Mat-Su truckers and other Alaskans are invited to join a 45-mile trek to Anchorage to join forces with a larger group that will roll from Anchorage to Eagle River to show support for Canadian truckers and others suffering from Covid vax mandates.

The Mat-Su convoy meets Feb. 6. It will depart at 11 a.m. from the Trunk Road Park n’ Ride lot. From there drivers will head to Anchorage and meet their fellow protesters at the Cabela’s parking lot.
“This is a peaceful action in solidarity with the world,” a notice for the Mat-Su convoy states. “This is not about vax or anti-vax. It’s about the right to choose. This is not about politics. It’s about the freedom of the human race.”
Another rally is taking place in Fairbanks the same day, part of a national movement in defense of medical freedom against coercive Covid mandates. A similar event filled the streets of downtown Juneau this past weekend.
The Anchorage convoy will gather at Cabela’s at 1:30 p.m. and roll out at 3 p.m., headed north on C Street, right on 6th Avenue and then take the North Eagle River Exit through downtown Eagle River to the Lion’s Club (18344 Eagle River Rd.). Click here for more information.
The Fairbanks convoy includes multiple routs from Delta, Healy and surrounding areas. According to a notice for the event, vehicles will converge at the Carlson Center in Fairbanks at 3 p.m. “to protest tyrannical mandates, stand for freedom, stand for the future.” Click here for more information.
I’m waiting for APD to stop them for not having a parade permit.
they did have all of the proper notification, they just didn’t ask for resources from APD
We The People must all come out to support this protest against the evil coup that wants to rule over us for ever and place us in slave status, the ONE WORLD ORDER is dead serious in winning their agenda no matter the cost or lives taken. The only way we are going to win is with our numbers going after them and removing them from society and life, we can not afford to loose this war the cost will be unbearable upon future generations and ourselves. What is historically happening will be monumental in years to come for evil will either destroy the world or we will save it with Gods love & swords to eradicate the dark evil who call Lucifer god.
Petersburg has their convoy today! 🙂
This convoy’s a far right grievance-fest. I wonder if there will be a repeat of the Kyle Rittenhouse fiasco.
Grievance for stupidly handing over their rights to narcissists. Canada woke up and realized wanna-be himmlers were taking their rights away under the guise of “safety”. Ironic.. I had to go to one of those “test stations”, in order to return to work. It’s so deadly, that you have to get tested to find out if you have it. The PCR test kit (that’s been proven to not work) is “free” (paid for by my tax dollars in a money laundering scam).
You are a very ignorant person, this wasn’t a BLM or Antifa rally.
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Joel- this on-par with youtube’s “you violated our terms of service”, The soviet union’s “pravda” and 1936 Germany book burnings.
Looking pretty INO right now..
This was a beautiful day, I can not wait to see the droan footage, there was easily over 10,000 people. Everyone was in a great mood.
We had such heart warming Alaskans supporting us throughout the route ❤️
We stand with Canada ❤️ And we thank them for showing us how to hold the line
A waste of time & gas tbh. You say you’re protesting the right to choose. I can respect & appreciate that … But if wearing a mask in public & getting a vaccine will help the world get slow down & potentially get rid of this virus that has claimed A LOT of lives, why go against it ?? Do you want your child to possibly die ? Your grandmother ? Your friend ? All just to argue ? Our freedom is not at risk ! Our lives are because you wanna fight about a mask !!!?????!!! & a vaccine that weakens the symptoms you get if you catch the virus for a better chance you won’t die !!!?????!!! Are the lives of all who died not worth trying to prevent further death !!!?????!!!