The insatiable demand from leftwing activists for adherence to new and emerging standards of wokeness has spilled over into Anchorage’s LGBTQ community.
Supporting Drag Queen story hour for children, organizing gay high school proms, pushing cross-sex hormones for teens or promoting LGBTQ entertainment and radical political activism is no longer enough for the city’s leading LGBTQ organization to be considered properly “woke,” according to some Anchorage residents.
Identity, which promotes all of the above, held a board meeting last month in which the group was denounced as having “underlying white supremacist, patriarchal and colonizing roots.”
…recent events have exposed underlying white supremacist, patriarchal, and colonizing roots of Identity and the Pride Committee,” the letter begins.
The charge came in the form of a joint letter by people who identify as members of Anchorage’s “LGBTQAI2S+” community. Delivered at the April 27 board meeting, the letter expresses outrage that Anchorage Pride week organizers chose a derivative of the word “conquered” as the theme for their annual week-long June event promoting LGBTQ entertainment and political activism.
Signed by 63 people, the letter was posted on Identity’s Facebook page. It was also addressed to the members of the Anchorage Pride organizing committee.
“As members of the Anchorage queer & LGBTQIA2S+ community, we are writing to express our concern about the ways in which recent events have exposed underlying white supremacist, patriarchal, and colonizing roots of Identity and the Pride Committee,” the letter begins.
It then chastises Identity and Pride Committee members for choosing the word “Conqueered” as their Pride week theme. The letter states that the word conquered is “most often used historically by white men to steal from Indigenous peoples around the world.”
Are they being paid to advance white supremacy within the queer community?
“The theme chosen was inherently racist and misogynist,” the letter claims. “When Identity & the Pride Committee unveiled the theme, much resistance emerged from both BIPOC and anti-racist white people.”
BIPOC is a recently introduced acronym in leftist circles. It refers to “black, indigenous and people of color,” and has gained popularity with the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement in 2020. The national BIPOC Project website claims that America is “firmly entrenched in maintaining white supremacy, patriarchy and capitalism.” It also claims that “People of color have always understood the need for our own spaces without white people present, for our own safety and healing.” The group’s website adds that BIPOC communities should intentionally “disrupt calls for ‘unity’” among various groups if they fail to advance BIPOC economic, social and cultural agendas.
In this case, BIPOC allies are ready to sow disunity among LGBTQ ranks in Anchorage.
The letter sent to Identity demands to know who chose and approved the “conqueered” theme for Pride week.
The entire saga highlights an ongoing struggle playing out nationally within leftist circles.
“Are those individuals still involved in the organizing process?” the letter states. “Are they being paid to advance white supremacy within the queer community? How are they educating themselves and do they have robust support systems through which they can learn how historical trauma effects queer communities today so that they are not continuing to perpetuate white supremacist violence?”
The letter then calls on Pride organizers to step down if they are unwilling to reeducate themselves and persist in planning an event that “propagates white supremacy.”
The letter demands a halt to all Pride week planning in order to address BIPOC concerns, and says the Identity board and Pride organizers must undergo “ongoing transformative justice training” because they have “shown that they are ill equipped to engage in a process of repair, and that the current culture of these organizations are unwilling to listen to, care about, or fight for BIPOC queer people.”
Identity’s Facebook page states that it is now “actively engaged in finding a more inclusive and representative path forward to serve this diverse community.”
The entire saga highlights an ongoing struggle playing out nationally within leftist circles. Longtime liberal activist and former Obama administration appointee to the U.S. Defense Department, Marik von Rennenkampff, recently penned an article for The Hill in which he criticized the ever-growing divisiveness sown by identity politics.
“They are the vocal cohort of Twitter-dwellers who claim that America – the most successful multicultural, pluralistic melting pot in human history – is wracked by systemic oppression and that white supremacy pervades its every institution,” von Rennenkampff wrote. “It’s the crowd that fantasizes about smashing the ‘patriarchy’ while proclaiming that ‘men are trash.’”
He noted that “relentless ‘woke’ accusations of white supremacy and racism” is a divisive ideology that will ultimately lead to “abject failure.”
As Identity just found out, no one who fails to adhere to the latest woke standards is immune from cancellation.
So when is white man or women’s day, week, month? Its seems we’ve forgotten all about this group.
It’s literally every day of the year snowflake
Everyday huh? Someone forgot to tell me, most of these special days to honor me I’m at work and paying taxes.
