A total of 37,000 ballots have been mailed out to every qualified registered voter in the new North Anchorage District 1 to elect a 12th member to the Anchorage Assembly. Click here to see the District 1 boundary lines.
Ballots were sent out on May 31 and voters can expect to receive them by June 7. In order to be counted they must be postmarked by June 21 or returned to a drop box that same day by 8 p.m.
Each ballot package includes the official ballot, voter instructions, a “secrecy sleeve” and a return envelope.
A notice from the city clerk’s office reminds voters that they must fill out the ovals completely, place the ballot in the secrecy sleeve and then place both in the return envelope.
Ballots can be returned via the U.S. Postal Service or at one of five ballot drop boxes located around town.
The deadline to apply to receive a ballot at a temporary address is June 14. Voters who wish to track their ballots can sign up for this service at www.anchoragevotes.com and get alerts when the their ballot envelope reaches various points in the election process.
Drop box locations will be at the City Hall Parking lot, Clark Middle School, Election Center, Fairview Community Rec Center and West High School. Click here for exact locations.
The City Hall Anchorage Vote Center will be open on the following days:
• Weekdays, June 13 – 20, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
• Saturday, June 18, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
• Sunday, June 19, noon – 5 p.m.
• Election Day, June 21, 7 a.m. – 8 p.m.
For additional election information, click here or call (907) 243-8683, or email elections@anchorageak.gov.