Anchorage residents who live in Assembly District 4 will have an opportunity to oust Assemblywoman Meg Zaletel during the Oct. 26 recall election.

To better facilitate voter turnout, the city has provided a link for area residents to determine whether they live in District 4 and are thus eligible to vote. The link allows residents to enter their physical address into a search field to determine their district location.
Qualified, registered voters will be mailed a ballot package on or about Oct. 5. Ballot packages were mailed to military and overseas voters on Sept. 17.
The city will provide seven secure drop boxes throughout District 4, and a vote center will be open daily for in-person voting at the Loussac Library from Monday, Oct. 18 through Election Day on Oct. 26.
All ballot envelopes must be returned to a secure drop box or the Anchorage vote center no later than 8 p.m. on election day, but the city encourages voters to return ballots as soon as possible to facilitate counting. Mailed ballot envelopes must be postmarked no later than Oct. 26.
Voters who will be out of Anchorage between Oct. 5 and election day may request that a ballot be mailed to a temporary address by completing the Application to Vote at a Temporary Address (available at muni.org/elections) and returning it to the elections team by 5 p.m. one week before election day. Additionally, voters can request an application to vote by email or fax by contacting elections@anchorageak.gov or the Voter Hotline at (907) 243-8683. Applications to vote by fax or email must be returned and received by the elections team by 5 p.m. one week before election day. Applications to vote by fax or email received after this time will be processed as time allows, up to 5 p.m. on Oct. 25.
The deadline to register to vote or update voter registration information is Sunday, Sept. 26. A voter registration application is online at voterregistration.alaska.gov. For additional election information, visit muni.org/elections or email elections@anchorageak.gov. Election workers are standing by from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. and can provide as many options as possible for eligible residents to vote.
More cheating stealing of elections-mail in voting
One vote in person with ID on election Day end of story
What if you work on Election Day?
Recall efforts are out of control, are rarely successful, and every attempt weakens democracy, no matter which “side” is being recalled.
Election fraud also weaken democracy.
Democrats are weakening democracy
It was Trump loving Republicans, not Democrats, who sought to hang Vice President of the United States of America on January 6. At very least, that was an attempt to weaken democracy.
Democrats have their faults, but they are not Capitol rotunda floor poopers.