A group of state legislators has organized a fundraiser to help raise support for Alaskans dealing with property damage in the wake of a violent windstorm that wreaked havoc in communities across Alaska this month.

The windstorm, which included gusts of nearly 100 mph, began on Saturday, Jan. 1 and did not subside until Jan. 5. It left tens of thousands of homes without power, severely damaged many homes and businesses, brought down trees all over the Mat-Su area, created massive impassable snow berms, overturned vehicles, trailers and sheds and left many Alaskans scrambling to heat their homes.
The Jan. 12 event takes place at St. Coyote Restaurant in Anchorage from 5-7 p.m. All donations will directly benefit Alaska Disaster Relief through Red Cross Alaska. Gov. Mike Dunleavy will be on hand.
Co-hosting the event with the governor are event organizers Senators Roger Holland and Shelly Hughes, Representatives Tom McKay, David Nelson and Ron Gilham. Special co-host guests include Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson, Kenai Mayor Charlie Pierce and Wasilla Mayor Glenda Ledford.
I live 10 miles North of Wasilla and it is quite an effort to attend an event like that: time, fuel expense (fixed income) not to mention COVID concerns/requirements. Hopefully, there will some method of helping online.
Online would be a great idea. I agree. Possibly this event is to give Anchorage an opportunity to help out. Still many of us in the valley who were fortunate to not sustain any costly damages may also want to help.
Wow great photo video! And perfect song. Who made that? Good job!
And huge thanks to our legislators organizing this event. So much damage.