Despite a year of protests, rallies and passion-filled Anchorage Assembly meetings, conservatives are not turning out in droves to vote for a new mayor, school board candidates or to oust hard-left Assembly Chair Felix Rivera.
As of April 2, only 34,150 mail-in ballots have been returned to the city, and there’s only 30-some hours left to vote. The city sent out 221,000 ballots last month, which means the vast majority are still laying around on kitchen tables, back seats or thrown into the trash can.
If things don’t change quickly, Assembly Chair Rivera will continue to sit atop his powerful throne, the school board will forge ahead in advancing its radical social agenda, and hard-left mayoral candidate Forrest Dunbar may well oversee it all from the top of city hall.
Why aren’t Anchorage conservatives voting in droves? It’s the easiest remedy to the city’s ills. Far simpler than endless hours and days spent marching, protesting, sign waving or letter writing. Yet, Reclaim Midtown, the group which has helped organized the effort to recall Felix Rivera, is deeply concerned that about two-thirds of the people who signed the recall petition haven’t bothered to fill out a few ovals and mail in their ballots.
Those who wish to vote by mail can still do so. If you want to vote in person, that’s also an option until 6 p.m. tomorrow. Click here locations and details.
“If people can’t be bothered to actually vote, what’s the point of complaining?” Reclaim Midtown stated in a recent Facebook post. “Are people really too busy to fill in a few boxes that will affect thousands of dollars of their taxes and quality of life for the next ten years?”
We find out tomorrow night!
- Those who vote today or tomorrow (April 5 or 6), must ensure that their ballot is postmarked no later than Election Day – April 6. Ask a postal official to hand-stamp your envelope with a postmark.
- Ballots can be returned to any number of secure drop boxes around the city. This must be done no later than 8 p.m. sharp on April 6. Click here for a comprehensive list of drop box locations.
- If you need voting assistance, need to replace a lost or damaged ballot, or didn’t receive a ballot, call Anchorage Vote Center at 243-8683.
- If you want to vote in-person, go to one the following three locations between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. today (April 5) or 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Election Day (April 6).
- City Hall (632 West 6th Ave, Room 155)
- Eagle River Town Center: 12001 Business Boulevard, Community Room #170
(same building as the library)
- Loussac Library (3600 Denali Street, First Floor, Assembly Chambers)
So mail in voting isn’t working. Funny that’s not how we heard it was to work. Time to stop this fraudulent way of voting.
Agree. Add also those that feel same way likely are not voting by mail-in ballot and will vote in person as they always have.
Ok, were I an Anchorage resident, I would be voting in person and not by mail. I am opposed to mail in ballots unless one is seriously compromised or out of state. Is it possible that other conservatives in Anchorage feel the same way, and will be voting on the Election Day, in person, tomorrow, at one of the polling locations?
Yes to Elizabeth Henry. Also there are many last minute nellies out there who will drop off today or tomorrow, so it’s not time to panic, yet!
Anchorage rolled over 10 years ago. It’s gone forever. Get the hell out before it goes full retard Portland style.
I voted, but know several people I know voted this weekend.
Anchorage if you don’t vote then shut up.
You get what’s coming your way
Dark blue like Portland
Let the burnings begin
More like “bend over los Anchorage “