To address ongoing problems regarding accurate and timely death reporting, the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) is looking to train those who are involved with filling out death certificates.
The state is currently seeking quotes from vendors to provide training for death certifiers, funeral homes and medical examiners with the overall goal of improving the quality of Alaska’s death record registrations.
The Alaska Watchman sent several questions to DHSS regarding its plan to train death certifiers. The state’s responses note that Alaska has experienced chronic challenges which predate the Covid outbreak.
“The project to improve death reporting in Alaska was one that was intended to be implemented in 2020, but was delayed due to the pandemic,” DHSS responded, adding that preexisting problems were even more apparent during Covid.
Additionally, the state said it experienced further challenges following a cyberattack on the DHSS website, which meant that funeral homes and doctors had to complete death certificates on paper rather than online.
“This, of course, was not COVID specific but it did affect COVID death certificates,” the state said.
Furthermore, DHSS said it had “a handful of death certificates” that only stated “coronavirus” on the death certificate, which meant the state had to follow up to clarify the type of coronavirus.
“It is common practice for all death certificates to have a visual review by vital records staff for any obvious errors that require follow-up back with the certifier,” the state explained.
The proposed training course is not specific to COVID deaths, but there will be practical examples that may include COVID-19 deaths and guidance for filling out COVID death certificates.
Nationwide, the reporting of Covid deaths has been marked by controversy and considerable confusion in the medical community.
Overall, there is a death excess reported since Covid hit. Some of this is explained by a dramatic uptick in drug and alcohol overdoses and increased homicides. The CDC, however, has claimed that some of these deaths may actual be Covid deaths that were misclassified. This claim has been challenged, however, due to a lack of supporting evidence.
Others point to deaths associated with Covid shots as a possible explanation for increased U.S. deaths since 2020. Data from the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) shows an explosion of deaths following Covid shots. As of Feb. 22, there have been more than 1.1 million adverse reactions following the Covid jab, and nearly 24,000 death reports.
Compared to the three decades prior to Covid-19 (1988 to 2018), VAERS records just 570,470 total adverse reactions and only 5,766 deaths following all vaccine types over a 30 year period.
The CDC website, however, claims that reports of death after Covid shots are “rare.” Furthermore, it asserts that “reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem.”
It’s all about the money, more lies
Thank you for publishing your article. My son’s death certificate had to be reviewed and corrected a few months after his death. It was the right thing to do and knowing this is important to the readers, thank you for taking the time to put this out there for the readers.