shutting down businesses is solving nothing.
This is just so sad and so senseless. My husband and I enjoyed Peggys pies for years. I also enjoyed many breakfasts there with coworkers over the years as we would often have our meetings there. So long ago but you would expect such a landmark to just go on forever. We have lived in the valley now for over 30 years and everything here is open with no significant Covid increases or numbers. It is not restaurants causing Covid spread. It is truly a crime that the Anchorage assembly is being allowed to get away with this.
Everyone can go to Walmart and all the shopping centers but not Peggy’s what a crock
The solution is right before your eyes and yet no one can see it. So let these criminals continue to KILL ALASKA it will all be over soon enough then everything will be shut down and you will be back in the pre 1940’s era only they will tax you beyond exitance. And for those generations who know nothing of survival with the old ways better leave in the spring.
Here’s a thought! Our government has been sending vast amounts of money to our cities for PPP aka Paycheck Protection Program among other things. Perhaps businesses could temporarily shut down but continue to pay their employees to keep their jobs.The owners can also apply to the city to have their morgage or rent paid during the shut down due to loss of Revenue. City wins shut down, people keep jobs, may help stop virus. Downside is we may have to cook our own food for a while.
In 1963 my parents along with 3 kids (I was 5 years old) drove to Alaska from Idaho. When we got to Anchorage the folks were tired, dirty, and 3 young children in tow stopped at Peggy’s Restaurant. The story I heard was my father went in and asked if they would let us come in and eat no matter how grubby we were. We were welcomed with open arms. I don’t remember it but I do remember the story. What has happened in Anchorage with all the small family owned restaurants and bars is a sin and a crime. I don’t live in Anchorage but I hope the residents of Anchorage remember at the next election and send these liberal assembly jerks packing on the next bus out of town.
1944 + 66 = 2010.
I believe La Mex is also closing its doors for good…Sad times
Michael they are selling the building & moving to a smaller location to survive !
Because you won’t unite and carry the fight to the Supreme court you lose !!!
I mean why are the Oriental restaurants open could someone open my eyes. I thot I got away from Korean food but I can’t even eat at a good old American restaurant here in Anchorage.
Alberto it’s not about the diner space you ignorant pansey it’s about the property it sets on. You really don’t understand anything thats going on or you wouldn’t even open your mouth! Set back and watch.
Denise check all the products you buy. They all are made in China. They already took over the world’s economy and you were to stupid to see it. Heck you even celebrated it. And now you will act like it’s a game to laugh at. You must have been educated in Alaska public schools. I have never been impressed with the education up there. And if you weren’t i feel sorry for your native state like ur probably an implant from some blue liberal state because you talk out your rear end