On March 23, the Anchorage Assembly will hold a special meeting to establish a date on which the city will hold a special election to choose a 12th Assembly member.
Currently there are 11 Assembly members, but voters approved adding a 12th back in April of 2020.
The Assembly is scheduled to vote on a resolution that would establish June 21, 2022, as the date on which voters would select a candidate to fill the new Assembly Seat L in District 1.
If the Assembly approves the June 21 election date, filing for the new Assembly seat would open at 8 a.m. on May 3, and close at 5 p.m. on May 10, according to the proposed ordinance.
The upcoming meeting to establish a special election is on March 23, 6-8 p.m. at the Assembly Chambers (Loussac Library, 3600 Denali, Room 108).
Click here for more information.
So was it not a better idea to of did this earlier so that member could of been voted on during this April election? Now we waste more money for a special election again. So is tge chair going to not vote now because there are twelve members? It’s alway has to be an odd number not and even number. Maybe we should of redrawn the maps again to avoid this. Isn’t that what caused it?
Vote for a True conservative. If not you get what you voted for. More woke swamp creatures. And if you don’t get out and vote then shut up.