President Biden’s chief medical advisor – Dr. Anthony Fauci – announced on Aug. 22 that he will be stepping down in December from all his positions in the federal government. Over the past half century, he has worked as director of the National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases and Chief of the NIAID Laboratory of Immunoregulation.

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Kelly Tshibaka, who is challenging incumbent Sen. Lisa Murkowski, was quick to respond.
“Many Americans believe the federal government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been heavy-handed and ineffective, and unconstitutionally infringed on personal liberties,” she said. “And almost all of it can be attributed to advice from Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Tshibaka added that because of Fauci’s influence “people were forced to choose between taking the COVID shot or losing their job.”
“Honorable members of our armed forces were discharged for choosing not to take the shot,” she said. “The economy was crushed, small businesses and the jobs they created were lost forever, and our children had more than a year of education stolen from them.”
Tshibaka noted that throughout the Covid outbreak Fauci used his celebrity status to pose for magazine covers, appear on talk shows and make public speaking appearances.
“But he misled Congress about having funded gain-of-function research on deadly viruses, admitted that he lied to the country about whether they should wear masks, and resisted pinpointing China as responsible in the worldwide outbreak,” she said. “When President Trump pushed for the economy to reopen, Dr. Fauci argued against it, and Lisa Murkowski sided with Fauci over the people of Alaska, saying ‘I think we need to follow the experts here.’”
Tshibaka said Murkowski “chose Dr. Fauci over the needs of our own people.”
“Similarly, when Republican senators introduced legislation to terminate Fauci and decentralize the authority of his position into three different offices, Murkowski voted with Biden and the Democrats to save Fauci’s job,” Tshibaka added. “When I’m the next senator from Alaska, I hope we will get to the bottom of everything that went wrong during COVID and implement protections during pandemic emergencies to ensure someone like Dr. Fauci never is able to abuse his authority again. No single person – who does not answer to voters – should ever again wield such immense power.”
Agree this Evil man-Fauci needs to go now. Before the elections get here. Or he’ll come up with something new to lockdown America again.
Vote Kelly
This was a well-written response from Kelly Tshibaka who cares about Alaskan citizens and the Original Intent of the US Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence. Tshibaka will NEVER be part of “the swamp” if elected. We pray that she IS elected every day at 5 pm with the rest of the Patriots [“pray-ers”] in Alaska and in the USA!.
Suggestion: research Fauci’s association with Eugenics, Global population control groups that go way back. And if that doesn’t set you back on your heels: go to the sites on University of Pittsburgh.
Ick. Yuck. Gawd I’m really tired of her nails on chalkboard negativity. In the wake of trump, we need a unifier, an adult, someone without a grievance list, someone with integrity and humility. Tshibaka is not that person.
I’m just curious how much you make being a troll for Murkowski or are you one of those AI generated bots?
Kelly is the only person for the Senate seat that isn’t corrupted by Washington’s dark money! This makes her a true representative of the people.
Kelly is a list of grievances.
AWWwww… Gunter thinks you are supposed to just shut up, sit down,.. and accept what is being shoved down our throats.. Don’t complain, and stop your “grievances”. Let the democrats give us their dictates.. and just “shut your mouth”..
Kelly is the right person for the job!
Kelly is the only person not speaking out of both sides of her mouth. Murky would not hesitate to throw us under the bus if it benefitted herself or her family.
Fauci and his entire team are liars. It is horrific what he has done knowingly pushing a deadly vaccine on a global scale, it truly is unprecedented.
Covid was deadly. The vaccine is not.
Kelly’s comments are like reading headlines only.No depth.Come out and state who he is and what he did.Because of Fauci they are setting Trump up to take the blame for the deaths and injuries from Operation Warp Speed.Kelly you can’t play tough you have to be tough.