Spontaneous human combustion is the only path forward for woke ideology. It will devour itself, as every evil does. In the end, Love wins!
The serpent devouring it’s tail comes to mind.
This is what happens when you raise your children on pills.
A retired marine supporting the ways of the stazi?
I’m retired air force and I’m disgusted by this comment.
I have gays in my family – they’re American. My parents are American.
What is wrong with you ?
Gays have no right to continue this nonsensical charade, it’s time to stop pretending they do and letting society go to hell as a result. Also forget the stazi it’s time to go full on Middle Ages when it comes to this problem.It’s long past time to Call an inquisition put Bishop Richard Williamson in charge and have our government follow the example of the Spain and tell the sodom and Gomorra express to hit the road.
Retired AF here too. Can’t say I agree with his comments. But, nobody challenged anyone’s nationality and lots of families have gay members they love as a human, but hate their sick choices. Most people are tired of the mentally sick, sexually deviant groups. Perverse people have perverse ways and most citizens are tired of them forcing others to accept their repugnant ways and trying to teach our youth that it is normal. The only reason being gay isn’t still diagnosed as a mental illness is because insurance companies changed it so they would no longer have to pay for it. If I announced here that I were heterosexual it would be information that nobody needed. Why do normal people need to know the freak habits of ill people? Why do they have to define themselves by their perversities and make sure everyone knows?
Why does Alaska watchmen care if this community has infighting ?
All you’re articles about the gays are negative – shouldn’t you be celebrating?
I’ll celebrate a pack of mentally ill degenerates fighting one another, Alberto. Now if they’d just retreat back into their closets or move somewhere else before they drag Alaska further into the gutter…
Retired AF here too. Can’t say I agree with his comments. But, nobody challenged anyone’s nationality and lots of families have gay members they love as a human, but hate their sick choices. Most people are tired of the mentally sick, sexually deviant groups. Perverse people have perverse ways and most citizens are tired of them forcing others to accept their repugnant ways and trying to teach our youth that it is normal. The only reason being gay isn’t still diagnosed as a mental illness is because insurance companies changed it so they would no longer have to pay for it. If I announced here that I were heterosexual it would be information that nobody needed. Why do normal people need to know the freak habits of ill people? Why do they have to define themselves by their perversities and make sure everyone knows?
Oh the other hand, why do you care what story Watchman publishes? Ahhh, control? What next? Gonna call them phobic? supremacist? bigot? nazi? I’m kinda thinking that you have a lot of your own things to worry about.
Let them eat each other.
The Kettle is “BLACK ” and no ones calling it so! Why because me is the odd “person out” shame, shame , shame ….Me too!
Now you care about white supremacy? Notice that the LGBTQ community is calling out wgite supremacy immediately? Thats a good thing.
Why do you have a problem with that?
Small minded bigots.
The alphabet people.
Topical conversation creates unity and not division. This article jumps to conclusions based on their own divisive political realities and not the realities of that which they are not a part.
What conclusions? What I got out of the article was basically that the ship of special interests is getting very topheavy. Good grief look how long the acronym is getting ….. what are all those letters? It really Is getting very ridiculous and we need to get back to one race – human. Perhaps bring back the ‘golden rule’ and seek to treat one another with kindness and respect. Period.
God made all people
Red, Yellow, Black and white. Wait I forget to cap white people.
I don’t want to be racist, stupid woke bull crap.
If your an Ass your an Ass no matter what color your skin is.
Stop this woke madness
The “special” people that require a series of symbols from the alphabet(A,B,C,D,….) have not “included” the most relevant symbol for their crusade. This letter is the letter – D. It needs to be placed as the first
symbol or placed as the last symbol.
Here is the key for this letter.
D represents delusional.
This is a very dangerous mental disorder.
LOL! Love it. As a former member of this alphabet soup community I can tell you that the different “sects” within have always been at each other’s throats. Now it is becoming public, finally. Pray, pray, pray
“ And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly;“ 2Peter 2:6
“Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.“ Jude 1:7
Fear God America, his Word is Truth
United we stand, and divided we fall. American is the only standard to which we need to adhere! I’m sure many of you have friends and acquaintances from many walks of life. Because a person proclaims or follows a certain ideology or lifestyle does that, or will that, change who you are? Does that make them less human than you? We all wish to be recognized for our humanity, and we should be willing to treat others accordingly even if we fail to understand or approve of the choices they make, or have made. Be hopeful that all will receive the blessings for which they are most in need of.
place two magnets on end, likes repel , opposites attract.