Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, founders of communism or “international socialism,” made a big deal of the working class or “proletariat.” They predicted that an imminent worldwide revolution would throw off the ruling class of royalists, reactionaries and the upper middle class or bourgeoisie. Today Marx’s new generation of intellectual descendants, who call themselves by many different names such as liberals, progressives, Democrats and even “independents,” still dupe people with his outdated 19th century playbook, re-written with new slogans, the chief of which is “The Great Reset.”

Marxist tyrants such as Lenin, Mao, Stalin, and others perfected techniques of art, propaganda, secret police and terror, along with the infiltration of academia and churches. Today’s generation is now using race, science and disease to create fear and oppression, pretty obvious to most thinking people by now.
But it is hard to imagine Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as the New Mao or Stalin, towering over “The Masses” in a propaganda poster. Can we possibly imagine this snowflake, with god-like rays emanating from behind, raising a patronizing hand, his countenance with a benevolent smile and adoring, lilliputian comrades rushing towards him?
Or, imagine a different mood, this time with Trudeau showing determined anger, with the proletariat carrying pitchforks, mallets, sickles, clenched fists, and rushing towards the imagined threats of exploitive capitalists, as the god Trudeau inspires them on.
Switch to imagining all this with Trudeau in Blackface. Have you seen the photos of him in his pampered, privileged youth? What a downer!

But “The Masses” that communists conjure were never a reality, even from the get-go. It was all imaginary, a creation of propaganda and art. Most of the true working class clung to their faith: Protestant, Catholic, Anglican or Orthodox. They took a hoe and shoveled manure. They tried to build a small business and provide for their own family’s security. But if they succeeded, they then became – enemies of the state!
Most of the working class didn’t buy into Marxist slogans, like “Workers of the world, unite.” How do we know? Because millions of these peasants went to their deaths in gulags.
For those who succumbed to lies, it was far more tangible to distrust your historical enemies. Thus, history saw the rise of national socialism or fascism, communism’s supposed right-wing antithesis, but which was really an estranged sibling and deadly rival. Socialism is the religion of “Confiscation & Redistribution,” whether it is national, international or “democratic.”
The supposed benevolence of “democratic” socialism is another example of sloganeering and trickery. The theory of “democratic” socialism is as false as the idea of Marx’s prediction that “The state will eventually whither away” and we would enter the bright fields of a man-made utopia.
If you haven’t noticed, democratic socialism just doesn’t go away. There have been brief instances where elections reversed socialism, as with Reagan, Thatcher and Mitterand. However, they did not undo the socialist structure, merely mitigated it, to be followed with a steady erosion of their work thereafter.
Canada is now spiraling into full-fledged dictatorship. Like all tyrannies, it pretends to be the “true representation” of the people, even while it is now obvious that the people detest their own government. Trudeau is stripped transparently and defends not the people, but the national and international oligarchy.
All socialism has ever been is an excuse to grab power. The elite know this, and laugh at “The Masses” and the Useful Idiots in the churches, media and academia who actually are suckered into believing the theories about a man-made apocalypse of eternal peace and prosperity.
A true communist leader would be working in the ditches and factories with the working class, standing in line for rations, and enlisting in the ranks. Aside from photo ops, such a dictator has never happened.
Canada’s world-famous Mounted Police now join the once-admired FBI and CIA. The caricatures of heroic Mounties, Cold War spies and FBI agents, viewed in movies and TV shows, are now seen as artistic propaganda, used to create a false reality in the minds of citizens.
Don’t blame only these tyrants and kooks. We all have contributed to this mess. As the Bible repeatedly warns, repentance must precede the answer to prayer.
The views expressed here are those of the author.
Pray everyday for Gods people to stand strong against this evil world we live in.
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20
The Heading picture
A guy in a man bun, Sicko
Seems like the radical fundamentalist Christian Right, like Bird, exaggerate their grievances by several orders of magnitude. You can call him a snowflake and pampered, but he’s not a tyrant, Marxist, socialist, democratic socialist, communist. He’s a liberal democrat.
You can call the truckers a Freedom Convoy but they carry a payload of hypocrisy. Freedom to shut down local business and part of the auto industry (ironically, one of the complaints about Covid mandates). Freedom to piss off and annoy locals who must reoute their day and endure incessant honking. Freedom to break the law. Freedom to blockade and obstruct. Freedom to bully, intimidate and harass.
Fear is powerful and fear has a tight grip on Bird and Fagan. Add misinformation and exaggeration and you’ll convince the evidence-free crowd to follow.
