After reading several Alaska Watchman articles on how local libraries promote drag queen story hours and LGB/CD(cross-dresser)Q agendas, I got to thinking.
My wife says I get difficult or expensive when I do that. Well, in this case I’m hoping to present some serious difficulties to the crazy and outlandish ideologies that represent a real danger, not just to our children, but to society as a whole.
As any conservative knows, the best government is the smallest, and some of the lowest spheres of government are found in advisory boards and subcommittees.
This holds true for state, borough and city governments.
Now, when it comes to sheer excitement, local library advisory board meetings are probably not at the top of most lists. Yet, these board members are the ones who approve and allow the influx of LGB/CD/Q books for anyone to check out and read.
Go to your local library and see what’s in the children’s section.
By now, we’ve all heard of controversial books that target children. Many concerned parents – all across the nation, and here in Alaska – have raised concerns with school boards and city councils. Sometimes, parents even read aloud passages from these objectionable books, only to be silenced by board members because the language is not “appropriate” for a meeting of the general public. But that same language is safe and appropriate for children?
I have never been to a library board meeting, and I don’t know the “rules” as to appropriate language. But I wonder if residents would be allowed to read from books that the library has approved for our children?
To be clear, I’m not for book banning, nor restricting free speech. Yet, we do have reasonable laws that bar minors from accessing porn. So, why not move these LGB/CD/XYZ books to the adult section of the library, for only adults to check out?
I suggest that our fellow conservatives, be they moms, dads, grandparents or just concerned citizens do three things. Go to your local library and see what’s in the children’s section. Also, take a look in the adults’ section to see if there are any inappropriate books which minors are allowed to check out.
By starting at the smallest level of government and working our way up the chain, we may be more effective.
If you find a problem, go en mass to the library’s next board meeting. Present what you discovered, and then offer a plan to ensure that those issues are addressed – both the protection of minors and free speech rights of adults.
The same reasoning could be applied to library programs, like drag queen story hours.
Afterwards, let the media know what you discovered, along with the outcome of the board meeting. The likes of KTUU, KTOO, the ADN, Frontiersman and Fairbanks New Miner will most likely sweep it all under the rug, but the Alaskan Watchman and Must Read Alaska won’t.
This does two things. It raises awareness about what’s happening in our libraries, and it bypasses larger governmental bodies like the Anchorage Assembly or school board meetings where the public is often denied their First Amendment Rights to speak on a topic. Maybe, just maybe, the lower-level library boards will listen and respond in a more positive manner.
One pornographic book in the hands of a child is one too many! A child spending one minute watching a drag queen perform is too long.
Will this plan work? Well, what’s being done now may help to a degree, but it’s not getting us where we need to be.
By starting at the smallest level of government and working our way up the chain, we may be more effective at bringing clear, solid and reasonable voices to these controversies, while highlighting what’s really going on. Perhaps we can begin pushing back.
We must proactively engage this fight. Each victory – even the smallest – works to protect precious children from this grossly immoral and dangerous attack on their innocence.
The views expressed here are those of the author.
Get up. Stand up Alaskans. I am a fairly recent arrival and am a political and cultural refugee. You do not want what was the society I fled from here in Alaska, but I can already see it here in its infancy. If you do not fight against it now the Alaska you know will be no more. I have seen what that future is and it is anti life, anti family and anti Alaska values. It is a time of choosing. Which way will you choose? If you do nothing then others will make decisions for you and educate your children.
It’s like this article should of came out before tge election. Maybe some of tge parents wouldn’t of voted for liberals.
Exactly Micah. We moved up from Oregon about 4 years ago where they had a liberal state legislature and governor. It was a monopoly. And it showed.
Great idea. How about taking a sheet along to drag queen story hour and some ear plugs for the kids. Two people hold the sheet so kids can’t see and the ear plugs so that can’t hear the perverted garbage that’s being spread. Now I want to be clear, in Alaska don’t we have a child porn law? How about child trafficking? These kids are so young and impressionable at kindergarten and first grade they don’t know anything other than what mom and dad has taught them so far. This LGBTQ+ garbage needs to be ok only after they grow up and became adults. It’s no different than smoking, drinking, driving and things like that. It’s time whoever is pushing all this garbage onto our kids are hold responsible. Time this CRT, LGBTQ+, gender equality goes away. It has a time and place and forcing on children for your adult entertainment isn’t it. Yes I know you want to start young so in 20 years your warped ideas will be excepted but I guess I’m old school and say forget it. If you want your life style to be excepted then just live it. Don’t keep forcing it on the rest of us. We’re normal and want to stay that way. Ok im off the soap box. Thank you,
I never thought I’d consider homeschooling my kids, but the current culture has me looking into it. Back to basics.
I am so proud of the folks in Homer doing this! Hope they win!
They won’t