Introduced in 1972, the Equal Rights Amendment (or ERA) required 38 states to ratify it before 1979. Only 35 states agreed before the deadline had passed. But that hasn’t stopped liberal activists from pushing the agenda.
Last year Virginia became the 38th state to ratify the ERA, although seven states have since rescinded their ratification and so it remains a legal question as to whether the 38 state threshold (which is three-fourths of all states) has actually been achieved.
While three states ratified the ERA after the 1979 deadline, supporters of the measure say that shouldn’t matter.
Last year the U.S. House passed a resolution stating that the ERA’s deadline is null and void.
And here’s where Murkowski comes in. She helped introduce a companion version in the Senate, and argued that her colleagues approve the measure. They did not, but that was last year.
Now with Democrats narrowly in control, Murkowski could become the swing vote. If she and Senate Democrats muster the votes to nix the deadline, the fate of the ERA would likely be in the hands of the U.S. Supreme Court. They would have to decide whether extending the deadline for states ratification was allowable and whether the seven states that have since rescinded their ratification are still on the hook.
Most Senate Republicans will certainly oppose the ERA, which will put Murkowski in the position of empowering her Democratic colleagues and their extreme pro-abortion and LGBTQ policies. Take note Alaskans. This may be the year when the once waffling Murkowski goes all in for the radical social agenda of the liberal Democrats.
I think she should run as a Democrat.
I don’t think she should run at all! It’s time for her to get out of politics completely!! Do Alaska a favor Lisa…move to California!!
As we move into a new Decade, it is time the ponder weather Alaska’s Senator is reality supportive of the people of Alaska? Or her own aspersions! Let’s us remember this is not the only time she has dawned sheep clothing. “The way I see it” time for a change.
Why have we not recalled Murkowski years ago for not being a Republican? We need a strong Republican to run for office.