President Donald Trump has confirmed through his Save America website that he will hold a 4 p.m. rally in Anchorage on July 9 at the 5,000-person capacity Alaska Airlines Center (3550 Providence Drive). He will deliver remarks in support of U.S. Senate candidate Tshibaka, U.S. House candidate Sarah Palin and Gov. Mike Dunleavy.
To RSVP for the event, click the link below.
The timeline of for the rally will be as follows:
— 6 AM: Parking and line opens
— 11 AM: Doors open and entertainment begins
— 1 PM: Pre-programming speakers deliver remarks
— 4 PM: Trump takes the stage
It will be a great honor to welcome President Trump to Alaska for what will be the greatest attended political event in our state’s history. When President Trump endorsed me last summer, we planned this incredible rally, and now it’s just weeks away. With the backing of President Trump and the Republican Party of Alaska, our campaign is reaching new heights as we work toward victory in November.
Alaskans know that President Trump’s policies were the best for us, from promoting our energy jobs, to opening up our resource industries, to securing our nation’s southern border, to keeping inflation and fuel prices low. With the disastrous Biden administration attacking Alaska seemingly daily, Alaskans miss President Trump all the more and can’t wait for the rally!
Incumbent Senator Lisa Murkowski, on the other hand, cast an inexplicable vote to remove President Trump from office after he was already gone. Murkowski has proven that she can’t be trusted by anyone, since she’s the 21-year D.C. insider who has enabled the Biden policies that are crushing Alaskans while simultaneously complaining about them. Democrat Pat Chesbro, meanwhile, is at least transparent in supporting the leftist policies Alaska rejected when it voted for President Trump by double digit majorities in both 2016 and 2020.
When I’m the next senator from Alaska, I will always put Alaska first and stand for America First values.
Great news, I’ll be in lower 48 on vacation. He can never come when I’m here.
Stay there
We don’t want him here in the lower 48s either. Keep going south to Venezuela, buddy.
It might be worth seeing the man who broke Roe v Wade!
I’m filing a complaint with Alaska Airlines for providing a venue (that they won’t get paid for) to this traitor.
You ARE the traitor
Now now Lisa …….
Knock your self out skippy.
Ok all you woke cry babies, you should go and see a real president. Not like the loser we have in the White House now.
Wait just like the other loser Lisa.
Yes I’m voting for Kelly.
I hope I can attend this Awesome event.
Amen to that!
Please list the things he did for our country. I think it will be a very short list. Also tell us why you think he was so great. You are mesmerized by a con man.
Yeah, SloJoe and KamelToe are sooo great!
Amen to that! MAGA 2024
GOD President Trump, family and staff! We miss you! Mr.Potatoehead Biden and cackling Kamala need to go to prison with ignorant A.O.C., racist Maxine Waters, baby killer Nancy Pelosi and a few others!
Seditious Traitor is going down! Keep him out of Alaska
Would like to see this great former President.
But will have keep from vomiting and hard to be cordial with the other two……
I’m glad you ask PS, if you want to educated yourself, read this article and them tell me what FJB is doing for you
Trump Administration Accomplishments
Will it be live-streamed for those unable to attend? That would be WONDERFUL. 5,000 seats aren’t enough.
I’ll be there and will participate in the loud boos when dunleavy’s name is mentioned! I want Trump back in his rightful place, the White House! Dunceleavy needs to get the boot back to California!
Only 5,000 seats?!
Hold it in the wide open borough with easy access and unltd seating.
Trolls welcome. Come and learn
Wow! Lots of emotion here on him coming to Alaska. More power to the former president to speak his mind, provided what he says is factual. Let’s get over the “stolen” election stuff and move on. He can have his forum but let’s not canonize him. The president is only a person. I do find it interesting, though, that so many feel so strongly about DJT and make him out to be a savior. You don’t hear that other than in countries that are supremely broken and rely on a dictatorship, that suppresses others. Can’t we all just get along?
But wait…. Isn’t Ms. Hillary STILL talking about a “stolen” election? No comment there?
Chris, if my memory serves, you were the former CFO of Matsu Health Foundation, yes? I would think that someone with your high level of education would be able to see the difference between what you are talking about and what happened on January 6th. Am I correct here? I also believe that Clinton conceded and Trump never did.
If I had a chance to speak directly with Trump, I’d ask him A) how he got out of the WH alive and B) who’s running our country.
Biden couldn’t find a door with a room full of them. Watch 2000 Mules. Trump’s election was stolen by the same criminals now running the country. Don’t you love this inflation! Come on, wokers… empty your pockets for Fumbling Joe.
Too bad Pres. Trump didn’t endorse a REAL patriot, namely Christopher Kurka! I’m DONE with “Done-leavy”!!
Yes to that. Trump may have been the best president in my lifetime – an admittedly very low bar – but his promoting Palin and especially Dunleavy makes me wonder if he actually knows what’s going on up here. And he did seem to have a bit of trouble choosing people he could count on; Mike Pence and Bill Barr jump immediately to mind.
My opinion of Tshibaka also suffers by association, given those other AK endorsements.
Pierce will be our next Governor
Hope you’re right; I’d be happy with either Pierce or Kurka. In fact I wish they had run together – that would have been a ticket many of us could have supported wholeheartedly!