After receiving a complaint via Twitter, Kroger, the parent company of many national retail outlets in Alaska and around the nation vowed pull pro-Second Amendment drink holders from many of its stores in the lower-48 and possibly nationwide.
Kroger owns a host of retail outlets across the country, including nearly a dozen Fred Meyer stores in Alaska.
The koozie controversy came to a head when Christi Clark, a left-leaning candidate for the North Carolina State House, posted a comment on Twitter objecting to the fact that Harris Teeter, which is owned by Kroger, sold clothing with Patrick Henry’s famous quote, “Give me liberty of give me death,” and another that stated, “Arms change, rights don’t.”
“I am disappointed these koozies are being sold in an NC store,” Clark complained in a June 20 Twitter post. “110 Americans die every day from gun violence and most recently children, educators, health care providers, and family members were killed in mass shootings. Please remove them.”
Harris Teeter quickly responded.
“Thanks for reaching out, Christy. As soon as these items were brought to our attention, we put a recall request into place and these items are being removed from all store locations. We appreciate your concern,” Harris Teeter posted to Twitter.
Harris Teeter’s parent company, Kroger, said it would consider the request on a national scale.
“Thanks for reaching out, Christy. We will tell our leadership about your request that we remove these items from our shelves. We appreciate your feedback.”
While the company’s Twitter posts have generated considerable online pushback from gun-loving customers throughout the country, this is not the most significant time Kroger has waded into a gun controversy. In 2018, the company decided to stop selling firearms at Fred Meyer stores in Alaska and around the country.
Kroger’s footprint in Alaska includes 11 Fred Meyer stores and 10 jewelry outlets. The Watchman left phone and email messages with Kroger’s corporate media contact for Alaska, but received no reply.
It offends me what these liberal scumbags are doing to MY COUNTRY. I fought for their rights and to DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION of the USA. Now everything I’ve fought for and MY COUNTRY is being destroyed by them. It’s time for some push back. So what if they don’t like something. It’s our history. If they don’t like it, too bad. I don’t like what they’re doing do I get a say? No! It’s a bunch of spoiled brats that didn’t learn any respect for anyone or anything. Now we all are paying for it. I sick of this crap. I want to see life with checks and balances not just what the liberals want. As a veteran I think I have a right to speak up. It doesn’t seam like anyone else has guts enough to. It’s time to level the playing field again. It tilted to far left. Maybe we can find a new food chain for Alaska. Fred Meyers (Kroger) isn’t a good fit for us anymore. Does anyone out there agree?
I put my career aspirations on hold to join the Army back in 2002 and served four years and some additional time in the reserves. Words can’t describe the betrayal I feel after being forced from my civilian career in the defense industry over Joe’s vaccine mandate.
As far as Fred Meyer… Three Bears is a great in-state chain if you happen to have one near you.
It’s not the liberals challenging the constitution, it’s the MAGA Republicans. It was Trump and his devious cabal of liars and cheaters that nearly reversed a lawful election.
Visit other stores- like Sportmans Warehouse and the like, or better yet buy from artist that make them.
Fred Meyer jumps on almost every woke bandwagon that comes along.
Fred Meyer is also prominently displaying “Pride” oreos and has embraced hard-left causes for a long time. I want to shop elsewhere but what are our options in Anchorage?
Absolutely agree. It is past time for push back from the other side that should also have a voice and consideration! What a disgrace, and Fred Meyer stores lost a lot of business, mine is for certain. Getting fed up with the liberal side determining laws for ALL.