It appears to normal human beings that your so blinded by the democratic agenda you can’t or (wont) see or read the truth. You refuse the information on the other side of the coin. By your refusal your so caught up in the kool-aid culture your drowning and can’t do anything but put true patriots down!
Thank you,
Sorry, Neil, that didn’t change my mind. I am wary of “true patriots”. The term makes me think of the violent, destructive, hypocritical Trump supporters that tried to murder the Vice President of the United States and violate the Constitution.
He’s just a social justice “plant”, Neil. A seminar responder. The Dems trained thousands of them to infiltrate conservative sites, shows, etc.
Another tired old attempt to discredit any conversation of meaning by calling someone a Trump Supporter, kind of like calling some a conspiracy theorist. Just put your fingers in your ears and say, “Na na boo boo, I am not listening.” That will be just as good. The real problem with Socialism and Communism, and ask any Socialist, its never been done right. Riggghttt!
Terry Tiree – please show pictures of all the weapons? The fools that entered the white house had no plan to kill anyone. That is a lie, one you are peddling. The only person that died was another ‘protestor’ and at the hands of law enforcement. Show a single shred of real primary source evidence that there was any intent to murder anyone on that day.
Plenty of weapons Elizabeth – police shields, 2×4, flag poles, fire extinguisher. All were used to attack the Capitol Police. You support police, right? They intended to kill Pence. You heard the mob yell “Hang Mike Pence!”, right? There was a gallows set up outside. All that video is not “primary source”? Babbit was killed because she and the mob broke through the last barrier between the murderous seditionists and members of the House. And, Elizabeth, these anti-constitutionalists, violent, anti Law and Order, floor-pooping, domestic terrorists attacked the Capitol of the United States of America not the White House.
Elizabeth: While being interviewed about the stabbing, he [ John Banuelos, 37-year-old man from Salt Lake City] told police not once but several times that he was at the Capitol riot while carrying a gun.
You have hit another home run Mr. Bird.
You know that something is entirely right on the money when the trolls come out to try to refute (and fail miserably).
Ignore the idiot savant terry tiree. He/she or it is always on this platform with falsified information. When you see the name just scroll by. Don’t waste your time.
The lure of socialism is free services. Free college, free health care, free (fill in the blank). The cost of these things is the freedom to choose. If your government pays for your school, they choose what you learn. If the government pays for your health care they choose the doctor, treatment and if it is viable to treat you or not. They choose where you will live, what job you will have, what level of education your children should have, etc. The bottom line, Socialism removes your freedom to choose.
None of that is true Crys.
Bravo Bob another one out batted out of the park ! Thank you Brother Patriot !
“Patriotism consists not in waving the flag, but in striving that our country shall be righteous as well as strong.” “America without her soldiers would be like God without his angels.” “America is another name for opportunity.” “Freedom is one of the deepest and noblest aspirations of the human spirit.”
God Bless America
Thy will be done.
A young generation who never really recieved love, nor heard and respected by their elders, nor accepted for their individuality, nor forgiven by grace without inappropriate lectures when an embrace was what was needed, consistent and fair disipline found in fair minded parents, and hope for their future. Its no wonder why canadian and american adults under 85 had been easily drawn to such jovial personalities as trudeau.
Terry… you appear to be another lefty cupcake like Justin who is only tolerant towards another communist like himself.
I would venture to surmise that you most likely never served to defend Freedom as a member of our nation’s military? Perhaps you may have been one of those who skeedadled to Canada during the Vietnam Era. Or perhaps you have aspired to attend the World Economic Forum’s world leaders conference. I personally abandoned a 15 year military investment when my commander in chief globalist George Bush senior started promoting a NEW WORLD ORDER. Hope you are satisfied to grovel at the trough of WEF 2030 world where you will own nothing. BON APPETITE!
Its fun to make shit up, isn’t it, Ed?
You assume too much Ed.
Fantastic piece Mr Bird! Hit’s the nail on the head on our current state of affairs. That photo of Trudeau in the parade really cracks me up, I can just hear his high pitched voice….”HEEEYYYEEEEEEeee!!!” LMAO!!!
Terry… you appear to be another lefty cupcake like Justin who is only tolerant towards another communist like himself.
I would venture to surmise that you most likely never served to defend Freedom as a member of our nation’s militay? Perhaps you may have been one of those who skeedadled to Canada during the Vietnam Era. Or perhaps you have aspired to attend the World Economic Forum’s world leaders conference. I personally abandoned a 15 year military investment when my commander in chief globalist George Bush senior started promoting a NEW WORLD ORDER. Hope you are satisfied to grovel at the trough of WEF 2030 world where you will own nothing and be. BON APPETITE!