On July 1, thousands of Anchorage residents are expected to celebrate the inauguration of Dave Bronson as the new mayor of Anchorage. It is right and fitting for conservatives take a moment to relish a hard-fought victory in a city that seemed to be firmly in the grip of radical leftists.
But the July 1 party at the Delaney Park Strip (details here) should also be a statement to the nine hard leftist Anchorage Assembly members that the majority of Anchorage expects the city to change course under Bronson.
While the election was razor close, an impressive 46,000 residents voted for Bronson and his vision of personal liberty, religious freedom, free market, and law and order. Of course, the vast majority of the Assembly is sorely dismayed that Bronson is now the city’s top elected official. They will do all they can to subvert his vision, and so it is incumbent on conservatives to show overwhelming support for their new mayor.
The first order of duty will be to turn out in massive numbers to the upcoming July 9 confirmation hearings in which the Assembly will begin voting on whether to approve Bronson’s key administrators. It is critical that voters pack the Assembly Chambers in support for these men and women. They will be the architects for the new direction Bronson aims to take the city in the months and years ahead.
Yes, there is a strong conservative at the helm, but the battles ahead will not be easy. Party tomorrow, and then prepare for the difficult work ahead.
Thank you Watchmen! Keep telling us where to be & when! People, if you can’t be there, pray remotely!
Support Bronson and Dunleavy and their administrations despite the ADN. They are the ones fighting on the frontlines fighting to keep us further out of debt agianst a crowd that wants us all broke for paying higher and higher taxes for Governnent and its special interest groups. Alaska’s point guards cant change Alaska’s trajectory alone. They need the people get more control over their own and relatives lives off government help that doesnt have to be just public assistance. There are other ways Alaskans are dependent on Governnent state and municipal services without it coming through public assistance offices.
What? Dunleavy is fighting for us? Could have fooled me.
Lol good one. It’s a shame about Dunleavy, that recall shook his boots and now he’s a limp noodle. He just likes to pretend to stand tall, sometimes, not when it really counts tho.
If I could get away, I might consider flying into ANC to celebrate this event.