
On February 1, 2022, Bob Bird and John Coghill squared off in a friendly but fiery debate on the call to action as well as the caution of voting to hold a constitutional convention. At the end of the debate and Q&A, the in-person ballots totaled 62 for, 41 against, with 3 voting undecided.

This is to be the first of many upcoming debates on the merits of such a move, never once undertaken since statehood. Both presenters recommend watching the debate with easy access to both a US Constitution AND an Alaska Constitution for reference.

Constitutional Convention Debate

Jake Libbey
Christian, husband, father, amateur-apologist and lover of good communication, our Publisher has invested countless hours bringing the Alaska Watchman to life. Jake is responsible for operations at the Watchman, advertising, and design of the website. In partnership with our Editor-in-Chief, the content for the articles on are a product of the passion, energy and synergy between Publisher and Editor-in-Chief.


  • Neil DeWitt says:

    As always, there are pros and cons for both sides! If Juneau would leave their dirty hands off of the PFD we wouldn’t need a C.C. Now, that being said we know firmer governor Walker had big ideas and has no idea how to manage a checkbook dipped into the fund and nobody stopped him. Now we are settled with a turning point decision to enshrine or blow the whole 82 billion dollars on pet projects.

  • A. N. Gottschalk says:

    Ah, yes. The DeWitt entitlement mentality! Everything is fine with him as long as he gets his government handout. A constitutional convention is more than protecting “what he has coming to him!” Hit the books DeWitt!

    • Theresa says:

      Do you really consider the PFD a government handout? I recommend that you, also, “hit the books.”

      • A. N. Gottschalk says:

        I took issue with DeWitt’s statement, “If Juneau would leave their dirty hands off of the PFD we wouldn’t need a C.C.” The notion that there is no reason to hold a constitutional convention other than to enshrine the “dividends” is myopic at best! In regards the semantics, the “state dividend”–your entitlement–is but a “gilded handout.” Call it whatever tickles your fancy. I did not refer to the dividends, however, as charity: apparently, that really would have gotten your gills throbbing!

  • wayne walton says:

    Voting tally`s by Precinct, paper ballots only in person on Election day. No voting machines,No drop box`s

    • John J Otness says:

      Yes indeed Wayne… Every Rep knows this and understands that this is the only way to a fair vote…
      They all know ….But who will stand and defend our sacred Vote? It speaks volumes with our Nation
      in the balance.

    • Proud Alaskan says:

      One vote per person YES with ID

  • Stephen Overdorf says:

    It’s a shame that those who supposedly represent Alaska in the swamp of Juneau don’t share the passion and love for liberty that Mr. Bird has. Legislators should be calling for the con con and educating their constituents. Instead they scare the public……the age old ploy used by the State to control the population.

    • Matthew Sampson says:

      The risk reward of opening up our constitution does not pencil out given the social, economic, and political landscape we currently face.
      With the national push of extreme liberal ideology within our educational system and Alaskans lack of desire to address such matters given past election results, it seems clear the political will of Alaska will simply be swayed by outside interests. I would love to see meaningful changes to the document. I am not interested in engaging in a fight I will likely lose, resulting in lost rights of many generations to come.
      The day we say no to the liberal garbage being perpetuated by the Public Educational System is the day I will consider supporting possible change to the mighty document we call the Alaska Constitution.
      Until then, my answer is NO!

  • Harris Carrie says:

    I am voting for a convention.

  • Pat Falkenberg says:

    Convention all the way

  • Proud Alaskan says:

    I would like to see a convention too.
    But I’m worried about all the Weak sheep like conservatives out there.

  • Proud Alaskan says:

    It’s about the PFD it’s the law

  • Ian Laing says:

    Was there a vote taken before the debate? I would assume most attendees were already in favor of a constitutional convention before the debate.

  • Ed Martin Jr says:

    God doesn’t have faith in us Like John believes or As Bob says it’s up to each & everyone of us to make it happen ,,, SO WHAT IS IT ALASKANS ? I for one accept the challenge . I pray I exert the wisdom and the strength to help the change for GOOD and the Blessing of OUR LORD JESUS Amen.

  • Pastor Chad Scott says:

    Great job on all sides! Liberty has always been a risky proposition… I’m grateful for such an active and informed community here in the valley, its the rest of the state I’m concerned about. Eternally grateful to the Watchman for their efforts!

  • John Humphries says:

    I’ll be headed to Fairbanks as a District Delegate to the State Convention in April. I appreciate the Watchman for keeping many of these critical topics alive for voters to weigh in on and assisting me in making an informed vote at the convention. Useful, factual debate as feedback is always appreciated, but blatant criticism of individuals without basis is non-productive. Keep this platform informative! As always, very grateful for the Watchman.

  • JD says:

    I’d like to add something to the Alaska Constitution that requires the legislature to get their work done in no more than 120 days. Period.
    If a special session is required, the legislature gets only their per diem until their work is done. If the special session takes more than 30 days, or their required work isn’t done…they get NOTHING more. For special sessions that accomplish nothing, the legislators will receive a bill requiring them to repay half of each day’s per diem.
    Included in this amendment would be a provision that legislative members make no more than what the median of all working aged Alaskan tax paying residents (180 days+) make. Meaning, no legislator would get more per 120 day session than an Alaskan makes in an entire year.
    This is a rough draft but you get the gist.
    I’ve noticed that while the legislature pay has increased, their work productivity has plummeted. Then they vote for more special sessions in which they produce less, yet rake in more money for nothing!
    If a contractor doesn’t finish the job they were paid for, you don’t pay them more to do less. That would be insanity defined.