For the first time in more than half a century, Fairbanks will have a bonified Independence Day parade. According to organizer and political activist Christine Robbins, her research shows that Independence Day parades in the Golden Heart City ended in the 1960s.
“An article in 2004 mentioned that it had ended because they were protesting Vietnam,” Robbins told the Watchman. “A few tried to do a Veterans’ Parade as a replacement at that time which as we know is no replacement – and at some point, that died out as well.”
Whatever it is, it’s going to be fun because we get to show our community we love America, and patriotism is not dead.
Robbins has lived in Fairbanks for 33 years and has always wondered why the city didn’t celebrate the nation’s independence.
“Why no parade?” she said. “So, my husband and I learned that North Pole’s Independence Day parade was canceled by Councilman Santa Claus and that the Golden Days parade is going to be a reverse parade, so it seemed to be the perfect opportunity to restart an old tradition.”
The parade takes place on Saturday, July 3. It will largely follow pretty the same route as the Golden Days parade from the Carlson Center to Barnette Street. The parade kicks off at 10 a.m. and ends around 12:30 p.m.
“In the past, it was a three-day event with activities and the parade and flyovers,” Robbins noted. “It was THE big celebration, and Golden Days was relegated to Pioneer Park (in 1967 it was called Bonanza land).”
She holds out hope that the community will be able to bring back a lively celebration of Independence Day.
“I already had a man tell me that his family had to drive to Nenana to fill that hole in his soul for Independence Day,” Robbins said. “So many are excited and signed up to participate as well. Whatever it is, it’s going to be fun because we get to show our community we love America, and patriotism is not dead.”
The cost to enter a float is $100. For more information, click here or call Robbins at (907) 378-8369.
Way to go, Christine!!! We live in Fairbanks and will be there. America has an awesome heritage since and before the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. We all need to get a copy of the 1776 Report from Hillsdale College or Heritage Foundation and read our rich history. We first discovered it while homeschooling and using a book titled America’s Providential History written by Dr. Mark Beliles & Stephen K. McDowell. Additionally, Jon and I are taking free online courses beginning with the study of our Constitution.
Jon and Ruth you two Rock. Because of a botched back surgery in 2005 I’ve been studying my family on both sides a I’ve found out that I have a bunch of family who fought in the American Revolution for the country we have become. To honor my family I’ve joined the Sons of the American Revolution and I will never be a sheepeople.
More of We the People need to study the Constitution and what it stands for..
I lived in Fairbanks in 1960 and 61 and didn’t realize that they didn’t have a parade for Independence day. That’s just wrong. I’m glad to hear that thats going to change. God Bless you and your family and God Bless these United States of America .
No parade for 50 years?
Correct, no 4th of July/Independence Day parade in almost 50 years. We have the Golden Days parade normally, but not until later in the month. I believe they aren’t doing it this year again though.