The Anchorage Assembly will hold public confirmation hearings, July 9, on some of the top administration officials whom Mayor Dave Bronson has chosen to help lead his new administration.
Following the July 9 confirmation hearings, which can be viewed online or in person, the Assembly will vote on each nominee at its July 13 regular meeting.
Bronson, who has vowed to take the city in a new direction following his recent victory over Forrest Dunbar in the last mayoral race, chose the following individuals to fill key posts in his administration. In accord with city law, the Assembly can either confirm or deny the picks.
- Municipal Manager: Amy Demboski
- Fire Chief: Douglas Schrage
- Chief Fiscal Officer: Travis Frisk
- Human Resources Director: Niki Tshibaka
- Municipal Attorney: Patrick Bergt
- View the July 9th confirmation hearings live here. They begin at 9:30 a.m. and run until about 1:30 p.m.
- Click here for information on how to attend or participate in the July 13 regular Assembly meeting when the five nominees will be voted on. The meeting begins at 5 p.m. at the Assembly Chambers in the Loussac Library building.
Maybe Niki Tshibaka can get some new and more kinder city employees while the outgoing retire and leave for greener pastures. By word of mouth city departments are remembered as a toxic work environment from being led by controlling and dysfunctional supervisors and staff.
Maybe this Muni Attorney will abide by the Law and not break it.
Maybe this Muni Attorney will abide by the Law and not break it.
I’m hoping for a love for the US Constitution to be displayed and a love for liberty of our countrymen as well as support for private property rights not to run slipshod over by left leaning recreation types. We have provided already generous miles of trails and park expensive facilities. No more street redesigns. We love Anchorage just as the streets are designed already. Anchorage doesn’t have partners. We stand alone. If you need to partner; it ain’t us. You go hang out in your federal camps all by yourself. Keep your tentacles some place else. Same goes for state. We are local. Get it?
WHERE’S OUR VOICE? It’s been muted by outside mechanations lately. Who needs to hear from the Westside? You don’t even need to call and if you do it better be baby talk.
WHERE’S OUR VOICE? It’s been muted by outside machinations lately. Who needs to hear from the Westside? You don’t even need to call and if you do it better be baby talk. Or someone may need therapy.