
The effort to recall leftist Anchorage Assemblywoman Meg Zaletel appears to be an uphill battle based off initial election results. When polls closed on Oct. 26, Zaletel was ahead 5,702 (61%) to 3,618 (39%). There was a nearly 22% voter turnout, but that number will grow in the days ahead as mail-in ballots continue to arrive.

The city mailed out 36,209 ballots to registered voters in Anchorage Assembly District 4. Those ballots had to either be returned by 8 p.m. on Oct. 26 or postmarked that day.

Election day was not without drama. According to the city clerk’s office the election center suffered a power outage, which affected approximately 900 customers in Anchorage. This temporarily shut down the voter hotline as well as the live stream video of the election center for several hours. The livestream video is offered to the public in an effort to maintain transparency during vote tabulation.

If Zaletel maintains her 2,084 vote lead she will be the second Anchorage Assembly member to survive a recall effort over the past year. Felix River comfortably won his recall election in April.

Both candidates have endured intense criticism for spearheading far-leftist and highly controversial policy positions regarding homelessness, city lockdowns, mask mandates and controversial use of CARES Act funding.

Click here to view the latest election results and updated tallies.

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Anchorage Assemblywoman Zaletel leads by 2,100 in recall election

Joel Davidson
Joel is Editor-in-Chief of the Alaska Watchman. Joel is an award winning journalist and has been reporting for over 24 years, He is a proud father of 8 children, and lives in Palmer, Alaska.


  • NAV says:

    Once again another fraudulent vote !!!! Just like Rivera !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Anchorage is corrupt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Steve says:

    During the black out were cases of ballots pulled out from under the tables?

  • Bill+Smallwood says:

    Still use’n Dem Dominion Mochines down nare are yah’s???

  • Mark+Clemons says:

    I think there is a problem with the voting system in Alaska, it appears to me that with power outage and videos down for hours it’s just seems a little fishy especially when there has been so many people speaking out against the far leftist assembly, but yet Zaletel is easily maintaining the lead. Sorry I just don’t trust the voting system in Alaska

  • Steven Chappell says:

    How convenient the video feed goes out. Typical Democratic Tactics. Challenge the vote counting.

  • Andy says:

    Remember the leftist takeover of the large west coast cities and the resulting cesspools they’ve become? Anchorage is there and advancing.

  • Proud Alaskan says:

    Both candidates have endured intense criticism for spearheading far-leftist and highly controversial policy positions regarding homelessness, city lockdowns, mask mandates and controversial use of CARES Act funding.

    If this crazy lady wins, Anchorage is in real trouble. In my opinion it’s the mail in voting
    What’s next rank choice voting more lies.
    Thank God for Mr Bronson trying to clean up Anchorage. We need to support him.
    If not Anchorage is on the path to becoming the next Portland.

  • BackcountryBoy says:

    People aren’t suffering enough. It’ll get worse before it gets better.

  • Proud Alaskan says:

    No mask wearing for me. Tell that assembly to go jump into a lake.

  • A_Working_Class_Hero says:

    A power outage, seriously!!!

  • Jen says:

    The disheartened midtown residents who stubbornly believed their vote doesnt matters and out of self pity said what’s the use for turning in the ballot? They are the same kind of Americans who run-away from their problems, always searching for more heavenly community where others continue fight the good fight for complacent residents.

  • G Aleutian says:

    Those who longer support the original US Constitution no longer qualify to occupy an emolument or receive a stipend. Watch for anti-Constitution behavior and enactments. Remove them. They are not lords nor rulers. They have taken an oath as public servants to support the US Constitution. Ask the ombudsman for the signed copy of the oath for each one. Know it is our poor education that has put these ruler wanna-bes in stipends. Remove the catered meals now!

  • Fran Conlan says:

    The entire city council needs to be removed…they are NOT listening to the voters nor our Mayor

  • Penny Johnson says:

    Oh, this just makes me ill . . . Let’s Go Brenda!

  • Lobo says:

    What is the name of those voting machines again ?

  • Random Anchorage Woman says:

    Her positions actually aren’t “highly controversial,” they’re supported by the wide majority of Anchorage residents — though I understand the author is a Palmer resident and unfamiliar with Anchorage politics.

  • DB2 says:

    Power outage riiiiight! Sounds like Atlanta’s water main break while they pulled suitcases full ballots out from under a table.

  • Joyce says:

    Wow, convenient power outage! Fire alarm during the counting of votes for Mayor, and an interestly timed, and location of Tuesday’s power outage to hit parts of only downtown. Coincidence?? Nope! Mr. Attorney General, are you investigating this? Our Division of Elections has a lot of explaining to do. Barbara Jones and her minions should be fired and jailed.

  • Ralph says:

    The people are aware and active.
    The sheep are complicit.
    We need more people….
    ((Apathy is a killer))